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Can any of you libertarian types explain to me like I am 5/4 retard

Stop taking the bait you shmuks. Nobody will change his mind about anything, he will talk in circles until everyone gets bored or frustrated enough to walk away and then he'll claim victory. :homer:
Thanks for that. I deleted a novel I had written. OP isn’t asking because he honestly intends to understand the answer to the question he asked. He’s baiting us in here so he can denounce the answer and attack our ideals and call people douche bags.
Children aren't property. They are a being.
The parents are responsible for the child.

If you go slicing and dicing a bum, you'd be jailed for assault. Do it to a child? Somehow its ok, because "muh property rights"?

Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree 😉
Again, you're taking it the wrong way.
Murder mutilation manslaughter rape whatever it's all clearly illegal child or not, hell most of it is even illegal in the case of livestock and animals

Who is telling the child that they're allowed to cut their own dick off? Who is telling the child that they are not allowed to cut their own dick off?
In the ideal, I have no dog in the race either way. I'm not paying for any procedure or any resultant costs. I have no attachment to someone else's children, for me to would be a li'l bit creepy.

Thus leaving the decision up to whoever is closest to the dependent in question.
I just drove past a midget in a pink ballerina outfit walking down the middle of the street punching every car that drove past. That is the result of a disconnected collective making important decisions for dependents. There isn't anyone telling that drugged up retard "no" because nobody shares any substantive connection.
Thanks for that. I deleted a novel I had written. OP isn’t asking because he honestly intends to understand the answer to the question he asked. He’s baiting us in here so he can denounce the answer and attack our ideals and call people douche bags.
aww come on, post that shit douche bag I wanna ridicule you for it
Thanks for that. I deleted a novel I had written. OP isn’t asking because he honestly intends to understand the answer to the question he asked. He’s baiting us in here so he can denounce the answer and attack our ideals and call people douche bags.
I looked through all of OP's posts in this thread.
I can't find a single one where he called someone a name. He's asking questions.

If you perceive simple questions as "attacks" and "bait"...well, it would seem you have more in common with the lefties wanting to have an echo chamber of ideals.

No idea is beyond questioning. If the questions and counterpoints make you uncomfortable, angry, disturbed, and in the case of many here "triggered"...well...doesn't seem like a very intelligently sound position to take.

But it "feelz gud, muh freedomz!"
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I looked through all of OP's posts in this thread.
I can't find a single one where he called ao.eone a name. He's asking questions.

If you perceive simple questions as "attacks" and "bait"...well, it would seem you have more in common with the lefties wanting to have an echo chamber of ideals.

No idea is beyond questioning. If the questions and counterpoints make you uncomfortable, angry, disturbed, and in the case of many here "triggered"...well...doesn't seem like a very intelligently sound position to take.

But it "feelz gud, muh freedomz!"
Try reading the OPs posts in basically any other thread, he's never looking for actual opinions, he's looking for reactions. If he was looking for answers he'd get them, process them and move on. Rather he nit-picks them into pieces and basically puts his fingers in his ears and says everyone is wrong. That's not a conversation, that's trolling 101 and you of all people should recognize it. :laughing:
It's fun reading what 486 writes. I like to guess if we have read the same shit at some point by his posts.
Try reading the OPs posts in basically any other thread, he's never looking for actual opinions, he's looking for reactions. If he was looking for answers he'd get them, process them and move on. Rather he nit-picks them into pieces and basically puts his fingers in his ears and says everyone is wrong. That's not a conversation, that's trolling 101 and you of all people should recognize it. :laughing:
Offering up your views for attack is fun, lets you see the snaggy points.
Offering up your views for attack is fun, lets you see the snaggy points.
Believe it or not I have better things to do than deal with trolls online. I know that's crazy talk around here hut that's how it is.
What libertarian political figure have you gotten that idea from? Or is this something you are assuming?

Reason I ask is I enjoy listening to libertarian theories and speakers and they are pretty well against the trajectory society is going down right now. The real issue with libertarians gaining power is they don't believe in voting.

