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Adventures of an old guy and PoF.

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Yep, joined the club at 51 y.o.. Divorce was finalized and I am getting the itch again. I have my 16 and 18 year living with me and stick to a pretty tight routine where I just don't go anywhere to meet women. I work, go the garage/sawmill and work for a few hours, then go home make dinner, wash, rinse, repeat. Don't care for or want to go to bars. I joined PoF after a work friend told me he met his girl on there. In the few weeks I have gotten some very good lessons on the amount of crazy, broken women that are out there. I actually worked up the nerve to meet 3 of them and it has been a total shit show. Many others threw to many CEL's before a conversation could even start. After being married for 19 years, I am not about to take sass from any woman and especially so when it is undeserved. If you haven't been on one of these sites, I will let you know it is crazy. People are so wrapped up in their personal politics that they refuse to even be around people with a different view. I get so sick when these psychos have "if you support our president then swipe left", "if you don't believe in BLM swipe left". I actually had to look up a bunch of abbreviations because I don't know what these nutjobs are trying to communicate. ACAB, SJW< INF, INF+....Completely ridiculous. Just makes it easier to bypass them I guess.Here is another roadblock, I absolutely will not bring any woman into my house or around my kids. I just don't want them to have to deal with that or think this is how dad is now.

Number one, younger redhead. Beautiful, great body. Went out for a beer and she wanted to go back to her place. In my stupidity, I thought she realized she wasn't enjoying her self only to end up immediately in her bed. At some point she whispered that she might squirt. Key word might. This girl commenced to drenching me and the bed. I honestly didn't know what to think. I thought this squirting shit was only a porn fabrication. I honestly though she was just pissing on me but nobody can hold that much. After awhile I actually asked her if she needed some water to re hydrate. I seriously had mixed feelings about the whole episode and couldn't decide if that shit was a good or bad thing. I mean, what does her mattress smell like on a hot day?? Kept in touch throughout the week because her kids stay with her off and on. Went to see her the next Saturday and this girl sat on the couch and professed her love to me and said she wanted to be exclusive and I was what she was looking for. Went to bed and commenced squirting all over the place and had what I thought was generally a good time. Next day she texts me and says she changed her mind and her heart belongs to someone else. I was blown away but didn't push the issue because I am not about to jump into another relationship. 2 weeks later she texts me again, saying she missed me blah, blah, blah, I told she was either crazy or on pills. She still texts me a couple times a week.

Number 2, retired Air Force E-9 collecting 100% VA and has been traveling the world for the past 2 years. Great body, above average looking but has shorter hair. Met her for a few beers and she has what I can only describe as the good old boy laugh which is very telling of a military woman that had to learn to be one of the guys. Wanted me to follow her home but being the gentleman that I am, I said I don't want to be that asshole and that we had been drinking and I didn't want to take advantage. So we make out for a little while and she asks me to come to her house the next night. Several times throughout the night she referenced that she used toys a lot. Hee-hee, thought she was just talking. Arrived at her house the next night and she was on the phone with her friend making sure the toys she bought her got delivered. In no way did she hide this conversation from me. Continued talking about how she uses a lot of toys. Strange, but whatever, I beat off a lot. Have normal sex with her and after she is done she starts crying. I was like WTF?? Was I that bad? I realize that I am a little rusty from inactivity but to make a woman cry? Two weeks earlier I had a girl pissing all over the bed and now this? She never tells me why she was crying and we decide to make something to eat. I open the fridge and there is this massive ziplock full of batteries. I mean it dominated the space in the fridge. I asked her if we had a hurricane coming and what was up with all the batteries and she said she told me she has a lot of toys. Not going to lie, I was a little more than freaked out to realize she was serious about the toys. She told me to wait until she is giving me a blowjob and sticks a toy up my ass. I was really fuckin intimidated by this woman. The next day I wake up to a text from her that said, "good luck and goodbye". I wasn't even mad or slightly upset. I laughed all the way to work. I can't have my phone at work so that afternoon I texted her that I wasn't even mad about and it made me laugh. She said she sent that to the wrong person but I used it to break off contact. My ass is not a playground for freaks.

