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I read this earlier.

Not really sure on this one. I assume teacher doesn't know guns at all and all he sees is an AR15 or scary cop killer gun, among others, in full view and reach of a 11 year old......

In some worlds this is no big deal, in some it is.

I teach in another world from these people and in gangland central. If I truly thought that an 11 year old, and usually I know if they have younger siblings, was sitting there next to a bunch of weapons, I may call as well. Probably would.

I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess and look like an idiot.

That'll be unpopular here but easier said than done.
The fact the cops even responded to this is ridiculous, I wonder what principal fuckface actually said to them to get them to show up and harass these people.
“The officers that responded were appalled at the call and even commended the set-up that my son has for his toys and commended him also on his respect and understanding of the BB guns,” Sperry wrote on Facebook.

“The officers were more than nice,” she wrote, “and though they did not have a warrant, I have always been taught to not only comply, but had nothing to hide and allowed them to look wherever they wanted to.”

The officers would have also been fine if you told them "No, you are not coming in. Thank you officers, I appreciate you and your jobs, but I can't allow the Government to inspect my private home without a warrant."

But she missed that educational opportunity.

Which is why we need Public Education. :D
The fact the cops even responded to this is ridiculous, I wonder what principal fuckface actually said to them to get them to show up and harass these people.

That's their job. Then it is the job of the parent to say no, you cannot inspect my home without a warrant.
I read this earlier.

Not really sure on this one. I assume teacher doesn't know guns at all and all he sees is an AR15 or scary cop killer gun, among others, in full view and reach of a 11 year old......

In some worlds this is no big deal, in some it is.

I teach in another world from these people and in gangland central. If I truly thought that an 11 year old, and usually I know if they have younger siblings, was sitting there next to a bunch of weapons, I may call as well. Probably would.

I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess and look like an idiot.

That'll be unpopular here but easier said than done.

I had at least two guns when I was 11, a pump .22 and a shotgun.

Also, this is how I know you're a fag and you're shits all fucked up! :homer::flipoff2:
Weird source I’m unfamiliar with. Dated June 11th when school had been out for months because of covid. Seems like I remember this from much further back in time.

it's one of those things though, there is going to be SO MUCH fucked up shit this year with half the country doing remote and anti-racist shit. no reason to dig up 'old' news, i'd like to see these crazy news outlets dig in on current news, there will be plenty of it
I read this earlier.

Not really sure on this one. I assume teacher doesn't know guns at all and all he sees is an AR15 or scary cop killer gun, among others, in full view and reach of a 11 year old......

In some worlds this is no big deal, in some it is.

I teach in another world from these people and in gangland central. If I truly thought that an 11 year old, and usually I know if they have younger siblings, was sitting there next to a bunch of weapons, I may call as well. Probably would.

I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess and look like an idiot.

That'll be unpopular here but easier said than done.

FU. 35 years ago (I was 7), I'd sleep outside with a rifle or shotgun, a machete, & fishing pole. I'd leave at or before dawn and no one freaked out when I wasn't home in the morning, but if wasn't, it was expected that I would bring lunch home. This is in Commiefornia.... but the part we who live here hope to become the greatest state, Jefferson.
All my teachers did was confirm that I was learning. My parents taught me way beyond school...construction, mechanics, language, math, chem, vocab, literature. The idea that jr daycare (public school) is supposed to teach the next gen how to be controlled plebes is legit. My son will not learn their bullshit, and I guarantee I will have to fight with a DA over child endangerment and it pisses me off.
You call the cops on me cause my 5yo has his .22lr in the background of a state mandated
video (surveillance) call, and I'm off the porch.
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FU. 35 years ago (I was 7), I'd sleep outside with a rifle or shotgun, a machete, & fishing pole. I'd leave at or before dawn and no one freaked out when I wasn't home in the morning, but if wasn't, it was expected that I would bring lunch home. This is in Commiefornia.... but the part we who live here hope to become the greatest state, Jefferson.
All my teachers did was confirm that I was learning. My parents taught me way beyond school...construction, mechanics, language, math, chem, vocab, literature. The idea that jr daycare (public school) is supposed to teach the next gen how to be controlled plebes is legit. My son will not learn their bullshit, and I guarantee I will have to fight with a DA over child endangerment and it pisses me off.
You call the cops on me cause my 5yo has his .22lr in the background of a state mandated
video (surveillance) call, and I'm off the porch.

My brother and I would wake up early shoot black birds with bb guns as the bus pulled up we would run inside and put them away no one ever freaked out and called the police on us or our family.
I played with bb guns since as far back as I can remember. I even shot myself in the eye at close range.

