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Active shooter at elementary school in Nashville TN?

Only because it doesn't fit their narrative, otherwise it would be balls to the wall news cycle, we are being played.
That information was canceled by the Disinformation Governance Board.
(DGB, A.K.A. "Department of Misinformation" or "Ministry of Truth")​
Please wait for the approved disinformation about this subject.

Example of approved disinformation: the termination of the DGB.

<Note to self: insert affiliate link to Amazon tinfoil hat store :flipoff2:>
Funny how they are allready investigating white supremacy in the Texas shooting and they can’t seem to confirm this one.
WSMV said last week "police will release the manifesto after the investigation is complete."

They followed that with "multiple groups have filed FOIA suits (requests?) against Metro PD to see that it is released." Can't remember who the groups are, but at least one was another TN county's LEO's.
I don't have kids, but i don't follow the reasoning of this article. If for whatever reason my kids might be in danger i want to know about it. If they do suppress this until another time then that needs to be the rule going forward.

I get not wanting to give the killer a platform but if that is the standard than it has to stay the standard for all of these cases not just the politically inconvenient ones.

There is also the fact that the media is very interested in making the killer a victim here which squarely sets Christians as the villains, I don't think the parents are interested in dealing with that right now, or ever really.
There is also the fact that the media is very interested in making the killer a victim here which squarely sets Christians as the villains, I don't think the parents are interested in dealing with that right now, or ever really.
Thats a good point. If my child was killed by a whackjob I don't know how I would react to the media making them the victim.
Thats a good point. If my child was killed by a whackjob I don't know how I would react to the media making them the victim.
It hasn't stopped them before. The only reason I can think of for it not been released is because its a direct conflict to the narrative they want. I'd bet if it is released it will be "edited".

Exactly what. I don't know. Maybe that the trans was mental. Fact is, every trans is.
I bet she went off before she was supposed to. Those rushes of T cause rages that make the results of the brainwashing unpredictable still. What do ya wanna bet she said something that implicated her handlers? Classified for national security in 3... 2... 1.
Doubtful that state or local LEO even have all the writings anymore. I would be the FBI took them before the bodies were cold.
anything sensitive was lost right quick, now it is just a convenient distraction
We know what’s in it!!!!
Her hate of existence, shaking her fist at God, “I will show You”!!!!!!

That is all!!!!

Look at Eric and Dylan’s…. It’s gonna turn out to be in the same format!!!!!
The report mentioned that Hale was wearing a white shirt with handwritten words, drawings, and numbers on it. However, it did not specify the content of the writings. The autopsy report also noted handwritten words found on Hale’s bra.

Last thing I saw was that the family wanted to keep them private. Still waiting. I think they are waiting for interest to die and they will do something shady in the background.
How can the parents have a say about the release of the manifesto of a mass killer (who happened to be their adult child?
My understanding is that the government was hiding behind the parents of the victims.
you are correct.

So redact only names & fookin' send it - they could fuck off about it then, right? :confused:
I somewhat understand their reasoning.

We are all hyped up in our corners ready to wrangle as soon as anything drops about this shooter and the parents are not really interested in participating further.

Something written in the article stuck out to me:
“We are in ‘uncharted waters’ because we have a unique opportunity following a mass murder at an elementary school to prevent the shooter’s writings and anything else that is likely to inspire future attacks from being released and causing pain and suffering to the victims,”

I don't buy that.
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