Thick skull
I found a clean F350 with the 6.8/5 speed combo south of here. Well taken care of, and the price is right. Anyone have good/bad/ugly regarding either the engine or transmission? So far all I've heard is OD popping out, and that the V10 is thirsty. Thanks.
OD popping out? Never heard that issues on the ZF5 behind the 7.3, is it specific to the V10 version?
If the trans has any shifting issue, drain it and put in snycromesh. I was told it would help, and didn't believe it until I did it. When I bought my 97 7.3/ZF5 it could not be shifted from 1st to 2nd, I figured, whatever, I'll start in 2nd anyway and rebuild it later. Snycromesh completely fixed it. 12 years and 150k miles later and it shifts perfect.
As far as real end gearing, ID think 3.73s would be fine with the 5 speed. The OD is way shorter than the 4r100 and the granny low will get you moving.