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Biden dropping out

To a point, you're correct. However, when one side plays by the rules and one side doesn't, guess which side loses.

Being the one that says I lost but I did so morally doesn't change the fact you lost.
Can you win, if you trash the very thing you’re trying to protect to do it?
Can you win, if you trash the very thing you’re trying to protect to do it?

the left doesnt care, they win and get everything they want, no matter what. in their minds, the ends justify the means.

the conservatives that want to be left alone keep wanting to take the high road. evidently, that road is full of losers toiling under progressing communism.
Makes me laugh to hear that conservatives are "cowards and idiots" for wanting to honor the justice and democratic system and just be left alone. I don't think you guys talking about this stuff realize what your saying. If the silent majority ever does decide to "get off the porch" it isn't going to turn out like the movies, they'll be no winners.

BTW, if you guys are so tough and not cowards and idiots, show us how you'd go about "fighting the system". My guess is your just gonna tell everyone else how they'll never get off the porch. :shaking:

Yeah sorry man but the truth hurts. They should be violent and only the one side is so we are destined to go down the rabbithole towards "progress" . Until they start getting a backbone we are fucked.

I'm not a lefty and mostly my beliefs run towards extreme right wing but we don't have any actual strong Republicans or even a decent liberal. If I'm wrong change my mind but Texas just sent a man to court for shooting an illegal on his property after he heard gunshots. Thankfully the jury Said fuck of but Texas went that liberal.... it's all black pills.
IMO most are just "keyboard commandos". They mouth all the slogans about following the constitution yet turn around and advocate wiping their asses with it. Truly sad.
It truly is a shame you will die before shit you supported at every turn really comes home to roost.

Someone somewhere will get to grin from ear to ear when they push one of your grand kids or yet to be born future descendants off the bridge with a rope around their neck though so maybe that makes up for it.

So many people across the country and western world are gonna die, be impoverished and suffer all sorts of forms of avoidable hardship because of you and people like you.
It truly is a shame you will die before shit you supported at every turn really comes home to roost.

Someone somewhere will get to grin from ear to ear when they push one of your grand kids or yet to be born future descendants off the bridge with a rope around their neck though so maybe that makes up for it.

So many people across the country and western world are gonna die, be impoverished and suffer all sorts of forms of avoidable hardship because of you and people like you.
You say that like it's not completely inevitable. You have 2 options accept the loss and we head towards communism. In which you'll lose everything and most likely starve or be killed. Option 2 is fight and you'll most likely lose everything and be killed.

They only way you are going to reunite this country again is if China threw a haymaker from left field and nuked the west coast. Or Russia hit the east.....neither of them are there stupid.
You say that like it's not completely inevitable. You have 2 options accept the loss and we head towards communism. In which you'll lose everything and most likely starve or be killed. Option 2 is fight and you'll most likely lose everything and be killed.

They only way you are going to reunite this country again is if China threw a haymaker from left field and nuked the west coast. Or Russia hit the east.....neither of them are there stupid.
I'm not sure even that would do it. I'm not sure the divide can be bridged at this point. The left has gone completely retarded left.
I'm not sure even that would do it. I'm not sure the divide can be bridged at this point. The left has gone completely retarded left.
Youre probably right. The tranny nonsense is hilarious irony and proof of that. Been saying for years democrats should be sterilized....I was joking then never expected the freaks to voluntarily do it. Gonna make for some hilarious shit in 20-30 years.
Youre probably right. The tranny nonsense is hilarious irony and proof of that. Been saying for years democrats should be sterilized....I was joking then never expected the freaks to voluntarily do it. Gonna make for some hilarious shit in 20-30 years.
the reaction is the intended action bruh

brainwash parents to castrate their children
shift the narrative and make the brainwashed parents angry about their being able to make decisions for their children
put it up to a vote and suddenly all the children are wards of the state rather than having their parents make all their important decisions
The most productive economy in the world, at one point. Then we started chipping away at it.
what it's built us is the strongest and furthest reaching state apparatus the world currently has

I run into your confusion a lot though; thinking that the government built the economy, rather than the economy resulting from the actions of the people who the government subjects itself to.
it might not seem like much of a meaningful distinction to make, but it is an important one. It lets people argue that the hoover dam and the interstate highway system were built 'by the state' rather than being built by individual people paid by the state with stolen funds.
what it's built us is the strongest and furthest reaching state apparatus the world currently has

I run into your confusion a lot though; thinking that the government built the economy, rather than the economy resulting from the actions of the people who the government subjects itself to.
it might not seem like much of a meaningful distinction to make, but it is an important one. It lets people argue that the hoover dam and the interstate highway system were built 'by the state' rather than being built by individual people paid by the state with stolen funds.
Part of the problem is that memories are short and once they get over the initial theft people are happy to reap the fruit of overpriced boondoggles are not justifiable on their own merits.

