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Will you vote again?

Will you vote again?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 65.3%
  • No

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • Bacon never cheats to win

    Votes: 19 25.3%

  • Total voters


Resident Redneck
May 20, 2020
Member Number
Like the title says, after all the runaround, cheating ect during this election, will your vote even matter anymore?

Im personally on the fence. Its my right to vote, and I do, but honestly, given this years bullshit...Im pretty sure next go round I may just say fuck it...whomever "they" want will get in anyway.
Yes, Indiana has been pretty secure as far as Im aware, plus local elections are important.
I knew it was pointless when I voted this time. I ALLAYS felt it was kinda pointless.

Will I vote again?

I would vote for Rand Paul, maybe Ted Cruz or a Trump run in 2024 (maybe he could pull off a Grover).

Do I think it matters or counts? NO, but I do a lot of senseless shit, I can take 5 minutes and do it again.

Will I vote for the lesser of 2 evils, NO.

DO I think the ruling party is going to change the shape of the electorate so it won't ever be close again? ABSO -FUCKING-LUTELY

(yeah I figure it is attributed wrong, but the sentiment is right)

Jesus I hope all of you vote again. And if you feel like your vote doesn't matter, then start "throwing it away" at your favorite third party candidate that best aligns with your views. Maybe we'll get lucky and one day will have more than two flavors to choose from for president. Worst that could happen is the same ol shit, right?
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Jesus I hope all of you vote again. And if you feel like your vote doesn't matter, then start t"hrowing it away" at your favorite third party candidate that best aligns with your views. Maybe we'll get lucky and one day will have more than two flavors to choose from for president. Worst that could happen is the same ol shit, right?

Quoted this to see how many here automatically come and say that voting 3rd party is a vote for the "other guy" or some other bullshit nonsense.
I will always vote. I may never vote for a Republican or Democrat again however. Until more people stop voting for the less of the two evils, we will never have any change. Fuck politics.
If you don't vote you can't bitch

Or, its the people voting these cocksuckers in the first place causing our problems. So the people that did not vote aren't to blame. I can see it that way too.

I've voted for the last time. Unless there's some major overhaul on the system, I'm all done. Turd Sandwich or Epic Douche. I'm all set with that.
(yeah I figure it is attributed wrong, but the sentiment is right)

Heard it before, had to google it to see if it was true. Twain never said that.

Possible origins said:
Charles Umney, in his Class Matters (2018), calls it “an old anarchist slogan, frequently found as lamp-post graffiti in university cities.” Umney’s claim is corroborated by several sources. Journalists Harry Goldman, Matt Ridley, and Patrick Traub all reported seeing the slogan tagged on bridges, buildings, and other graffiti sites in Boston, Indianapolis, New York, and Washington D.C. from 1988 and 1992.

The slogan seems likely to have originated in 1960s activism. Two stories in the Reno Gazette-Journal, separated by a decade, report that it was a “typical motto” of the broadcaster and gonzo journalist, Travus T. Hipp. The revised edition of And I Quote (2003) attributes it to Bob Avakian. And in a 2008 interview with The Nation, Father Daniel Berrigan gives the sources as his brother, Father Phillip Berrigan.

I will always vote. I may never vote for a Republican or Democrat again however. Until more people stop voting for the less of the two evils, we will never have any change. Fuck politics.

With the voting machines being rigged, 3rd party will never stand a chance either.

Saw a video a while back that broke down the rigged voting machines in one of the states, the narrator thoughts were the 3rd party was hurt the worst. Thought I saw it in one of the election fraud thread here, can't find it now.
Any chance of Justin Amash next go round? Or how about we follow the Bret Weinstein suggestion of getting Admiral McRaven?
If Biden gets in your vote doesn't matter because this election was set up for a specific outcome before the first vote was cast, and that was for the rotting corpse to win against the America first, People's president.

One the other hand, you kind of still have to go out and vote because if you don't you accept defeat and it makes the fraud even easier to commit.

Fucked up times.
Until more people stop voting for the less of the two evils, we will never have any change. Fuck politics.

Our system is favorable to two parties. Has been since the late 1700s. The parties have changed in that time, but generally always 2 prominent parties competing. Going to three or more might offer more choices (just a greater variety of shitheads, not better quality) but will also push us into the headaches that Parliament systems face.... parties negotiating to consolidate power sufficient to meet the election win number. Better? I don't think so. I have yet to see a parliament style government work better than our system.

Would I vote again? Sure. Am I more likely to use my vote to eff with the system rather than making an educated and balanced choice? More likely. Changing my voter status to Dem and vote for the Bernie of that election sounds like something I might consider doing. :stirthepot:
Are we voting to start hanging politicians, judges, lawyers and their respective families from bridges? If so I will certainly vote.
hell yeah im voting, every election since 18. of course bacon wins every time. mmmmmmmmmm bacon.

edit: doh since i was 18 i voted in every election.

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I'm going to try to help our little town in southern IL outvote Chicago. population of 17,000 can fill out 1.7M votes right?
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