Number 3, Talked for a couple weeks about meeting up, but she said she was too shy and nervous. Finally meet up on a Saturday to fix her car and go out for lunch. Tried to go to a little bar for a bite but decides she wants to eat at Texas steak house. Eat and she has a few drinks and has her phone out the whole time. End up going to watch a live band play country (I fucking hate country) and sat in my truck. Bitch has her nose in her phone the whole time. Finally when I was getting ready to go, she leans over and started kissing me in a manner that was kind of fake. I can't describe it but it just was not authentic.Was more than happy to get her in her car and down the road. Kinda text back and forth a few times and then she blows a gasket because I took too long to respond to one of her texts. I let her know that she has no hold on me and just because she kissed me, doesn't mean she owned me. Told her I didn't need any of that crazy and goodbye. I am totally not interested in that kind of shit.

Number 4, Met a horse lady for drinks last night. I was very leery after the first 3 disasters but figured I wasn't hitting on much else. This chick in my mind is a cut above normal horse nuts because she shoots arrows from her horse. That is cool. Her pics online were a bit sketchy and i hoped she wasn't going to be too ugly. I get to the spot first and when she walks in, I was blown away. Freaking beautiful and a killer body. What was supposed to be an hour meet and greet turned into a 5 hour beer and bullshitting fest. As much as I hate to admit it, she is the female version of me aside from the horses. I am scared shitless of horses and have had nothing but bad experiences with them. So we make out for a bit and go on our merry way. I texted her this morning to ask if she wanted to meet again and she said she already answered that question last night. I guess the make out session was her sign? I don't have a clue but I like her so far.

I know there will be some naysayers and haters but I know I can't be the only one to be going through this nightmare of trying to find someone whom I can be around. As much as I hate to admit it, only talking to a 16 and 18 year old for a year is kinda getting old. PoF can be a real eye opener for someone who has been out of the game for 20 years. It can really fuck up your ego too when only ugly chicks or ghetto ratchets like you for weeks at a time. Then when a decent looking chick actually likes you it turns out to be a bot trying to get you to sign up for some porn site.
I did PoF about eight years ago. Absolute DISASTER. I took a chick out in the boat. We weren't out for 5m until she starts talking about some DNA test results she got back to confirm the guy she was living with is actually her Dad. He wasn't. So, who have you been living with? [blank stare] I think we're done here. No kidding, it was 5m and I turned around.

I dated a chick like #1. I didn't know that was possible either. The bed had to be covered with a shower curtain. Neat for the first couple times I guess, then its all like, ok how does this shit stop? Like seriously. There a ball valve or something that can redirect this stuff?

Best of luck with the online bullshit. Honestly if you're serious, take note of any women in your area that you take a liking to. Approach them and try to initiate conversation with them. That's what I ended up doing. That online shit was a gateway to endless crazy. holy shit
I have a friend that was about the same age when he got divorced. He had nearly the exact same experiences. He is dating another friend of mine now and I'm super happy for them, but I sure do miss his stories of his dating adventures. :laughing:

Wait till a Jesus freak latches on. He had several of those go south.
This was my life a little over 5yrs ago, except I used POF, OkCupid, and a couple others. I used it as a way to explore San Antonio after moving there, breaking up with my ex and not knowing anyone. I put more work into going and and getting laid than actually working for about 5mo.

The shear amount of crazy women out there is astonishing. From women cheating on their husbands & boyfriends to fuckin meth heads and everything in between.

I love these. If I can offer any advice, just look at each one as a learning experience, not a BAD experience. If you woke up with a knife to your throat or a crazy ex pointing a gun at you that's actually bad. Everything else can be a truly laughing matter if you look at it that way. I was on Tinder and Match for about 5years. What some people consider a bad experience was some of the best entertainment I'd had in years. Just write those things down and see if people don't laugh with you just like this. Don't stop at 3, every new experience is at the very worst a good "what to avoid" in the future.

Women are crazy, but half the reason they are crazy is because of the half ass wishy washy piece of shit men that they've had to deal with in their past. We all know crazy people and those people are always dating someone new. Take your turn, enjoy the good parts, and move on. I'm glad I found what I was looking for but internet dating while weird wasn't a "bad" experience. And remember in the back your mind what these crazy bitches might be saying about you to their girlfriends. Walk away knowing they're telling one hell of a story about that crazy ass man she went out with last week.
Hey DICKWEED, I know you're older, and not up on all the kids' new-fangled gadgets, but for future reference- phones have cameras in them nowadays!


