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Can any of you libertarian types explain to me like I am 5/4 retard

This has been beat to death on several threads. So I want to beat it some more.

1. Is it not hypocritical to say, for liberty and freedom, I am against forcing my beliefs or morals on others but Im okay with certain laws? Because every law on the book is a set of beliefs or morals thats forced on another. You are in fact, okay forcing your beliefs and morals on others, otherwise you are advocating for anarchy.

2. For those advocating for anarchy, how does liberty and freedom exist in the certain chaos resulting from people doing as they please consequence free?

Laws restrict freedom but they also serve to order society and protect rights. Without order you cant enjoy your freedom. Isnt a balance required?
the second definition of anarchy is more along the lines of what I've always considered to be more ideal.


noun: anarchy
  1. 1.​
    a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.​
  2. 2.​
    the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.​
So given that I don't believe in pressing my ideas and morals on others. Let everyone do what they want. We don't need laws, just consequences. In otherwords, there should be no laws telling us what we can or can not do, but there should exist like consequences for bad behavior. You break into someones home and steal their shit, don't be mad when they find out who you are and burn your house down. Murder someone? Expect their family to come back and end your family name. Somebody's got a beef with someone else? Either work it out or fist fight. There would be less wrong doing, at least by those with something to lose. If court is needed, then let them be local courts. There should be no rule of land that requires a Supreme court to decide whether it's Constitutional or not. The problem with this is it requires people to be stand up citizens. There's always going to be those who just can not assimilate with society.
What is your opinion in the legislation of abortion (not abortion itself) where it has been turned over to the states? Still too centralized?
I used to figure it was a step in the right direction, but I've become less convinced of that, starting to see it as a step to the side and not forward or backward. A distraction among distractions. Lawmaking being more decentralized is good, but removing restrictions placed upon making laws to restrict the populace feels like it negates the good done on balance of the whole "event" all together.

The functional difference between an individual being controlled by the whims of a few million at the state level isn't that different from that individual being controlled by a few hundred million at the national level.

Human community beyond the scale able to be grasped by the individual only becomes a filter which concentrates the power seeking. To influence those immediately around you is natural, to try and hold power over thousands is a mental disorder. The one in control is in a way the worst that section of populace has to offer, so if it is a larger 'community' its leaders are self-selected from a larger pool of sociopaths.
Like circumcision?
ha ha! I have some super sensitive relatives who gave my wife's aunt a bunch of shit about having her boys circumcised... but, they are not too sure about sex reassignment surgeries.

I think people are so deep into other people's business that it makes everyone crazy and full of hyperbole and overstatement.

When the inquisition was happening (at a family event) I got called into it and I said, 'at the time, most people who were having kids in the US got circumcised. Now, some people do, some people don't. If you like the snorkeldick, go for it, if you don't, don't.

And their response was 'shouldn't you wait until the age of consent for the child to decide' and I said, 'logistically, circumcision is not that big of thing when you are a baby, getting circumcised at 18 would be pretty rough... and, hey, it is my kid, I get to decide and you have to just suck it if you don't like it.'

These kinds of debates are complete bullshit. Pick what you want for your family, do it and the rest of the world can literally fuck off.
Since this is your offered solution, what are you personally doing that is preventing the avenues of control from being constructed? Can you point to anyone or any group that is carrying this out and how they are doing it?
I used to say 'by putting undue effort into reducing my tax burden'
but that went out the window with deficit spending, taxation is largely irrelevant now

So nowadays?
By doing my best to reduce my production as it impacts those not immediately around me, and attempting to explain esoteric philosophy to anyone that'll listen.
Every government will grow to take from its people all that its people will tolerate. Reducing that peoples' tolerance is going to be more effectual than changing the people in power since the people in power are all cut from the same cloth.

Again get very specific of what you mean when you are describing this behavior people are currently engaging in and how they are doing it.
How are people trying to take control of them? …….voting?
People pass around the thought that governmental action is representative of the people's will when it is not all that closely related at all.
By simply talking up the usefulness of government that gives it more say over your life because it convinces those around you that support of centralized powers is an acceptable path to walk.

People convince themselves that they're in control of those structurally above them, but the very idea is ridiculous.

Just the general underlining of authority which should instead be undermined.
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