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Biden dropping out

Don't really know where to put this....so I'll park it here.

In case anyone in the area is interested. I got this in my inbox just now (guess I'm in the DPAC database from going to see Satch/Vai this spring....?)

Better get your tix quick!

I want the people we elect to not be polarizing and cross the fucking aisle when it comes to bettering our lives. They serve the PEOPLE, not their parties or their self serving interest.

Neither side has proven their commitment to that ideal for quite some time. Why is it that people are ridiculed for pointing out the obvious hypocrisy in this argument? :laughing:

AGAIN, I lean fairly far to the conservative side of politics. I have a fundamental and thorough understanding of our origins and appreciate the Constitution for what it is. I am NOT liberal minded, nor progressive in my thinking. I just do not think Trump is the last word or answer when it comes to defending those principles.

Sorry this is America. Peace and Prosperity doesn't sell ad time quite like assassination attempt. Making thing polarized keeps the capitalist monopolies re-writing the laws with their elected officials. Defence contractors gonna contract.
Harris was a liberal judge, letting people off with warnings instead of sentencing. See San Fran now.


The redesign of a system is what they have done. And we allowed it. Lets have an honest discussion. You seem like a smart guy, And despite our interactions I am willing to at least have a dialogue.
The purpose of the system will always be what those in power want it to be. Regardless of the laws and job descriptions. Accept the fact that your vote doesn't matter and move on. :flipoff2:
Guessing most if not all believe the same thing.

But when he is compared to the polar opposite...it's better than nothing.
It is hard to argue that point... obviously, given the choices we have. At this point I would probably be forced to vote for El Cheeto (under duress) :homer:
I don't disagree to some extent, but a stalemate as opposed to real forward movement towards upholding our freedoms? It takes both. I personally would love to see some digression and roll the damage done backwards. Never going to happen in our current state. Ergo, WE DONE.
They are never going to work for the people unless the incentive structure is set up to reward them for doing so. The incentive structure currently rewards inaction because doing things might lose you an election or raping the future treasury because everybody likes spending other people's money. So that's what they do.

the purpose of a system is what it does
Sorry this is America. Peace and Prosperity doesn't sell ad time quite like assassination attempt. Making thing polarized keeps the capitalist monopolies re-writing the laws with their elected officials. Defence contractors gonna contract.
Harris was a liberal judge, letting people off with warnings instead of sentencing. See San Fran now.

The purpose of the system will always be what those in power want it to be. Regardless of the laws and job descriptions. Accept the fact that your vote doesn't matter and move on. :flipoff2:
Great. You actually got my point. :flipoff2:
They are never going to work for the people unless the incentive structure is set up to reward them for doing so. The incentive structure currently rewards inaction because doing things might lose you an election or raping the future treasury because everybody likes spending other people's money. So that's what they do.

Gee... I was trying to work past the ambiguity. Ya neggo nancy mofo.
Thats the crux of your argument? :laughing:

Mothfawkle, please.
What about it isn't understood?

You figure that the state should do things for you, because progressives in the past have made promises that the state does things for you.
But the reality of it is that the state does things TO you and not FOR you.
Harris was a liberal judge, letting people off with warnings instead of sentencing. See San Fran now.
Harris was not a judge she was a prosecutor and then DA. She always had her sights on political office so she only took slam dunk cases to artificially inflate her conviction rate. Her major criticism from the left is that she threw tons of black men in jail for minor weed offences.
OK, clarify it for me then... What are your thoughts on the current situation and discuss BOTH sides issues.

I am all ears.
That’s not how this works. You can say absolutely anything you want about DJT and the GOP and I’m not over here thinking “but you didn’t mention the Democrats”. I can just take your comments at face value without making demands of you.

I think Kamala Harris might possibly be the dumbest person in the history of this nation to get ran as president. Period, end of thought. There is nothing to add to that in consideration of the GOP.
They are never going to work for the people unless the incentive structure is set up to reward them for doing so. The incentive structure currently rewards inaction because doing things might lose you an election or raping the future treasury because everybody likes spending other people's money. So that's what they do.
see also; the incentive for an elected leader will always be to quickly pillage the treasury for personal gain since they've only got a few years to do so before they've no longer got the ability to do so
What about it isn't understood?

You figure that the state should do things for you, because progressives in the past have made it so the state does things for you.
But the reality of it is that the state does things TO you and not for you.
You mentioned the nuclear family...

That hasn't changed, and especially in the mind of most conservative thinking people. Changing the definition of that does nothing to the truth. The truth is always what it is. It seems to be something you are struggling with. And given the context of the source of the opposing train of thought (I.E. You) I can only guess at what you are getting at. Not everybody see's the world in the same way a gay man from Minnesota see's it. Maybe there in lies the confusion on your end? :confused:
That’s not how this works. You can say absolutely anything you want about DJT and the GOP and I’m not over here thinking “but you didn’t mention the Democrats”. I can just take your comments at face value without making demands of you.