Funny stories, thanks!
Oh, and you'll learn how to spot bots in an instant in no time. 3 to 5 pics tops, way to pretty and young to be out of dating options, generic description, no mention of kids or anything relating to prior commitments. So much fun!
Download the apps, spend an hour talking to some crazy chicks and thr pics will flow in.

Ya Im not downloading that app, that would throw 28 years out the window. Come here to live vicariously through you guys, so...........out with the pics dickhead~!! :flipoff2:

specifically #2 asking for a friend...........................:lmao:
Good luck getting to take a picture of any of these women. With all the filters and apps on the phone, you can't take a raw image any more. They won't let you unless you voyeur something.

Some of the chicks I had a date with, had like 8lbs added to their face compared to the online pic. I don't even know how some of that shit was possible.
The joys of being an eligible bachelor:grinpimp:

when I was on POF I basically looked at it like a war map from above her place my place and a bar with Xs and arrows:laughing:

pro tip, no daytime dates unless it's behind closed doors, Netflix and chill without saying the words, no dinner, sets a bad precedent, no matter what time it is, you already ate, but you'll meet for a drink, "I'm not buying you dinner, I'm not going to marry you, we're not doing 3 dates before getting down, we're going to get tipsy and naked"

And if you don't own a truck with a bench seat, buy one, lots of girls are too pure to go home with you, but want to give road head to make themselves feel better. Who are we to deny them?

you're 51, not dead addicted handicapped deadbeat locked up or locked down, enjoy the spoils:smokin:
pics or its all lies! :laughing:

Here's the rub, I'm not a pic hunter, I've found it to be counter productive, they are either regular women with their shit together, a man who asks for pictures is another douche, and they need a discreet hookup, not their pic floating around (yes she may be open to a relationship, but doesn't need the world knowing she was kissing toads on the way)
or they are seeking male attention, half crazy, they need to be wanted by a man, by giving you sexy pics, they've gotten what they came for, if a girl wants my validation, she's bringing more than pics. If I get pics unsolicited
"cute ; ) see you Thursday "
Hey DICKWEED, I know you're older, and not up on all the kids' new-fangled gadgets, but for future reference- phones have cameras in them nowadays!


Funny stories, thanks!

I had one show up one night, met her at the front door of the restaurant, and she whips out her phone and snaps my picture. Before I could even introduce myself properly she says "My daughter now has your picture and if I'm not home on time she's going straight to the cops". I immediately responded with "get the fawk away from me!" Went inside and sat at the bar while I called a buddy to come pick me up and take me home so that I had a good reliable alibi for the night!

I did have more than my share of cheating wives, and just outright bootycalls. If there ad said "Not up for one night stands" 75% of the time it was a wild night and never heard from them again! BTW if there profile indicates teacher or has pictures from church, eat your wheaties and keep a gatorade in the truck for after! You're gonna need replenished.
I admire people that venture into the PoF and other online dating worlds. I don't think I could do it. I don't drink so bars are out, my tolerance for BS is negative, and I'm so insanely bad at small talk. Silence is not uncomfortable or awkward to me.
Ya Im not downloading that app, that would throw 28 years out the window. Come here to live vicariously through you guys, so...........out with the pics dickhead~!! :flipoff2:

specifically #2 asking for a friend...........................:lmao:

This shit aint in the park :laughing: and Im still a no star member.

But you want to live vicariously...I was at my fwb's place on a Sat morning and we were cruising each others POF's laughing at all the crazies. I get a message from a cute girl who looks young, but says she was 28 (Im 34 at this time). We talk, she invites me to a friends bday party. I meet her at a shoppinh center and ride with her. She's telling me how she's a cop, this is her undercover vehicle...but there's A BABY in a carseat in the backseat! She tells me its her little brother (Im doing the math in my head and it aint adding up. She's driving like a bat out of hell and telling me about all these dudes she's pulled over and arrested along the way. We finally get to this bday party and its for her friends baby. Her friend is 20. As we're walking up, she tells me to say Im her friend from HS :laughing:. Her friend is a bitch and I get looked at like an asshole because I ask where the beer cooler is, which there isnt one. Afternoon goes on and this bitch is acting like Im baby daddy, then informs me we're taking HER boat out with her family that evening. At this point Im going, "shit this bitch has basically kidnapped me" and come up with an idea. Call the fwb and she drives across San Antonio and as she gets close, calls me and I literally walk out to the road when she pulls up and get in. Girl calls me frantic 5min later. I tell her I wasnt feeling well and had a friend pick me up.