You see tons and tons of people who, 20yr ago, where talking about how Boston fucked up by ignoring it's 30s-50s master infrastructure plans and building the big dig instead of the unified system that shit envisioned. Of course all the people are pieces of shit who deserve bullets so they don't look far enough back to see that the political will for the big dig only existed because the exact same type of people as them blocked I695 because "muh feelings" but that's tangential. Anyway, so here we are 20yr after the big dig and all these pieces of shit who should be strung up by their own intestines are happy to talk about how great it was to actually have it once it was done. And then they doubled down by attributed all the wealth reaped from the increase in economic activity from 2000-2015 in Boston (a phenomenon not unique to Boston at all, most cities experienced similar) to it.

Now, of course all this is done with stolen money but there are degrees to it. Stolen money that goes into shit that facilitates productivity at $0.50 on the dollar (so basically the citizenry only has $0.50 stolen from them) is better than stolen money facilitating productivity at $0.05 on the dollar (in which case the citizenry has $0.95 stolen from them) and anything positive is worlds better than stolen money going into welfare bullshit that destroys productivity (in which case the citizenry effectively has more than $1 stolen from them for every dollar stolen from them in taxes).

It's like the state version of being financially irresponsible, getting knocked down a few pegs, kneecapping your potential maximum wealth over your lifetime and then being happy and saying "but at least I got to keep my $100k F-450" completely ignorant of the fact that you'd have been weather if you never bought the stupid truck even if you do get some use out of it because the use you get doesn't justify the expense on its own merits.
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what it's built us is the strongest and furthest reaching state apparatus the world currently has

I run into your confusion a lot though; thinking that the government built the economy, rather than the economy resulting from the actions of the people who the government subjects itself to.
it might not seem like much of a meaningful distinction to make, but it is an important one. It lets people argue that the hoover dam and the interstate highway system were built 'by the state' rather than being built by individual people paid by the state with stolen funds.
No, I’m just thinking farther back.

The government didn’t build the economy. The restrictions on government, as originally crafted, allowed the people to build that economy. The government has been chipping away at it ever since.
No, I’m just thinking farther back.

The government didn’t build the economy. The restrictions on government, as originally crafted, allowed the people to build that economy. The government has been chipping away at it ever since.
Okay yeah, that was nice for a while.
The restrictions on government also built a government that is well versed in avoiding restriction.

Like any disease that grows antibiotic resistance.
They only way you are going to reunite this country again is if China threw a haymaker from left field and nuked the west coast. Or Russia hit the east.....neither of them are there stupid.


Dazed and Confused: President Biden Lands in Charlotte, Promptly Gets Lost​

By Ward Clark | 3:12 PM on May 02, 2024

On Thursday, President Biden flew to Charlotte, North Carolina, to meet with the families of the law enforcement officers recently killed in a shootout. That's good; that's the kind of thing a president ought to do, and kudos to whatever anonymous staffer got this on the schedule because it's unlikely in the extreme that the befuddled president thought of this on his own. It's showing leadership, something the Biden administration hasn't been particularly good at, and as the political saying goes, the optics are good.

The president, at least, managed to make it down the short stairs (I will forgo the obvious "short bus" comparison), and, to be fair, the Secret Service agent mentioned wasn't hovering over him, instead trotting quickly down the stairs some moments after the president's slower, rather halting descent.

But then this happened:

Look at these optics! The president is clearly confused; he is clinging to Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles' hand like a lost child. He seems to have little idea where he is or what he is supposed to do next.

This is not an elderly man with a poor memory. This is a man whose physical and mental decline can no longer be denied.

Will the president make it to the election? Will he make it to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago? If he does, how will he react to the likely replay of the 1968 Democratic National Convention, also in Chicago? It's looking increasingly doubtful. It's no wonder the polls are, daily, looking worse for the president.

Whoever is propping Joe Biden up is committing elder abuse. Joe Biden was never the sharpest knife in the drawer to being with, but now his decline can no longer be denied. Every day brings another embarrassing example of his decline. There's no way the Democrats can let him go on to the election — not if they hold out any hope at all of retaining their hold on the White House.