I think Kamala Harris might possibly be the dumbest person in the history of this nation to get ran as president. Period, end of thought. There is nothing to add to that in consideration of the GOP.
Tell us all you are limited in thought and responsibility, without saying anything of sustenance. :laughing: Thanks for playing!
Harris was not a judge she was a prosecutor and then DA. She always had her sights on political office so she only took slam dunk cases to artificially inflate her conviction rate. Her major criticism from the left is that she threw tons of black men in jail for minor weed offences.

This. I know people who worked for her in SF. Her nickname was “Willy’s girlfriend”. She was brooding, disorganized and mercurial.

She would only prosecute cases that were 100% and give deals out on all others to pad her numbers.

She has no empathy, only ambition. Ask Willy Brown or Montel Williams
The President’s Job According to the Constitution The U.S. Constitution contains the only official “job description” for the President of the United States. According to Article II, Sections 2 and 3, the President:
1) Is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States, and of each state’s militia when the nation has need of it
2) Has power to obtain information and opinions from heads of the executive departments
3) May grant pardons and reprieves for crimes against the United States
4) Makes treaties with other countries with the approval of the Senate
5) Appoints ambassadors, federal judges and heads of executive departments – all subject to the approval of the Senate; the President also has power to fill any vacancies that may happen while the Senate is in recess
6) Must report to Congress from time to time about the state of the union and recommend whatever measures he thinks are necessary
7) May call members of Congress together on extraordinary occasions, as well as adjourn their meetings when they cannot agree on their own about when to do this
8) Receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials
9) Is responsible for enforcing the nation’s laws
10) Issues commissions to all officers of the United States
I think DJT did better than most expected these points fwiw
I think DJT did better than most expected these points fwiw
The bigger issue is that I think most people are under the impression that President has more authority than is what is listed above.

And while I don't believe he did terribly, his ego and loud mouth cancelled most of that out. I think the retaliatory response from the left was also bullshit too though.

As for his appointments? Agree to disagree.
You mentioned the nuclear family...

That hasn't changed, and especially in the mind of most conservative thinking people. Changing the definition of that does nothing to the truth. The truth is always what it is. It seems to be something you are struggling with. And given the context of the source of the opposing train of thought (I.E. You) I can only guess at what you are getting at. Not everybody see's the world in the same way a gay man from Minnesota see's it. Maybe there in lies the confusion on your end? :confused:
So you're happy that the nuclear family was a stepping stone used in the destruction of the extended family, working toward the total dissolution of the family in its entirety?
The politics of this country are not a pendulum like people say they are a ratchet. Bipartisanship almost always means conservatives caving to democrat's demands, it never goes the other way. When the parties work together we truly get fucked. I want them too busy fighting each other to fuck me.
The Cake meme (the gun control one)... that is what bi-partisanship gets us.

Erosion by increments.
Harris was not a judge she was a prosecutor and then DA. She always had her sights on political office so she only took slam dunk cases to artificially inflate her conviction rate. Her major criticism from the left is that she threw tons of black men in jail for minor weed offences.
Lmfao I need to read up on the new "presidential" candidate. I never thought she'd be the one on the ticket.

You mentioned the nuclear family...

That hasn't changed, and especially in the mind of most conservative thinking people. Changing the definition of that does nothing to the truth. The truth is always what it is. It seems to be something you are struggling with. And given the context of the source of the opposing train of thought (I.E. You) I can only guess at what you are getting at.
MOST people still want THEIR VERSION of the American dream they have been sold on. That's what is keeping this experiment rolling. How to achieve the dream is where the new parties split.

Not everybody see's the world in the same way a gay man from Minnesota see's it. Maybe there in lies the confusion on your end? :confused:
Discrediting others opinions and experiences is the backbone of modern politics. Maybe you should stop polarizing those you don't agree with. :homer:
Tell us all you are limited in thought and responsibility, without saying anything of sustenance. :laughing: Thanks for playing!
His vote matters as much as yours. Carry on. :stirthepot::grinpimp:
The bigger issue is that I think most people are under the impression that President has more authority than is what is listed above.
And while I don't believe he did terribly, his ego and loud mouth cancelled most of that out. I think the retaliatory response from the left was also bullshit too though.
As for his appointments? Agree to disagree.
Ask anyone in my area and they will disagree with you. Religious Conservatives loved him. His Appointments will do more for them than any other president.
Lmfao I need to read up on the new "presidential" candidate. I never thought she'd be the one on the ticket.
See the Kamala Thread, I posted a 3 part series that goes into her history. It's obviously slanted like I give a fuck.:lmao:

The bigger issue is that I think most people are under the impression that President has more authority than is what is listed above.

And while I don't believe he did terribly, his ego and loud mouth cancelled most of that out. I think the retaliatory response from the left was also bullshit too though.

As for his appointments? Agree to disagree.

Mean tweets 2024!

TDS much?

Tell us all you are limited in thought and responsibility, without saying anything of sustenance. :laughing: Thanks for playing!
You need me to make correlations to things that aren’t related so that you can either hear your opinion come out of my mouth. Or give you something to argue with me about. That says way more about you than it does about me

You need me to make correlations to things that aren’t related so that you can either hear your opinion come out of my mouth. Or give you something to argue with me about. That says way more about you than it does about me
No arguing... just pointing out your hypocrisy. :laughing:

You got bent over it, not me. :homer:
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