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you shoot them in the leg

Oh yeah? There's detergent involved with UBI?

Maybe look it up and stop perpetually swinging from the nuts of a man who couldn't give a single shit about your life.

Biden isn't winning any awards for mental gymnastics, and neither is Trump.

You think Biden gives a shit about my life? Or yours? No.

But trumps term has benefited my life and the united States as a country in more ways than any president in my life before him, an argument could be made for reagan but we can revisit that after Trumps second term.
I wonder what the percentage of hits vs rounds fired police average as a whole

Nowhere near the accuracy and success of Kyle Rittenhouse. In addition to clearing a weapon jam under extreme duress.
You think Biden gives a shit about my life? Or yours? No.

But trumps term has benefited my life and the united States as a country in more ways than any president in my life before him, an argument could be made for reagan but we can revisit that after Trumps second term.

I don't think Biden or any politician cares about me at all. Which is why I don't try to defend him.

Not looking to pick your point apart in any way- I would be interested in what ways the Trump presidency has benefited you. I can't think of a single presidency in memory that changed my life in any measurable way good or bad. I was born in 1980, so Regan was sort of the baseline I guess.
I don't think Biden or any politician cares about me at all. Which is why I don't try to defend him.

Not looking to pick your point apart in any way- I would be interested in what ways the Trump presidency has benefited you. I can't think of a single presidency in memory that changed my life in any measurable way good or bad. I was born in 1980, so Regan was sort of the baseline I guess.

ive listed the ways Obama impacted me for the bad, but i think that list is over on the other site and i aint going back.


Business tax cut
Personal tax cut
squashed the ridiculous WOTUS rule proposal under Obama EPA which would have impacted me personally and professionally.
Border wall.
Manufacturing returning to the USA, Texas and Oklahoma specifically.

Thats just a few off the top of my head.

I find it hard to believe that you've lived to be 40 and nothing that has been done my any president over that time has had any impact on you. you must be extremely insulated. i cant imagine how id feel if a presidential election had no impact on my life whatsoever.
ive listed the ways Obama impacted me for the bad, but i think that list is over on the other site and i aint going back.


Business tax cut
Personal tax cut
squashed the ridiculous WOTUS rule proposal under Obama EPA which would have impacted me personally and professionally.
Border wall.
Manufacturing returning to the USA, Texas and Oklahoma specifically.

Thats just a few off the top of my head.

I find it hard to believe that you've lived to be 40 and nothing that has been done my any president over that time has had any impact on you. you must be extremely insulated. i cant imagine how id feel if a presidential election had no impact on my life whatsoever.

Yeah, really never noticed much of a difference between presidents. The demand for what I do doesn't really change much either. Economy, presidents, whatever, it pretty much doesn't change.

Did you guys actually get a border wall?

The only thing I ever got from a president was the Obama tax credit for buying a house when they were trying to bring the economy back. I think the wife and I used it to travel to some places that were on our bucket list, but I wouldn't say that changed my life- we would have been fine with or without it.
Yeah, really never noticed much of a difference between presidents. The demand for what I do doesn't really change much either. Economy, presidents, whatever, it pretty much doesn't change.

Did you guys actually get a border wall?

The only thing I ever got from a president was the Obama tax credit for buying a house when they were trying to bring the economy back. I think the wife and I used it to travel to some places that were on our bucket list, but I wouldn't say that changed my life- we would have been fine with or without it.

Damn you're full of shit , you have to be some kind of dumb if you don't think policy has a cause and effect on your every day life.:rolleyes:
One well placed ..two/three if you wanna make sure...not 50 some rounds... Obvious these guy/guys.. have never had to conserve ammo.. gonna just say it...they'd shit themselves, if it were to get real..
Damn you're full of shit , you have to be some kind of dumb if you don't think policy has a cause and effect on your every day life.:rolleyes:

Give me an example where I should be affected. I heard a lot of people complain or rave about the Trump tax changes and I didn't see much of a difference at all. Obamacare didn't apply to me - already had insurance covered by work. I was never in the armed forces, so going to war wasn't an issue. The demand for my job remains the same no matter what the economy does. I have never qualified for any special programs. My retirement isn't the stock market or social security. No one has taken my guns, but it doesn't matter because I don't shoot enough to care about the price of ammo...

Things that happen at the state level have a large impact on my life.. federal? Not much.
Give me an example where I should be affected. I heard a lot of people complain or rave about the Trump tax changes and I didn't see much of a difference at all. Obamacare didn't apply to me - already had insurance covered by work. I was never in the armed forces, so going to war wasn't an issue. The demand for my job remains the same no matter what the economy does. I have never qualified for any special programs. My retirement isn't the stock market or social security. No one has taken my guns, but it doesn't matter because I don't shoot enough to care about the price of ammo...

Things that happen at the state level have a large impact on my life.. federal? Not much.

You work for a company that pays your health insurance? Obamacare effected your company. Probably in the form of lost raises and bonuses . You didn't even know. Ignorance is Bliss
Yeah, really never noticed much of a difference between presidents. The demand for what I do doesn't really change much either. Economy, presidents, whatever, it pretty much doesn't change.

Did you guys actually get a border wall?

The only thing I ever got from a president was the Obama tax credit for buying a house when they were trying to bring the economy back. I think the wife and I used it to travel to some places that were on our bucket list, but I wouldn't say that changed my life- we would have been fine with or without it.

Your first time home buyer federal credit started in April 2008 under Bush.