That cost me dinner, drinks and a drunken night with the fwb.
I had one show up one night, met her at the front door of the restaurant, and she whips out her phone and snaps my picture. Before I could even introduce myself properly she says "My daughter now has your picture and if I'm not home on time she's going straight to the cops". I immediately responded with "get the fawk away from me!" Went inside and sat at the bar while I called a buddy to come pick me up and take me home so that I had a good reliable alibi for the night!


Gah, creepy. Or maybe she was showing you off on quilting.com!
For a few years I used pof and match off and on. Pof is good for finding ass, match is better for finder a keeper in my experience. Lots of crazy on both though. Always try to find out if pictures are recent. I can’t tell you how many times I showed up to meet someone and they looked nothing like their pictures but I was always too nice to just spin on my heels and leave.

Here’s my favorite story. There was this girl I went to high school with and we worked together at the same grocery store together. I was really hung up on her. We went out a couple times but it never really went anywhere and lost touch after high school. Fast forward to after my divorce and I reconnected with her on Facebook and we agreed to meet for dinner. After nearly 20 years it was pretty exciting to be going out on a date with the girl of my dreams, the one that got away. Dinner went great and we went out several more times. Red flags would pop up anytime we’d be driving and if we’d see a cop on the road she’d always say something about how much she disliked the police. Hmm. After hearing that I few times I was curious. A quick google search revealed police reports and newspaper articles. It turned out she’d had a bit of a heroin problem which she supplemented by shoplifting and pawning the goods. After being arrested she was on a work crew picking garbage on the side of the road when her boyfriend at the time pulled up in his car. She jumped in and they took off. After she was caught she went to big-girl prison, then moved back in with her mom after doing her time. She was banned from Costco and every pawnshop in town. “Crazy in the head/crazy in the bed” is very real by the way.

There was another girl I met online and dated for a couple months. I was driving down the road one day and got a text from her. I took a quick glance down at my phone and I saw one glaring word in the middle of a long text. Pregnant. After shitting myself and pulling over I read the text. It said she was four months pregnant with another dude’s baby and wanted me to help her raise it. Uh, no thanks.

I had a few long term relationships and lots of one night flings. Enjoy it and take your time. It takes a while to find one that’s not nuts. I met Mrs Treehorn on match.
I did PoF about eight years ago. Absolute DISASTER. I took a chick out in the boat. We weren't out for 5m until she starts talking about some DNA test results she got back to confirm the guy she was living with is actually her Dad. He wasn't. So, who have you been living with? [blank stare] I think we're done here. No kidding, it was 5m and I turned around.

I dated a chick like #1. I didn't know that was possible either. The bed had to be covered with a shower curtain. Neat for the first couple times I guess, then its all like, ok how does this shit stop? Like seriously. There a ball valve or something that can redirect this stuff?

Best of luck with the online bullshit. Honestly if you're serious, take note of any women in your area that you take a liking to. Approach them and try to initiate conversation with them. That's what I ended up doing. That online shit was a gateway to endless crazy. holy shit

Ball valve....:laughing::laughing:
I had one show up one night, met her at the front door of the restaurant, and she whips out her phone and snaps my picture. Before I could even introduce myself properly she says "My daughter now has your picture and if I'm not home on time she's going straight to the cops". I immediately responded with "get the fawk away from me!" Went inside and sat at the bar while I called a buddy to come pick me up and take me home so that I had a good reliable alibi for the night!

I did have more than my share of cheating wives, and just outright bootycalls. If there ad said "Not up for one night stands" 75% of the time it was a wild night and never heard from them again! BTW if there profile indicates teacher or has pictures from church, eat your wheaties and keep a gatorade in the truck for after! You're gonna need replenished.