Not really assuming , its the live and let live, doesn’t effect me motto that partly to blame that got us into this mess. I got the notion by witnessing the last ten years as well as reading the comments in here. The common ethos echoed in here is that its wrong to push your beliefs on anyone unless they are a victim because it violates their liberty. In order to stop Trans / woke ideology you have to be willing to do that. Thats how is see it.
Again, you're taking it the wrong way.

I don't believe I am. Any effort to mutilate children and lead them to a mindset that has a 41% suicide rate, I view as an attack on the future generations and stability of this country. Not of the government, but society and the moral basis of the Constitution.

If you see that as a collectivist mindset, so be it.

If you view that as an ideal thats not "libertarian" so be it, guess I'm kicked out of the club.

I believe societies are incapable of functioning in a vacuum. There will always be members and groups of society that attempt to exert power over society.
Normalization of sexual dysfunction has severely fucked this country good and proper.
Wonder why the divorce rate in this country is what it is. 🤔

That being said, I don't think its the government's role to legislate morality, however, harming another human is something that has always fallen within the purview of law enforcement.
Mutilating another human that is incapable of grasping the concepts of permanency and the weight of their decisions they have been mindfucked into accepting, I see as unacceptable.
Theres nothing you can say that will make me think that it is acceptable.
I don't believe you to be a bad person for believing different. But this is beyond political idealism, for me.
Believe it or not I have better things to do than deal with trolls online. I know that's crazy talk around here hut that's how it is.
but you're wasting your time talking about trolls trolling trollily

is that somehow more fun for you?
Try reading the OPs posts in basically any other thread, he's never looking for actual opinions, he's looking for reactions. If he was looking for answers he'd get them, process them and move on. Rather he nit-picks them into pieces and basically puts his fingers in his ears and says everyone is wrong. That's not a conversation, that's trolling 101 and you of all people should recognize it. :laughing:
I typically don't pay attention to usernames, but posts and pay attention to the ideas presented within.

Except sdcj. Can usually pick his posts out within the first 3 words.
I've never seen someone so often misinterpreted.

I know, personally, if I thought I was being misinterpreted as often as him, there was a problem with the way I was presenting my ideas. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I looked through all of OP's posts in this thread.
I can't find a single one where he called ao.eone a name. He's asking questions.
How many post quotes would you like?

Because the collective gonna collective the coculective. Go fuck yourself douche

If you perceive simple questions as "attacks" and "bait"...well, it would seem you have more in common with the lefties wanting to have an echo chamber of ideals.

No idea is beyond questioning. If the questions and counterpoints make you uncomfortable, angry, disturbed, and in the case of many here "triggered"...well...doesn't seem like a very intelligently sound position to take.

But it "feelz gud, muh freedomz!"
I’ve not yet been attacked. I’ve yet been misinterpreted misunderstood and it’s because the both of you don’t want to know my answers. You want to dispute my answers from your point of view. As if that’s going to change my mind somehow. I’m not asking you what is a good idea, I’m not even here to discuss your opposition to my ideas. Do you want to hear what I think? Or do you want to scold me for thinking differently than you?

The title of the thread is “explain it to me” he doesn’t want an explanation. He wants to argue, I’m not going play. You think what you think and I’ll think what I think. And we just go on about making casual stabs at eachother over it because we’re men and that’s what we do around here.
How many post quotes would you like?

I’ve not yet been attacked. I’ve yet been misinterpreted misunderstood and it’s because the both of you don’t want to know my answers. You want to dispute my answers from your point of view. As if that’s going to change my mind somehow. I’m not asking you what is a good idea, I’m not even here to discuss your opposition to my ideas. Do you want to hear what I think? Or do you want to scold me for thinking differently than you?

The title of the thread is “explain it to me” he doesn’t want an explanation. He wants to argue, I’m not going play. You think what you think and I’ll think what I think. And we just go on about making casual stabs at eachother over it because we’re men and that’s what we do around here.

I said I read his posts in this thread, not followed him all around the ibb.

Casual stabs like calling someone a douche?

Would it be better of he called you a cotton-headed ninnymuggins?
Believe it or not I have better things to do than deal with trolls online. I know that's crazy talk around here hut that's how it is.
I dont know what you like doing in a chat forum but sitting in a circle jerk where everyone agrees isnt my idea of a good time or a way to work through arguments in my head. Politics has always been a catalyst for lively conversation.