So Obama didn't do anything for you. Welcome to the club
You work for a company that pays your health insurance? Obamacare effected your company. Probably in the form of lost raises and bonuses . You didn't even know. Ignorance is Bliss

I work for the government which pays my health insurance. They may have had to pay more, but it wasn't passed along to us.
Your first time home buyer federal credit started in April 2008 under Bush.


So Obama didn't do anything for you. Welcome to the club

Was it? I think this is different. We got a $8,000 first time home buyer tax credit in 2009. I was under the impression that was part of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act pushed through by Obama in 2009. I guess some people had to pay it back later, but we didn't.. I guess because we jumped in early enough.

All that said, it wasn't something we needed. We were going to buy the house either way and already had the funds lined up. So after much adult deliberation, we decided to use if for fun. It was nice to have, but not life changing or life saving for us.
Ah yes. You're a net taker. That explains a lot

You say that until my particular part of the government stops working. :flipoff2: And yes, there's a lot of government fat out there that could be trimmed. I don't think my organization falls under that category.
You literally just admitted that every other Californian (or American if you are fed) had to absorb the cost increase caused by the regulations the Obama Administration passed, but you think it’s okay because you didn’t pay anything out of pocket

Why do you say "admitted"? I wasn't trying to hide that fact from anyone. The last report I read showed California's economy benefited as whole from the ACA , but really I'm not here to argue that with anyone. All I stated was that my life hasn't been impacted by any president that I could remember. You guys can get pinched about my career choice, but at the end of the day, everyone's primary goal is to meet that Maslow's hierarchy of needs for themselves and their family before they look outwards. I'm still a couple million away from philanthropy.
Was it? I think this is different. We got a $8,000 first time home buyer tax credit in 2009. I was under the impression that was part of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act pushed through by Obama in 2009. I guess some people had to pay it back later, but we didn't.. I guess because we jumped in early enough.

All that said, it wasn't something we needed. We were going to buy the house either way and already had the funds lined up. So after much adult deliberation, we decided to use if for fun. It was nice to have, but not life changing or life saving for us.

You're not a real reader of links or understander of things. If the program started in 2008, it couldn't have been Obama, he was sworn in January 2009.

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Why do you say "admitted"? I wasn't trying to hide that fact from anyone. The last report I read showed California's economy benefited as whole from the ACA , but really I'm not here to argue that with anyone. All I stated was that my life hasn't been impacted by any president that I could remember. You guys can get pinched about my career choice, but at the end of the day, everyone's primary goal is to meet that Maslow's hierarchy of needs for themselves and their family before they look outwards. I'm still a couple million away from philanthropy.

You're insulated because you work for the government. You pay no income tax and thus are a net taker from the economy. Plain and simple.
I definitely pay an income tax. Where do you get this notion that state workers don't pay that?

You may pay it but it's just recycled tax dollars. Your salary can only come from taxes, whether state or federal, taken at the point of a gun from other citizens and companies who pay taxes which they pass on to the end consumers, who really pay corporate taxes.

You are a net taker of tax money from the state. If your salary were reduced by the amount of taxes you pay and then you paid zero taxes, it would be exactly the same net outcome.
You may pay it but it's just recycled tax dollars. Your salary can only come from taxes, whether state or federal, taken at the point of a gun from other citizens and companies who pay taxes which they pass on to the end consumers, who really pay corporate taxes.

You are a net taker of tax money from the state. If your salary were reduced by the amount of taxes you pay and then you paid zero taxes, it would be exactly the same net outcome.

Ah I see your logic. It's almost like the government values my skills and abilities so much that it is willing to give me money to spend 40+ hours a week of my time helping them out with their problems. Weird concept.

"Point of a gun".. I love it when you talk libertarian to me :flipoff2:
I said admitted because you refuse to see it, either through ignorance or apathy. You are sitting there going “it didn’t effect me or my employer”. Which is partially true, it just bent over every other person and employer in your state in order to pay for the massive cost increase. Yes, nothing extra came out of your pocket, it was just stolen out of your neighbors, your friends, your families pockets instead.

But you don’t care about that do you? Theft from every other person is fine with you, because it pays your salary, your health care, and funds your pension

You're burning down a straw man brah. I never said it didn't affect my employer. Just that if it did, it never got to me. My friends, family, and neighbors knew what they were doing when they chose the jobs they did and voted the way that they did. I thought whining, pointing fingers, and blaming others for their problems was a liberal thing? You trying to culturally appropriate from My People now? :laughing:

Don't like it? Go get your friends, my friends, my family, our neighbors, etc. to go out and vote to cut all funding for the government. I'll go back to work for the private sector where they'll pay me more for what I do, I'll get to have a two martini lunch again, and you can keep your taxes. :flipoff2:
you dont really need bone fragments, the bullet can do that. Mid thigh bullet wound can kill quicker than center mass. I know two people who died from femoral artery wounds. one gunshot, the other was a knife. both bled out in under a couple of minutes.

Thats actually part of new training. With the prevalance of "badguys" wearing body armor were now training with two to three shots to center mass, re-evaluate, and if needed two shots to the groin. The threat generally cant advance with his pelvis blown apart and if that doesnt make him give up he'll bleed out faster.
Thats actually part of new training. With the prevalance of "badguys" wearing body armor were now training with two to three shots to center mass, re-evaluate, and if needed two shots to the groin. The threat generally cant advance with his pelvis blown apart and if that doesnt make him give up he'll bleed out faster.

So, shoot em' in the dick?

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