If Joe Biden is forced out of the race – or I should say, his handlers are forced out of the race, as more and more of the time Joe has very little idea what’s really going on – it will almost certainly be at the Democratic National Convention, where a smoke-filled room deal can be made, where Kamala Harris can be quietly shown the door, probably by being bought off with a fat patronage position, and someone younger (which leaves the field wide, wide open) could be anointed at the candidate – which still leaves that new candidate with little time to get their message out.

It's come to the point where the only thing more embarrassing for us as a nation than having Joe Biden as president would be to have him win reelection.

Old man thought blonde woman was his wife! :shaking:

Dazed and Confused: President Biden Lands in Charlotte, Promptly Gets Lost​

By Ward Clark | 3:12 PM on May 02, 2024

On Thursday, President Biden flew to Charlotte, North Carolina, to meet with the families of the law enforcement officers recently killed in a shootout. That's good; that's the kind of thing a president ought to do, and kudos to whatever anonymous staffer got this on the schedule because it's unlikely in the extreme that the befuddled president thought of this on his own. It's showing leadership, something the Biden administration hasn't been particularly good at, and as the political saying goes, the optics are good.

The president, at least, managed to make it down the short stairs (I will forgo the obvious "short bus" comparison), and, to be fair, the Secret Service agent mentioned wasn't hovering over him, instead trotting quickly down the stairs some moments after the president's slower, rather halting descent.

But then this happened:

Look at these optics! The president is clearly confused; he is clinging to Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles' hand like a lost child. He seems to have little idea where he is or what he is supposed to do next.

This is not an elderly man with a poor memory. This is a man whose physical and mental decline can no longer be denied.

Will the president make it to the election? Will he make it to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago? If he does, how will he react to the likely replay of the 1968 Democratic National Convention, also in Chicago? It's looking increasingly doubtful. It's no wonder the polls are, daily, looking worse for the president.

Whoever is propping Joe Biden up is committing elder abuse. Joe Biden was never the sharpest knife in the drawer to being with, but now his decline can no longer be denied. Every day brings another embarrassing example of his decline. There's no way the Democrats can let him go on to the election — not if they hold out any hope at all of retaining their hold on the White House.

If Joe Biden is forced out of the race – or I should say, his handlers are forced out of the race, as more and more of the time Joe has very little idea what’s really going on – it will almost certainly be at the Democratic National Convention, where a smoke-filled room deal can be made, where Kamala Harris can be quietly shown the door, probably by being bought off with a fat patronage position, and someone younger (which leaves the field wide, wide open) could be anointed at the candidate – which still leaves that new candidate with little time to get their message out.

It's come to the point where the only thing more embarrassing for us as a nation than having Joe Biden as president would be to have him win reelection.

Old man thought blonde woman was his wife! :shaking:

They already know they're going to lose in November. Trump is too big to beat by rigging without making it painfully obvious. They want Biden in there until the end of his term because they're using him to railroad through as many regulation changes and executive orders as they can between now and the end of his term. The more bullshit they can push through the more they clog up the courts and the more shit Trump has to spend time undoing and the more shit they can blame him for for the next 4 years and as fuel for the following mid terms after this year's election.
Unlikely, conservatives still are cowards and idiots that believe there is a justice system and cops aren't pathetic Gustapo. Its kinda sad but on the flip side us if there is any right violence it'll only be used to push more surveillance and gun restrictions. Until there's an all out boog boy riot I don't think anything will get better.

You go punch any commies in the face today or too busy resting those pussy lips on that comfy couch?
Unlikely, conservatives still are cowards and idiots that believe there is a justice system and cops aren't pathetic Gustapo. Its kinda sad but on the flip side us if there is any right violence it'll only be used to push more surveillance and gun restrictions. Until there's an all out boog boy riot I don't think anything will get better.

the government is jonesing for a full on "boog boy riot" and that way they can claim that conservatives are domestic terrorists and put the riot or movement down with all the force they have including the military and the dems will LOVE IT and ask for it more and more. becuase its against conservatives.

if you dont think the military and police will just follow orders, i have a bridge to sell you.
The purpose of a system is what it does.
What did the constitution grow for us?

You're blaming an inanimate object for what people did? People that either willfully or ignorantly ignored what that piece of paper states.

That's no different than blaming a gun for killing someone.

Maybe we have Constitutional communism? Just like gun violence?

But yet you state the .gov did not build the best economy ever? (Which I agree with)

But what we have now is not the Constitution's fault, it is the fault of people-citizens and politicians.
the government is jonesing for a full on "boog boy riot" and that way they can claim that conservatives are domestic terrorists and put the riot or movement down with all the force they have including the military and the dems will LOVE IT and ask for it more and more. becuase its against conservatives.

I fear you are correct
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