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Biden dropping out

I have to laugh at this "razor close" election. If it's really razor close, we're already fucked as a country.

So fully realizing the GOP put up an absolutely shitty candidate to run against Whitler, just look at that election?

If ANYONE should have lost their reelection, it should have been stretchin' Gretchen. But nope, the idiots in this state still voted for her.

Tudor Dixon was an absolute joke. I hadn't even heard of her prior to her becoming a candidate. Once she won the GOP primary, she literally disappeared for a month. Not a single thing from her. Then, her first big announcement for campaigning was a billion dollar law enforcement budget increase. She didn't deserve to win.
Sounds awfully libertarian to me
I agree. I also agree 100% with this from his post.

The reality is traditional Republicans are just as shitty as democrats....well not quite as bad but they are awful people. None of them want freedom they all just want to be in charge of more government. There's not a single government agency that wouldn't be better off unemployed.
The wild thing about this election is of either major party ran a run of the mill generic Republican or run of the mill generic Democrat they'd win in a landslide. I understand it from the Republican perspective. They had no choice. The Republican base loves Donald Trump. It's become a cult of personality at this point. I don't get it from the Democratic perspective. Their base largely doesn't care for Biden. Definitely leads me to believe that he's just the perfect establishment puppet.
The wild thing about this election is of either major party ran a run of the mill generic Republican or run of the mill generic Democrat they'd win in a landslide. I understand it from the Republican perspective. They had no choice. The Republican base loves Donald Trump. It's become a cult of personality at this point. I don't get it from the Democratic perspective. Their base largely doesn't care for Biden. Definitely leads me to believe that he's just the perfect establishment puppet.
The bright side is that we’ll get a new crop of shitty candidates in ‘28.
I can hardly wait. The excitement of anticipation is almost unbearable. :laughing:

look on the bright side of who will likely be dead on the democrat side by 2028: Biden, Pelosi, Jimmy Carter, Maximum Waters, George Soros

not that it matters on soros as his son has taken over and is twice as evil and about to marry into the Clinton power circle.
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The republican nominee will be Gary Busey. The dems will run a trans Charles Manson clone they're growing in a lab right now.

That would be entertaining at least.
Bernie. I was excited to get going on full on communism a lot faster than we are now.
I've said before.....there's zero doubt in my mind that Bernie would have won 2016 had the chick with the chia pet hair not pulled her stunt and given the nomination to Clinton (and then went on to work on her campaign). I love reminding all the little commies of this fact when they try to claim "the other guys" are corrupt.
The wild thing about this election is of either major party ran a run of the mill generic Republican or run of the mill generic Democrat they'd win in a landslide. I understand it from the Republican perspective. They had no choice. The Republican base loves Donald Trump. It's become a cult of personality at this point. I don't get it from the Democratic perspective. Their base largely doesn't care for Biden. Definitely leads me to believe that he's just the perfect establishment puppet.
bull shit, Trump draws more votes than any of the mediocre bunch. most votes ever, most counties won. hell everyone knows he won last time in a landslide. but the piece of shit democrats know how to stick together.
bull shit, Trump draws more votes than any of the mediocre bunch. most votes ever, most counties won. hell everyone knows he won last time in a landslide. but the piece of shit democrats know how to stick together.

He draws way more "I'm just showing up to vote against this asshole' than any of the mediocre bunch too. :laughing:

The guy is polarizing as fuck. Folks stuck in a Trumper bubble or stuck in a liberal bubble can't see it but to everyone who doesn't surround themselves with an echo chamber the love and hate is easy to see.
He draws way more "I'm just showing up to vote against this asshole' than any of the mediocre bunch too. :laughing:

The guy is polarizing as fuck. Folks stuck in a Trumper bubble or stuck in a liberal bubble can't see it but to everyone who doesn't surround themselves with an echo chamber the love and hate is easy to see.


you've been blinded by the media story and negative propoganda on Trump you cant see he was a better candidate than Hilary, Mittens, McCain, Bob Dole, John kerry, Al Gore...... i can keep going.....

you've been blinded by the media story and negative propoganda on Trump you cant see he was a better candidate than Hilary, Mittens, McCain, Bob Dole, John kerry, Al Gore...... i can keep going.....

He's also a better candidate than a stump.

Not like that bar is set very high.

you've been blinded by the media story and negative propoganda on Trump you cant see he was a better candidate than Hilary, Mittens, McCain, Bob Dole, John kerry, Al Gore...... i can keep going.....

Oh good grief. :laughing:

If you honestly can't see that he's polarizing as hell and drives a lot of loyal votes and also a lot of "I'll crawl through broken glass to vote for anyone other than this guy" votes then I don't know what to tell you other than that you should probably stop talking about other people being blinded. Way too many left and right winger surround themselves in a cocoon of an echo chamber that completely divorces themselves of any reality outside of it.
Oh good grief. :laughing:

If you honestly can't see that he's polarizing as hell and drives a lot of loyal votes and also a lot of "I'll crawl through broken glass to vote for anyone other than this guy" votes then I don't know what to tell you other than that you should probably stop talking about other people being blinded. Way too many left and right winger surround themselves in a cocoon of an echo chamber that completely divorces themselves of any reality outside of it.

what is it you want? you want an obama who will lie to you with a smile, make you feel all warm and fuzzy and meanwhile screw you and sell you out and destroy this country from within? Is it mean tweets you dont like?

im not really fond of his behavior, but who do you want to have in his position.... a career politician? Someone who has been skimming and insider trading their entire career?

Do you think Trump is a racist? or do you believe the media on that too? He should give back his NAACP award that Jesse and Al gave him.