No one called the cops but my dad said I was a dumbass. :laughing:
So did it put your eye out?

No but it did stick in there for a few hours.

I was shooting beer cans and shit lined up on a bench. Damn plastic bowling ball wouldn't fall off. Got closer, closer, and closer and still wouldn't drop when hit. Next thing I know I am on the ground and my eye hurt. I shot it from 2 feet away and the bb bounced off striking my left eye. It got stuck in the white of the eye and fell out a few hours later when I was laying down.

Since that day everyone would glance at me when A Christmas Story comes on. :rolleyes:
I read this earlier.

Not really sure on this one. I assume teacher doesn't know guns at all and all he sees is an AR15 or scary cop killer gun, among others, in full view and reach of a 11 year old......

In some worlds this is no big deal, in some it is.

I teach in another world from these people and in gangland central. If I truly thought that an 11 year old, and usually I know if they have younger siblings, was sitting there next to a bunch of weapons, I may call as well. Probably would.

I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess and look like an idiot.

That'll be unpopular here but easier said than done.

Is there some kind or law or employee handbook that says you have to report if there's weapons in the home of a student?

Or is there some kind of blanket statement that says if you believe the child in in danger, to call the authorities?

Lastly, who says a long rifle within reach of a 11 year old is a danger?
No but it did stick in there for a few hours.

I was shooting beer cans and shit lined up on a bench. Damn plastic bowling ball wouldn't fall off. Got closer, closer, and closer and still wouldn't drop when hit. Next thing I know I am on the ground and my eye hurt. I shot it from 2 feet away and the bb bounced off striking my left eye. It got stuck in the white of the eye and fell out a few hours later when I was laying down.

Since that day everyone would glance at me when A Christmas Story comes on. :rolleyes:

I did almost the same thing shooting a Pepsi can bottom on a sand pile with a red rider. I kept getting closer but the bb wouldn't go through it but I was wearing safety glasses.
I did almost the same thing shooting a Pepsi can bottom on a sand pile with a red rider. I kept getting closer but the bb wouldn't go through it but I was wearing safety glasses.

When I was a little tot I set up cans on the back porch railing. I aimed a little low, the bb hit the railing, came back and hit me in the forehead. :laughing:
Oh no. The horror.

I read this earlier.

Not really sure on this one. I assume teacher doesn't know guns at all and all he sees is an AR15 or scary cop killer gun, among others, in full view and reach of a 11 year old......

In some worlds this is no big deal, in some it is.

I teach in another world from these people and in gangland central. If I truly thought that an 11 year old, and usually I know if they have younger siblings, was sitting there next to a bunch of weapons, I may call as well. Probably would.

I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess and look like an idiot.

That'll be unpopular here but easier said than done.

Where I come from that call will get you an ass beating at the very least. Possibly fired too. Maybe different worlds. Maybe you shouldn’t use gov’t technology to spy on people in their homes.
“The officers that responded were appalled at the call and even commended the set-up that my son has for his toys and commended him also on his respect and understanding of the BB guns,” Sperry wrote on Facebook.

“The officers were more than nice,” she wrote, “and though they did not have a warrant, I have always been taught to not only comply, but had nothing to hide and allowed them to look wherever they wanted to.”

The officers would have also been fine if you told them "No, you are not coming in. Thank you officers, I appreciate you and your jobs, but I can't allow the Government to inspect my private home without a warrant."

But she missed that educational opportunity.

Which is why we need Public Education. :D

You trolltastic sumbitch you... Don't you ever tire contradicting yourself in an endless effort to be "relevant" or "look at me! I have a neat point to make!"

Your the classic definition of Attention Whore. :lmao:
Is there some kind or law or employee handbook that says you have to report if there's weapons in the home of a student?

Or is there some kind of blanket statement that says if you believe the child in in danger, to call the authorities?

Lastly, who says a long rifle within reach of a 11 year old is a danger?
In some states (NY for example), teachers, nurses, doctors and others are mandated reporters who are required to report child abuse or something that could put a child in danger of serious bodily harm to the authorities or they can be prosecuted.

Aaron Z
I read this earlier.

Not really sure on this one. I assume teacher doesn't know guns at all and all he sees is an AR15 or scary cop killer gun, among others, in full view and reach of a 11 year old......

In some worlds this is no big deal, in some it is.

I teach in another world from these people and in gangland central. If I truly thought that an 11 year old, and usually I know if they have younger siblings, was sitting there next to a bunch of weapons, I may call as well. Probably would.

