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Who will Jo Jorgenson siphon votes from?

Who will Jo Jorgenson siphon votes from?

  • Baby Trump

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Sleepy Joe

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters

Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
And why.

Why would she take more otherwise Republican votes.
Why would she take more otherwise Democrat votes.

Don't give no shits about Green party or whatever other teeny-tiny write-ins are out there.
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or both?

since that's what all of the numbers say from past elections.

all the way back to ron paul.
You forgot to list Kanye West :laughing: ... Won't votes be taken away-
It's 2020...have you seen this year? I'll bet Mickey Mouse finally wins.

My answer is who knows.
i think biden has alienated more of his base and generally liberal leaning people than trump has

How so? I haven't seen shit from Biden on his commercials other than him smiling and waving. What did he do to alienate Dems?
I’ve gotta think the dems stand to lose the most. Sleepy joe is unelectable even to many who hate trump. Trump, isn’t even a republican. He’s the closest thing to an independent we were ever going to have in my whole life. So we have an incoherent pedo dem, or Indy trump for the big two. Half the indy voters are already going to vote for trump as the lesser of two evils. The remaining Indy voters vote for Jo because they’re anti establishment. Dems didn’t even try this time, the only chance Biden had is voter fraud which will certainly happen, will certainly get called out, and will certainly be played off as not accepting the results by dems.

TLDR, Jo will mostly pull votes from creepy incoherent Joe Biden.
Well of course it will be both, but let's say which side is going to lose more votes?

both, equally. that's what all of the statistics have always said, for two decades.

I have this argument with the "you're going to let the other side win with your wasted vote" idiots every 4 fucking years.
You forgot to list Kanye West :laughing: ... Won't votes be taken away-

I told my wife I wanted one of these and a Brawndo shirt to wear around town.

I think the Dems are so frothy about the mouth wanting to get Trump out, that they'll back Biden even if he sprouts horns.
How so? I haven't seen shit from Biden on his commercials other than him smiling and waving. What did he do to alienate Dems?

everything. he has done everything.

during the runup, ~20% of dem voters in the primary said they wouldn't support the general D candidate if it wasn't sanders.

now that he is defacto, he has made statements saying he would increase police funding, cops should shoot people in the legs, and that he can pull your black card for disagreeing. Nearly half of likely D voters believe he suffers from dementia and there is active support for keeping him in the basement and out of view.

I honestly believe he would have walked away with the 2016 election just as strongly as i believe he is a terrible candidate right now.
both, equally. that's what all of the statistics have always said, for two decades.

I have this argument with the "you're going to let the other side win with your wasted vote" idiots every 4 fucking years.

I know Ross Perot took a few extra percentage points from GHB, but in the end it didn't make any difference in the outcome. Regionally maybe, but not in the overall.
no, he didn't.

go find the gary johnsons thread in GCC on the old board.
all the links are posted there.

frankly I'm so tired of the argument I can't be bothered to go look it all up.
no, he didn't.

go find the gary johnsons thread in GCC on the old board.
all the links are posted there.

frankly I'm so tired of the argument I can't be bothered to go look it all up.

Like I'm going to go back to the old board. It'll be nothing but Grandpa Simpson gloating that he voted for Johnson.

Perot didn't win any electoral votes, but he did have more registered Republicans vote for him than Dems. Again, it didn't make a difference in the overall outcome, and I think we'll see the same here, but these parties run on money, so if any big traditional donaters pull their money from one of the big two, they'll know it.
or both?

since that's what all of the numbers say from past elections.

all the way back to ron paul.

This is what I've found to be true. All the claims that a "3rd party candidate" will siphon votes from "your guy" and not the other are just excuses for why your guy lost.
It's going to be impossible to tell who voted for bo bjorgenson from the two traditional parties. There's too many reasons for people to be disgruntled with either side now.

The better question is what percentage of votes will she get overall?

Larry Johnson got 3.27% last time. Does bjorgenson get more or less? I think less.
Never heard of her and I pay close attention to national politics.. Libertarians would be better off to run as republicans just like the marxist socialists run as Democrats.

Trump has 90% approval rating in the GOP, so those votes probably won't be siphoned off.

She's going to get the vote of all those that don't care if their vote accomplishes precisely nothing but makes them "feel" slightly superior.
Her list of USA issues is outdated by today's standards. :confused: Looks like standard BS, and good luck with the nuclear power.

Nuclear is the answer to all our energy problems but it's not zero emissions overall. You can't just go cold turkey off Fossil fuel generation.

also her " let's get rid of tariffs" is cutting our own throat.

She has no real plans. Just some slogans and witty worded bullet points.
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Trump of course. Democrats never vote Lolbertarian, only conservatives that don't want to vote republican.

Let's look at our resident Lolbertarian, SanDiegoCJ . He fits this profile perfectly. He should vote republican:
  • White
  • One-hundred and seventy-three years old
  • Offroader/Outdoorsy
  • Ex-military
  • Mean as a snake
  • Incontinent
  • Frequently yells at clouds
That is a straight-up dyed in the Red Republican who should be voting Trump, instead he's going to flush his vote down the toilet and we will have a Socialist government come January.
Nuclear is the answer to all our energy problems but it's not zero emissions overall. You can't just go cold turkey off Fossil fuel generation.

also her " let's get rid of tariffs" is cutting our own throat.

She has no real plans. Just some slogans and witty worded bullet points.

with enough support, it can at least get into the national debate. i'd much rather see discussed libertarian values on CNN/Fox than "Biden says we need a federally enforced mask mandate and Donald Trump refuses to wear one!"

edit: her stance is "remove barriers to coal, encourage nuclear, encourage solar" that isn't fucked up at all
Ok, looked at her page, Spent her whole life in Academia, no real world experience, going to fix the debt with unicorns and help from a congress that would hate a 3rd party candidate, Her VP pick is nicknamed Spike. Sound's like a super cereal contender..
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