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Who is trump going to pardon first?

Remember that when in the first year we're no longer energy independent and at the mercy of others and you're paying double at the pump.

Double at the pump is necessary. That way enough people can get pissed off. Then the bring in tax by mile so those who dont drive as much are treated fairly and dont have to pay as much for road repair as those that choose to live out of the city or drive for work.

Pay attention to Washington if you have any questions. They are trying very hard to quietly pass this. Every few years it comes up. Would be a massive revenue generator and of course metro/city rigs would be exempt.

[486 said:

"since last tuesday"
you mean about ten tuesdays ago?

ETA: and maybe 30 tuesdays ago for 9x19

so, how do i or we make money on this and cash in on the apparently never ending great ammo shortage of 2020?

good god, i just want to go target shooting without having to count my damn rounds :laughing:
so, how do i or we make money on this and cash in on the apparently never ending great ammo shortage of 2020?

buy cheap, sell high
oh wait, then you're a "price gouger" cries just about every supposed capitalist
i was thinking more along the lines of starting an ammo mfg company :flipoff2:

zillions of dollars in investment (remember you need to manufacture powder, brass and primers in house in order to get around supply bottlenecks)
to make a few million in profit every time the election cycle comes around, then selling shit for just about materials cost the other 3/4 of the years

ammo pricing is an extremely competitive market, they're pretty much at the point where only the biggest guys are able to keep their doors open when there isn't a run on ammo.
[486 said:

zillions of dollars in investment (remember you need to manufacture powder, brass and primers in house in order to get around supply bottlenecks)
to make a few million in profit every time the election cycle comes around, then selling shit for just about materials cost the other 3/4 of the years

ammo pricing is an extremely competitive market, they're pretty much at the point where only the biggest guys are able to keep their doors open when there isn't a run on ammo.

well darn. *kicks rocks*
Double at the pump is necessary. That way enough people can get pissed off. Then the bring in tax by mile so those who dont drive as much are treated fairly and dont have to pay as much for road repair as those that choose to live out of the city or drive for work.

Pay attention to Washington if you have any questions. They are trying very hard to quietly pass this. Every few years it comes up. Would be a massive revenue generator and of course metro/city rigs would be exempt.


Sounds like something Albuquerque tried a few years ago to get people who lived out side of town to have to have their vehicles smog checked
The Presidents pardon power only applies to offenses under Federal law. The President cannot pardon people convicted under State law. Kyle Rittenhouse will be exonerated at trial.
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