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Any Australians here willing to help a guy out?


Well-known member
May 23, 2020
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I need CDI bottom metal for a savage rifle that only seems to be available in Australia but the company doesn’t have an export license. Would anyone be willing to buy and send it my way? All on my dime of course.
I drink Foster's, cook shrimp on the barbie, and carry a bowie knife in cutoff short-shorts. I also spend an inordinate amount of time being obsessed with Americans and insulting America. I also have a Chinese boss and I got run out of my home by a Chinese real-estate developer.

So I am an honorary Australian :flipoff2:
Haha there’s gotta be one good one out there

Is there not an ITAR exemption if it's cheap enough? They don't need an export license for that?


I didn't read your thread in the "Camping with Overbear" subforum though.
Are they saying an export license for firearms is required?
I drink Foster's, cook shrimp on the barbie, and carry a bowie knife in cutoff short-shorts. I also spend an inordinate amount of time being obsessed with Americans and insulting America. I also have a Chinese boss and I got run out of my home by a Chinese real-estate developer.

So I am an honorary Australian :flipoff2:

Actual Aussies don't drink Fosters.

And most of the other shit you spewed isn't even close either.

Proper bogans start the day with a VB long neck.
How the hell is one of the most popular Brands such as Savage only have parts you need in a place that has had a lockdown on guns for years :confused:

You need a better search engine or something :laughing:

Is there not an ITAR exemption if it's cheap enough? They don't need an export license for that?


I didn't read your thread in the "Camping with Overbear" subforum though.

I don’t know the laws but what they told me is exactly what I said, as a business they can import but can’t export without an export license.
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How the hell is one of the most popular Brands such as Savage only have parts you need in a place that has had a lockdown on guns for years :confused:

You need a better search engine or something :laughing:

Trust me man I’ve called everyone that’s ever listed savage on their website. CDI was a one man operation and he died so there’s no supply. I’ve posted on savage forums, savage Facebook pages all that shit trying to find one and have come up empty handed.
I drink Foster's, cook shrimp on the barbie, and carry a bowie knife in cutoff short-shorts. I also spend an inordinate amount of time being obsessed with Americans and insulting America. I also have a Chinese boss and I got run out of my home by a Chinese real-estate developer.

So I am an honorary Australian :flipoff2:

Not even close.
Australians don’t drink Fosters: more likely XXXX or (if you’re a real bogan) VB.
They don’t cook shrimp on the barbie: They're PRAWNS!
Carrying a Bowie knife in public will get you arrested, or at the very least, a warning and the knife confiscated.
Haven't seen anyone wearing cutoff short-shorts since the 1980’s.
Australians are more obsessed with insulting their politicians than America, and finally—the Aussie’s started kicking the Chinese out of Australia before Trump started kicking them out of the States.

You’re the type of American that the Aussie’s DO like insulting.
I need CDI bottom metal for a savage rifle that only seems to be available in Australia but the company doesn’t have an export license. Would anyone be willing to buy and send it my way? All on my dime of course.

So exactly what do you need?

If it doesn’t require an export licence or is a restricted item, then if it exists it shouldn’t be hard to get you one.
So exactly what do you need?

If it doesn’t require an export licence or is a restricted item, then if it exists it shouldn’t be hard to get you one.

I don’t know how I can be any more clear on what I need. They told me it’s not illegal to export, they just can’t do it since they don’t have an export license. Wether that’s right or wrong there probably isn’t anything I’m going to tell them that’ll change their minds. So the next easiest thing is to get an Aussie to purchase one and send my way.
I don’t know how I can be any more clear on what I need. They told me it’s not illegal to export, they just can’t do it since they don’t have an export license. Wether that’s right or wrong there probably isn’t anything I’m going to tell them that’ll change their minds. So the next easiest thing is to get an Aussie to purchase one and send my way.

Ok, so got a link to it? Or what do I tell the guy at the gun shop?

I don’t have any of those new-fangled “assault rifles” in my “armory” at home. Other than a couple new lever action rifles bought two years ago, my newest rifle is a 30-06 made in 1944–oops, Remington 721 made in 1948.

is it one of these?
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Ok, so got a link to it? Or what do I tell the guy at the gun shop?

