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We have a mole blaster or something
takes propane and oxygen

dangerous as hell, and ruins things, but the giggle factor is high
It’s so funny I say it’s a win but for him a fail


You dented the fuck out of your truck jack :lmao:


Outrage as Columbia alum donates $260M to Israeli university in major snub amid campus protests​

Funny all the hate this person is getting from them. And they wonder why he did not donate from them.

As soon as the news surfaced, internet users were divided over the large donation and the inherent snub to Columbia.

One wrote scathingly, "He should move to Israel as well. This is typical of parasites."

Another user remarked, "Let's find out who he is and make him regret his decision."

"They all need to leave... traitor," one said about the donator.

While there was a lot of negativity regarding his actions there were supportive voices as well. A user said, "At least one normal person came out of Columbia."
I'm not rich.........but I get calls from the Alumni Association pretty often. I kinda figure I paid my tuition bill way back, I'm not so very appreciative of my education that I'm interested in continuing to pay them.
Anyhow, doodguy should donate his millions to whoever he wants.
Road paving not fast enough for you? Lets move a 300' section of bridge 100' at a time. Oh, and it is not self powered. Report to the fail thread.
That would be kinda cool to just build the bridge over the whole work convoy and scoot along. Lawyers are the reason we can't. It would probably be much safer than the current way though.
I'm going to post this here because I find it funny, thus a win for me that two intolerant "tolerant" groups on the left have an issue with each other.

Pro-Palestinian activists protest LGBTQ group’s gala in NYC​

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