You fucked up, I had one say some shit like at at her front door "I dressed like this in case I need to run away from you"
i laughed
"I know how you Mexican girls are, you probably have a fucking knife!"
I frisked her on her front step, fingers up her neck into her hair, under the titties and all:smokin:

Gotta roll with it!
every new experience is at the very worst a good "what to avoid" in the future.

Bullshit. That's such Tony Robinson/Joe Rogaine advice. I can't stand that this type of horseshit has made it through self-help/media culture and is now being repeated on an ostensibly caveman board about dirty 4x4 trucks. At #3, he has a 100% disaster failure rate. Just keep going until some psycho roofies him and he ends up in handcuffs with rape charges?

Women are crazy, but half the reason they are crazy is because of the half ass wishy washy piece of shit men that they've had to deal with in their past.

Bullshit. Just another media-inspired Feminist talking point where everything wrong with women is a man's fault. Women are fucked up because women are fucked up. I have a few hypothesis about why and none of them involve "it's the man's fault!". Why don't you submit a few articles to Cosmo, Ellen?

Women are fucked up because our society reduces labor demand by making women think that they can have both an adventurous, independent Tik Tok career life and love and dedication from a man and many adoring children.

Women potentially spend 5 years of commitment for every dick that's put in them. This is a biological fact and it can't be refuted. Women are not designed to fuck as a recreational activity. (neither are men but spreading our seed is of a much, much lower cost to us divorce court notwithstanding).

Women 40+ are not designed to have dicks put in them at all. That's reality. We are aging. Their vaginas literally dry up and they have to use lube. I don't give a fuck about your macho bullshit about no dry women, aging women suffer from lubrication issues and this is a medical fact.

At most, women are designed to have one pair-bond mate and at worst 1 or 2 sideshows to hopefully get a lot out of the 5 years of commitment she has to put into every dick that successfully does a dick's job. The PUA/Incel lore sort of has it right: She wants a Beta to support her and hopefully the Alpha to put a baby inside of her. I believe women do want to procreate with their pair-bond mate even if he's not Tom Brady. But the animalistic, cavewoman urge for women does not involve 100 mates every 3 years, whatever her preference.

That is modern society gone wild. Women are damaged because of it.

Women are designed to be manipulated. Christopher Hitchens provided a great insight about this when he made about why women are not good stand-up comics.

'most men, if they can't make women laugh, they are out of the evolutionary contest. They are never going to get laid. Most men are fantastically unattractive.'

'it would be a waste of the male effort to be funny... if women didn't have a sense of humor and couldn't be made to laugh'

'there's an attitude, the head thrown back and the mouth open, and a horse-shoe of lovely teeth and tongue on display that is a bit of a surrender'

Women are designed to be wooed and manipulated, and they will even make up games where you are apparently being aggressive with them. OP's phone-obsessed corpse-kisser is displaying this behavior. Women want to be manipulated as much as men want to see a nice pair of titties. Wives do this even in established relationships. Bull Burr talks about this when women press and press and press to get a recalcitrant man to argue, then walk away and say that she wants to discuss it later, after he's aroused. She was never into the discussion at all. She was into male engagement, and hopefully (I say), manipulation.

But women spend the majority of the Consumer money spent, and women are the most assiduous consumers of modern Social Media. So while the proportion of men they find visually attractive remains the same, the pool of men available for a woman to select from, and dally with, has expanded for all intents to infinite size. She can be drowned in dicks 24/7 at this point.

This is only the unhealthy condition as relates to pair-bonding. What about all the cues and manipulation that teams of well-educated, smart people dream up to pour into women's skulls during her every waking (and sleeping!) moment? I was looking at the photo of the 5 Kardashian whores announced upon cancellation of their TV series, and I wasn't attracted to a single one of them. How can this be? How can a man who still masturbates at least once a day be left flat by a photo of 5 reasonably healthy young females? It's because they are marketing tools purely for women. A commercial construct.

So not only do women have an imbalanced and unhealthy relationship with prospective men, they have unhealthy relationships infringing on their reproductive instincts from women, corporations, the government... all quarters.

Women are fucked up, because women are fucked up. This shit ain't my fault. I didn't put 40 dicks into her, I am interested in putting one dick into her.
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