I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess and look like an idiot.

That'll be unpopular here but easier said than done.

Fuck you.

My son killed his first Turkey at 10 and first deer at 11. HIS shotgun and Rifle hung on his bedroom wall in a gun rack WE made together. He's 21 now, so only a decade ago he had full access to HIS guns and ammo.

Fuck you.
Fuck you.

My son killed his first Turkey at 10 and first deer at 11. HIS shotgun and Rifle hung on his bedroom wall in a gun rack WE made together. He's 21 now, so only a decade ago he had full access to HIS guns and ammo.

Fuck you.

Calm down Unabomber... guy was just stating his opinion.

I agree with ya. One of the high schools I attended it wasn't uncommon to see gun racks with shotguns hanging in them... different times for sure.
Sweet baby Jesus,....welcome back from your triggered meltdowns

No shit? There are kids out there that shoot guns with responsible parents that teach then you use them safely? NO FUCKING WAY! I would have never thought that!! :homer:

As I said if you actually read what I wrote, I said that I work in a different world than most of you live in, including myself. I completely and totally understand that some of you were hunting and shooting when you were sperm still swimming your mom's vaginal canal. I also understand that many of you have taught your own children to shoot and hunt responsibly.

I also was hunting and shooting from about 7 or so. I spent summers shooting 1000's of BBs and pellets. Some in a responsible manner and many that were nowhere near responsible when there were no adults around. Many moons ago, I would be shining my shotgun in my room just thinking about dove season starting in a few days.

I owned 7 guns that my kids have shot since they could hold them safely before they all sadly fell overboard in a boating accident. I just bought my son a Springfield XD9

However, I do NOT work in a bastion of great parenting and responsible behavior. I don't even work in an area in which many put their kids needs above their own.

Not sure what is so hard to understand about that. Many of my parents are well known gang bangers and many of them still are wannabe;s. It is rare that I don't have at least one or two kids in class that have lost a parent to gang violence. Last year, I had a girl who's father was shot and killed on the fucking sidewalk in front of the school. Tape was still up and cops everywhere as everyone arrived to school. They barely got the body moved before kids started arriving. Cops did a good job of covering all the blood from view from the kids. No lie. Gunshots heard during school hours, lockdowns, police sweeps are common. I have personally witnessed 3 drive-by shootings. Two of homes across the street and one of a funeral procesion that was driving past the school. Had two groups of gangbangers start a shootout on opposite sides of the sportsball field DURING a football game after school. They were shooting through the field with hundreds of people and dozens and dozens of kids and yeah, I could hear the bullets go by.

The saddest part is when shit like that happens, the kids barely react.

What you also don't seem to understand is that when you have parents that are not the most upstanding citizens, sometimes they don't teach there kids the best values, safety, and provide the best supervision. unlike the ICC crew who are prerape Bill Cosby mixed with some John Wick dads. I get it

Just like when a kid has an ounce of pot in their backpack that stinks up the whole room because mom was sending it to dad's sister and figured the kid was going there for a couple days after school so she would just put in her backpack, yeah I would HAVE to call CPS and the PoPo. Or the kid that brings his uncles switchblade to school because his GF dumped him for better soccer player. Or your student writes a story in class about how he wants to steal his older brother's gun (who is a gangbanger) because he got jumped at 12 because he wouldn't "just carry a package" to another house about 3 miles away. Or maybe the kid that was trying to find books in the library on poisons and thought Harry Potter would teach her because she wanted to poison and kill her dad who touched her in the wrong place in the shower. She was 9

Again, I don't work where you live and I don't have the clientele that includes probably one single hunter.....ever.....in 17 years. So yes, if I am "SPYING :rolleyes::lmao:" on a home through Zoom and daddy gangbanger left his Glock or his AR15 right there in view, I would probably call. Again, like I said originally, the teacher who called and started all this I would hope doesn't know guns and that the gun in the pic is just a BB gun. Me, I would look at the and know and coupled with the fact that that looks like it belongs on that rack, I wouldn't think much about it. I probably would ask them to move it, or move the camera because it would be a distraction to the other kids, especially the boys. No differnent that if the kid had a pinup model poster, a cage wtih a snake, etc. that would draw attention when I am already fighting for it over my "spying" platform. :lmao:

Yesterday, while "spying" on a home through Zoom a mom walked behind the kids camera and poured a cup of coffee in her bra and panties. Never dawned on her that I could see her. I hope I don't get arrested for being a peeping Tom and spying on her!! :lmao::lmao::rolleyes::rolleyes:
different times for sure.