You the one that seems like a troll in this thread.
I believe societies are incapable of functioning in a vacuum. There will always be members and groups of society that attempt to exert power over society.
I just don't see this first bit, I see society functioning despite the attempts of the few to control the many.
Normalization of sexual dysfunction has severely fucked this country good and proper.
Wonder why the divorce rate in this country is what it is. 🤔
This appears to me as an example of problems caused by those who force the idea that such things are acceptable upon society.
"it's okay to be mediocre and succumb to urges, it's okay to be a fat slob, drink the atrazine, eat the soy and become effeminate"

Provide the military as a career path for those who wish to act out their individualistic impulses, reform that animalistic independence into patriotism and such before it can manifest as distrust of those in charge...

Mutilating another human that is incapable of grasping the concepts of permanency and the weight of their decisions they have been mindfucked into accepting, I see as unacceptable.
well yes, quite clearly

But to take the ability to make bad choices away from people doesn't make them good, it simply makes them hide their deficiencies.
That old saying about 'freedom is the ability to make bad choices'
well yes, quite clearly

But to take the ability to make bad choices away from people doesn't make them good, it simply makes them hide their deficiencies.
That old saying about 'freedom is the ability to make bad choices'

I absolutely 100% agree. As long as the only victim to their bad decisions is isolated to the person making those bad decisions.

Your bad decisions start to harm others? Ecspecially those that are most incapable of defending themselves from bad ideas? We got a problem.
I dont know what you like doing in a chat forum but sitting in a circle jerk where everyone agrees isnt my idea of a good time or a way to work through arguments in my head. Politics has always been a catalyst for lively conversation.

You the one that seems like a troll in this thread.

I basically avoid most political threads other than to read until the arguments start and walk away. I don't start them, I don't try to get reactions if I answer at all. I don't need anyone to pat my back and tell my viewpoints are correct or to get someone to argue that I'm wrong. I'm going to believe what I believe until I find something that changes my mind. Never once in my 30+ years online has my view changed due to an argument online. :homer:
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Shoot I called 486 a douche out of a time of passion cause he called me something meany first. We since made up. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh yeah I did call you a socialist in the russia thread.
I do stand by that.

If you're arguing for collectivist control over society it doesn't really matter to me what the details of that are.
Nazis and soviets and red chinese are all identical no matter how much they feel their idea of authoritarianism is correct and the others are incorrect.

Not calling you out as a leader in any of those ideologies, I was/am calling you out as the bottom level of the support base which allows such systems to grow into the mainstream.
It isn't a personal attack to stir emotion, it is a personal attack on ideology to stir up some thought/reflection.
Libertarians try to hit the sweet spot between the two curves, where individual freedom is maximized.

There are also a LOT of different definitions. Since it's a fringe belief system, it's not as well integrated into society as some- it doesn't have a pat set of beliefs like some of the bigger political teams.
I just don't see this first bit, I see society functioning despite the attempts of the few to control the many.

Highest rates of drug abuse, highest rates of fatherless homes, highest rates of depression and mental illness.

Sure, society is functioning. Much like someone in hospice care functions.

Doesn't mean it isn't diseased and on its way to death.

That being said, I don't think government can fix society. But damn, can they make it worse.
Ecspecially when they forsake their founding ideals and get involved in "pop culture" by pushing shit through media and censoring opposing views.
Maximum individual liberty is the paramount goal. If it isn't causing someone else's liberties to be directly negatively effected there shouldn't be laws against it. The basis of social libertarianism is pretty much that simple.

Something hurting you in the feels and triggering you is your problem. It isn't grounds for making laws against something.
And this
Uh wrong

Uh wrong. Im all for liberty and small gov
I am willing to use political p

I stand by that statement. I am for small gov and liberty.

But you are admitting to my primary complaint this whole time. My respect for others liberty has to be a two way street. If maintaining that belief means I must surrender my own liberty well then now its gonna be a fight and I am willing to use political power to stop you. You are merely pointing out you wont
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