I don’t have any of those new-fangled “assault rifles” in my “armory” at home. Other than a couple new lever action rifles bought two years ago, my newest rifle is a 30-06 made in 1944–oops, Remington 721 made in 1948.

is it one of these?

Definitely not an “assault rifle” just a run of the mill bolt action hunting rifle. This piece just contains the trigger guard and mag well. You can’t click on individual items on the page but it’s the savage model 10 center feed, I do wanna double check it’s what they say it is before anyone orders it tho.

How the hell do you post a link?
Actual Aussies don't drink Fosters.

And most of the other shit you spewed isn't even close either.

Proper bogans start the day with a VB long neck.

Not even close.
Australians don’t drink Fosters: more likely XXXX or (if you’re a real bogan) VB.
They don’t cook shrimp on the barbie: They're PRAWNS!
Carrying a Bowie knife in public will get you arrested, or at the very least, a warning and the knife confiscated.
Haven't seen anyone wearing cutoff short-shorts since the 1980’s.
Australians are more obsessed with insulting their politicians than America, and finally—the Aussie’s started kicking the Chinese out of Australia before Trump started kicking them out of the States.

You’re the type of American that the Aussie’s DO like insulting.

Wow, good thing you guys straightened that all out.

About the last, though: No. China is Australia's largest trading partner, and the Chinese are dug in like ticks into the Australian economy and university system. The Strayans passed anti-influence laws two years ago but they're much, much, much more compromised by the Chinese:

B/c paywall: University of Queensland bows to Chinese pressure to suspend anti-China activist student: 2020

University of Queensland, July 2019

There were serious riots over this at a couple of Unis in Straya.

Raid of a Pol's home b/c he's on the Chinese payroll: 2020

Literally on and on. Australia has a long long way to go. They're in much worse shape than the US vis a vis China, although the US is fucked up.

We began closing Confucius Institutes in 2018:


Trump also did a much better job on Trade, which Australia isn't even beginning to do at this point. They're hoping to keep the influence out while still selling coal and iron ore to China, which is critical for the Australian economy.

So, no, the Australians are way behind on this and not ever really considering any serious Trade issues at this point.

We definitely need to kick China out of the US in all aspects, but I suppose it's pointless to try to explain to a man who doesn't understand humor about Trade/GDP Ratios and all of that. Here's a pretty picture to look at instead:

Red = Bad, just to make sure you get it:


Reds marching in Melbourne 2020:

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I can probably help out too if you post a link to what it is exactly you’re needing.

Also, nobody here dislikes Americans. Except for that one guy who posts up in a gun thread something completely off topic. Probably because he can’t own guns. :flipoff2:
Here we go. 2nd one down, CDI savage model 10 center feed.


That's over the ITAR exemption limit I believe, hence they would need an export license/permit.

Not that I've paid any attention to what the ITAR rules are recently, so I don't know what the exact dollar amount is, it's basically impossible to deal with that shit as an individual now it seems and using a broker is the only way to go.
I don't know why you dumbasses are talking about ITAR, because ITAR is a US law governing EXPORTS from the US of military/defense sensitive items.

Jnull needs an individual in Australia to mail him a peice of metal. I don't know Australian rules but it sounds like a "business" can't ship it because of some laws. I'm not certain, but it sounds like an individual could mail this peice of metal from australiana.

​​​​​​Maybe OllieNZ knows. He's Australian, I think.
I don't know why you dumbasses are talking about ITAR, because ITAR is a US law governing EXPORTS from the US of military/defense sensitive items.

Jnull needs an individual in Australia to mail him a peice of metal. I don't know Australian rules but it sounds like a "business" can't ship it because of some laws. I'm not certain, but it sounds like an individual could mail this peice of metal from australiana.

​​​​​​Maybe OllieNZ knows. He's Australian, I think.

I can’t find anything that says an individual can’t ship me a piece of metal but I’ve been wrong before. The business said “they” can’t do it, but it’s not illegal or anything they simply don’t have an export license.
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