My grandfather used to take his rifle to school with him, they had a gun rack in the back of the school house. That way he could shoot dinner on the walk home.
Sweet baby Jesus,....welcome back from your triggered meltdowns

No shit? There are kids out there that shoot guns with responsible parents that teach then you use them safely? NO FUCKING WAY! I would have never thought that!! :homer:

As I said if you actually read what I wrote, I said that I work in a different world than most of you live in, including myself. I completely and totally understand that some of you were hunting and shooting when you were sperm still swimming your mom's vaginal canal. I also understand that many of you have taught your own children to shoot and hunt responsibly.

I also was hunting and shooting from about 7 or so. I spent summers shooting 1000's of BBs and pellets. Some in a responsible manner and many that were nowhere near responsible when there were no adults around. Many moons ago, I would be shining my shotgun in my room just thinking about dove season starting in a few days.

I owned 7 guns that my kids have shot since they could hold them safely before they all sadly fell overboard in a boating accident. I just bought my son a Springfield XD9

However, I do NOT work in a bastion of great parenting and responsible behavior. I don't even work in an area in which many put their kids needs above their own.

Not sure what is so hard to understand about that. Many of my parents are well known gang bangers and many of them still are wannabe;s. It is rare that I don't have at least one or two kids in class that have lost a parent to gang violence. Last year, I had a girl who's father was shot and killed on the fucking sidewalk in front of the school. Tape was still up and cops everywhere as everyone arrived to school. They barely got the body moved before kids started arriving. Cops did a good job of covering all the blood from view from the kids. No lie. Gunshots heard during school hours, lockdowns, police sweeps are common. I have personally witnessed 3 drive-by shootings. Two of homes across the street and one of a funeral procesion that was driving past the school. Had two groups of gangbangers start a shootout on opposite sides of the sportsball field DURING a football game after school. They were shooting through the field with hundreds of people and dozens and dozens of kids and yeah, I could hear the bullets go by.

The saddest part is when shit like that happens, the kids barely react.

What you also don't seem to understand is that when you have parents that are not the most upstanding citizens, sometimes they don't teach there kids the best values, safety, and provide the best supervision. unlike the ICC crew who are prerape Bill Cosby mixed with some John Wick dads. I get it

Just like when a kid has an ounce of pot in their backpack that stinks up the whole room because mom was sending it to dad's sister and figured the kid was going there for a couple days after school so she would just put in her backpack, yeah I would HAVE to call CPS and the PoPo. Or the kid that brings his uncles switchblade to school because his GF dumped him for better soccer player. Or your student writes a story in class about how he wants to steal his older brother's gun (who is a gangbanger) because he got jumped at 12 because he wouldn't "just carry a package" to another house about 3 miles away. Or maybe the kid that was trying to find books in the library on poisons and thought Harry Potter would teach her because she wanted to poison and kill her dad who touched her in the wrong place in the shower. She was 9

Again, I don't work where you live and I don't have the clientele that includes probably one single hunter.....ever.....in 17 years. So yes, if I am "SPYING :rolleyes::lmao:" on a home through Zoom and daddy gangbanger left his Glock or his AR15 right there in view, I would probably call. Again, like I said originally, the teacher who called and started all this I would hope doesn't know guns and that the gun in the pic is just a BB gun. Me, I would look at the and know and coupled with the fact that that looks like it belongs on that rack, I wouldn't think much about it. I probably would ask them to move it, or move the camera because it would be a distraction to the other kids, especially the boys. No differnent that if the kid had a pinup model poster, a cage wtih a snake, etc. that would draw attention when I am already fighting for it over my "spying" platform. :lmao:

Yesterday, while "spying" on a home through Zoom a mom walked behind the kids camera and poured a cup of coffee in her bra and panties. Never dawned on her that I could see her. I hope I don't get arrested for being a peeping Tom and spying on her!! :lmao::lmao::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You shoulda been a cop then. Liberty, freedom, and privacy is not yours to be trampled just because of your feelings and hunches as a teacher. I spent a decade working in education, I know the world you speak of. Again, Fuck You.
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Here you go sweetheart

I will be by to spy on you to make sure you are ok later.


Why don't you turn your caring investigation efforts on the true crime and corruption internal in your district and union. Oh, you won't because they benefit your cause and self fulfilment. Your long blathering posts to attempt to justify your actions to yourself are neon signs of your self doubt. Your deflection by name calling is pathetic just like your character.
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