The issue really is there will be no republican candidate the media wont completely lie and cheat about until their character assassination is complete. See also in recent memory, Mittens sick dog story, and anything involving Sarah Palin. there are still women who think she is dumb as a box of rocks because of Tina Fey and SNL.

id really like to know..... who do you want instead of Trump that actually wants it? that will do what needs to be done on the border, the 20 million illegals in this country now..... let me know who it is?
You're doing a good job of proving his point.

why? because i disagreed with his assessment? have i come on here and espoused how great Trump is and all his virtues? no, i have not. ive just pointed out he's better than the milqtoast trash the limp dick republicans have been shoving down our throats for decades.

the fact yall cant distinguish between the two means the medias campaign against Trump has been successful. you cant even say you like his policies on an anonymous bulletin board.
what is it you want? you want an obama who will lie to you with a smile, make you feel all warm and fuzzy and meanwhile screw you and sell you out and destroy this country from within? Is it mean tweets you dont like?

im not really fond of his behavior, but who do you want to have in his position.... a career politician? Someone who has been skimming and insider trading their entire career?

Do you think Trump is a racist? or do you believe the media on that too? He should give back his NAACP award that Jesse and Al gave him.

The issue really is there will be no republican candidate the media wont completely lie and cheat about until their character assassination is complete. See also in recent memory, Mittens sick dog story, and anything involving Sarah Palin. there are still women who think she is dumb as a box of rocks because of Tina Fey and SNL.

id really like to know..... who do you want instead of Trump that actually wants it? that will do what needs to be done on the border, the 20 million illegals in this country now..... let me know who it is?

I'm not talking about what I want. I'm just talking about the reality of our political situation while you're doing your best Will Ferrell impersonation.

I'm not talking about what I want. I'm just talking about the reality of our political situation while you're doing your best Will Ferrell impersonation.

so currently, he could get 80-85 million votes, including a larger percentage of black and hispanic votes than any republican has gotten since Reconstruction and your position is that all those people are just in "a Trump bubble"?

denying that he is very well liked doesnt change the fact people will vote for him not out of spite but out of hope for what he can do and hopefully undo, what the communists have been doing since 2008.

you want to claim you have some persepective because you arent in any bubble, sure sounds like you arent using any of that perspective to think critically.
so currently, he could get 80-85 million votes, including a larger percentage of black and hispanic votes than any republican has gotten since Reconstruction and your position is that all those people are just in "a Trump bubble"?

denying that he is very well liked doesnt change the fact people will vote for him not out of spite but out of hope for what he can do and hopefully undo, what the communists have been doing since 2008.

you want to claim you have some persepective because you arent in any bubble, sure sounds like you arent using any of that perspective to think critically.

No. My argument is that he's polarizing as hell. He drives a lot of loyal votes to the ballot box and he drives a lot of people specifically to vote against him to the ballot box. Virtually no one is casting a vote FOR Joe Biden. Those people are a mix of "blue no matter who" voters and "never Trumpers". You're just trying to attribute arguments to me that you want to argue against. It's almost like you can't argue against what I've actually said. :laughing:
No. My argument is that he's polarizing as hell. He drives a lot of loyal votes to the ballot box and he drives a lot of people specifically to vote against him to the ballot box. Virtually no one is casting a vote FOR Joe Biden. Those people are a mix of "blue no matter who" voters and "never Trumpers". You're just trying to attribute arguments to me that you want to argue against. It's almost like you can't argue against what I've actually said. :laughing:

You mean the media is successful at creating fake outrage. If Trump said half the dumb shit biden does including racist gaffes you would probably be out leading the riots in the street right now.
No. My argument is that he's polarizing as hell. He drives a lot of loyal votes to the ballot box and he drives a lot of people specifically to vote against him to the ballot box. Virtually no one is casting a vote FOR Joe Biden. Those people are a mix of "blue no matter who" voters and "never Trumpers". You're just trying to attribute arguments to me that you want to argue against. It's almost like you can't argue against what I've actually said. :laughing:

Do you forget what it was like in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016? Obama wasnt polarizing? Hilary wasnt polarizing? This was way before Trump had full on media hate heaped on him.

My argument is that Trump is really no different than the candidates we have had for years. You're just being told that and it feels like that because the media hate is cranked to 11 and all this "Muh democracy is at stake!!ZOMG!!1!!" This race isnt really unique in the choices, other than we literally have one guy who is currently president who has dementia and cant be trusted to speak for himself. and the other guy is literally being sued and charged in a coordinated lawfare campaign the likes of which was only previously seen in South and Central America.... bastions of "democracy".
No. My argument is that he's polarizing as hell. He drives a lot of loyal votes to the ballot box and he drives a lot of people specifically to vote against him to the ballot box. Virtually no one is casting a vote FOR Joe Biden. Those people are a mix of "blue no matter who" voters and "never Trumpers". You're just trying to attribute arguments to me that you want to argue against. It's almost like you can't argue against what I've actually said. :laughing:
The medias false portrayals of both candidates are what has polarized it as much as it is. We've all seen sniffy creeper Joe at his best but the average low information Democrat voter has no clue. And somehow these 2 Candidates are pre ordained so we get what we get. It's possible to be a big mouth silver spoon asshole and yet have America as a wholes best interest at heart and actually try and do some of what what was promised, while being taunted for not accomplishing major goals while not even getting any backing from even their own "party". While a demented retard has lying shills covering for him.
How come so many 3rd party guys hate Trump? You would think a guy that came in and blew up 1 side of the 2 party system and that both sides of the establishment hate would gain their support. Out of spite for the system if nothing else. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda thing.
How come so many 3rd party guys hate Trump? You would think a guy that came in and blew up 1 side of the 2 party system and that both sides of the establishment hate would gain their support. Out of spite for the system if nothing else. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda thing.
Hmm... I don't know, maybe the out-of-control spending, perhaps?:idea:
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