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I dont think that image is correct. Its way too general and un-detailed. I recall reading that the lower sea level southern Bering area was thought to be ice free and there for the walking intermittently. If it was iced it would be subject to the melting cycles that were very common and repetitive. In one of these many melting cycles the land would open up before the mass ice melting would raise the sea level hundreds of feet. I mean that the fringe areas would melt off and clear before the rest of the ice mass melting took effect. There is no archeological evidence to support my opinion, granted. Primitive man would have the ability to construct very primitive rafts and such and would not need a tool carved and hacked fire burned out dug out canoe. This type of travel is well documented in the population of Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia, however.

Humans reached Australia but rats did not. Cool starry breh :flipoff2:

Quick Duck DUck Go shows you were right. :laughing: The "Bridge" refers to an iced one that man could walk over, as opposed to boating or swimming.
The rationale for disparaging Jews as "Christ killers" has always puzzled me. Wasn't Christ's intent to come to Earth and to die for our sins? So someone would have to kill him - Christians should be thanking the Jews for stepping up.
Remember there were no Christians at the time, There were Jews and Romans...
The whole land bridge deal always baffled me. Yes the sea level was lower, but there was a solid wall of ice all along the coast. Walking from Russia to Oregon on ice would require a shit load of supplies.


Boats always seemed much more likely.

I'm sure there would have been a lot of animals traveling on the ice bridge also. Food may have been plenty.
THERE is always a thing that some jews dont like to talk about, Zionists.

Not all Jews are Zionists from joes mouth, but it helps.

ZOG stands for Zionist Occupied Government~

Specifically the bit at 2:50

Say... Glowie Pat, you wouldn't happen to be getting people to talk "about" things, would you?
Haha you're wrong. They want all of us alive and docile. That is what they are working on. Every one of us is literally a possession that equals a dollar value. I'll guarantee that there has been a study that gives that exact amount.
You bet theres been studies? Have you not been paying attention? The whole insurance industry is based on exactly that? Basedon your economic value, earnings, family, and a list of other factors an Actuarial analyst can tell you to the penny what a life is worth.
Ya know, I started to wonder about why the jews were killed at the start of this thread. Good read. :beer:

Specifically the bit at 2:50

Say... Glowie Pat, you wouldn't happen to be getting people to talk "about" things, would you?

That youtube channel is a fun hole to go down, just found it a few weeks back and have been watching the hell out of it.
Fred Perry polo shirts were/are very popular with skinheads.
I thought Benjamin Sherman shirts were for the working class for the longest time.
Remember there were no Christians at the time, There were Jews and Romans...
Only thing I can remember reading is that after Christ died on the Cross, some religious group started to do the sign of the cross in public-
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