I have a simple plan.
1 tax form.
Line 1: Total household earnings
Line 2: Household size
Line 3: Exempt income (Annual poverty line for household size, below that line is tax-exempt income for all)
Line 4: Line 1 less Line 3
Line 5: Line 4 * 0.12 = Total Tax
Line 6: Total Withholding
Line 7: Line 5 less Line 6 = Amount Owed (Refund)
No exemptions, no deductions. 12% tax on all earnings no matter if you're single, married, have kids, make the money via investments, etc. No loopholes, no welfare, no nothing. The only variance will be the tax-exempt earnings based upon household size (silences the "regressive" argument). This will also allow for a drastic reduction of the IRS, if not total elimination and replacement with a much smaller, more constrained agency.
Next, balanced budget amendment to the Constitution: Every future budget must be balanced with a minimum of 5% total federal debt repayment per year until fulfilled. No other legislation may be considered prior to the passing of a balanced budget, either. All unspent funds must be utilized to pay off the debt, no deferring to other causes. Once the debt is paid, reduction of line 5 to 0.08.
Third, continuation of government streamlining: All future legislation must come with 2 prior acts to be repealed as a requirement to come to a vote.