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Who is trump going to pardon first?


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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I fully expecting the game show host to go full Clinton and pardon some crooks. Who’s it going to be? Who will he forget?

my list:

pardons: himself, Beevis and butthead, the daughter he wants to bang. Roger stone.

forgets: Paul manafort, Mike Flynn, Allen weisselberg (trump cfo), Maryanne trump (sister who’s a judge but called him crazy in recordings).
I fully expecting the game show host to go full Clinton and pardon some crooks. Who’s it going to be? Who will he forget?

my list:

pardons: himself, Beevis and butthead, the daughter he wants to bang. Roger stone.

forgets: Paul manafort, Mike Flynn, Allen weisselberg (trump cfo), Maryanne trump (sister who’s a judge but called him crazy in recordings).

IIRC a president can't issue a "self pardon".

As to who he pardons....................................... IDGAF.
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I fully expecting the game show host to go full Clinton and pardon some crooks. Who’s it going to be? Who will he forget?

my list:

pardons: himself, Beevis and butthead, the daughter he wants to bang. Roger stone.

forgets: Paul manafort, Mike Flynn, Allen weisselberg (trump cfo), Maryanne trump (sister who’s a judge but called him crazy in recordings).

There is a lot of pent up anger there mate, shall we get you a doll so you can show us where the bad orange man touched you? :lmao:
There is a lot of pent up anger there mate, shall we get you a doll so you can show us where the bad orange man touched you? :lmao:

Honestly not angry. I get why people voted for him. And I don’t expect much to change day to day under “fruit cup eating joe” other than I do think rona stuff will be getting better.
And I don’t expect much to change day to day under “fruit cup eating joe” other than I do think rona stuff will be getting better.

By doing what exactly, calling the flu the flu and forgetting about it? You really believe that fuckstick is the answer to the Rona problem? :lmao:
Honestly not angry. I get why people voted for him. And I don’t expect much to change day to day under “fruit cup eating joe” other than I do think rona stuff will be getting better.

UH, President Harris said she will go after the gun people. First Gropy Joe is going to roll back all of the Trump tax cuts. I think a lot will change. The economy will go to shit because companies will return to Messico and China. Look at Biden's plan to tax companies heavily. Then illegals will be getting a free pass. Green climate change because of man shit will be thrust upon us again. Regulations again up the ass, while fags roam freely naked in public schools and If I complain, my job will be threatened and i have to shut up..

Anti-fa will be the heros.

BLM will require Whites to lick their boots.

Reparations for Blacks.

Then we have to have the war that Trump didn't have, anywhere.

Not my presidents, Biden and Harris!
UH, President Harris said she will go after the gun people. First Gropy Joe is going to roll back all of the Trump tax cuts. I think a lot will change. The economy will go to shit because companies will return to Messico and China. Look at Biden's plan to tax companies heavily. Then illegals will be getting a free pass. Green climate change because of man shit will be thrust upon us again. Regulations again up the ass, while fags roam freely naked in public schools and If I complain, my job will be threatened and i have to shut up..

Anti-fa will be the heros.

BLM will require Whites to lick their boots.

Reparations for Blacks.

Then we have to have the war that Trump didn't have, anywhere.

Not my presidents, Biden and Harris!

Excellent post.
UH, President Harris said she will go after the gun people. First Gropy Joe is going to roll back all of the Trump tax cuts. I think a lot will change. The economy will go to shit because companies will return to Messico and China. Look at Biden's plan to tax companies heavily. Then illegals will be getting a free pass. Green climate change because of man shit will be thrust upon us again. Regulations again up the ass, while fags roam freely naked in public schools and If I complain, my job will be threatened and i have to shut up..

Anti-fa will be the heros.

BLM will require Whites to lick their boots.

Reparations for Blacks.

Then we have to have the war that Trump didn't have, anywhere.

Not my presidents, Biden and Harris!

Quoted for truth
Honestly not angry. I get why people voted for him. And I don’t expect much to change day to day under “fruit cup eating joe” other than I do think rona stuff will be getting better.

Have you even paid attention to what President Harris has said let alone the so called Squad and the rest of the progressives in the swamp? Here is one for you have you checked what ammo and gun prices have been doing since last Tuesday, I'll give you a hint they ain't getting any cheaper there are lots of other things needed during an econonic down turn that are coming off the shelf faster than the great toilet paper stampede of 2020
Speak of the devils and look what pops up


BACKLASH! AOC Calls For Archiving Posts by ‘Trump Sycophants’: ‘A little early for the gulag lists to start…’


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing heat for urging her supporters to create an archive of online postings by “Trump sycophants” who may later regret their affiliation with the president.

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Friday.

“I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future,” the lawmaker wrote.

Commenters quickly decided the list-making endeavor was something a ruthless Communist dictator would love.

“Joseph is proud of you!” one user wrote, referring to notorious Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin.

Another person posted a photo of Mao Zedong with the caption: “Big shoes to fill but you’ll get there.”
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UH, President Harris said she will go after the gun people. First Gropy Joe is going to roll back all of the Trump tax cuts. I think a lot will change. The economy will go to shit because companies will return to Messico and China. Look at Biden's plan to tax companies heavily. Then illegals will be getting a free pass. Green climate change because of man shit will be thrust upon us again. Regulations again up the ass, while fags roam freely naked in public schools and If I complain, my job will be threatened and i have to shut up..

Anti-fa will be the heros.

BLM will require Whites to lick their boots.

Reparations for Blacks.

Then we have to have the war that Trump didn't have, anywhere.

Not my presidents, Biden and Harris!

I remember reading similar stuff from left wingers about trump. Seriously my taxes got slightly lower for a few years. That’s it.

I hadn’t thought of guns and ammo. Good point.
Yeah, if Biden does pull this off we can get back to bombing the fuck out of brown people, there's about 4 years of lost time to make up for

Honestly not angry. I get why people voted for him. And I don’t expect much to change day to day under “fruit cup eating joe” other than I do think rona stuff will be getting better.

Remember that when in the first year we're no longer energy independent and at the mercy of others and you're paying double at the pump.
UH, President Harris said she will go after the gun people. First Gropy Joe is going to roll back all of the Trump tax cuts. I think a lot will change. The economy will go to shit because companies will return to Messico and China. Look at Biden's plan to tax companies heavily. Then illegals will be getting a free pass. Green climate change because of man shit will be thrust upon us again. Regulations again up the ass, while fags roam freely naked in public schools and If I complain, my job will be threatened and i have to shut up..

Anti-fa will be the heros.

BLM will require Whites to lick their boots.

Reparations for Blacks.

Then we have to have the war that Trump didn't have, anywhere.

Not my presidents, Biden and Harris!

All of this shit happened DURING the Trump Presidency and many pointed out that nothing got done because we expected Orange Man to come save us.

Now conservatives have nobody but themselves to blame.

Daily reminder that the demographic represented on this board could shut down the USA and demand and get no backlash from it. We just don't.. Apparently content to eat ever thicker shit sandwiches.
I’m really thinking 4 more years is reality but if not then:

roget stone
Edward Snowden
reality winner

are locks
UH, President Harris said she will go after the gun people. First Gropy Joe is going to roll back all of the Trump tax cuts. I think a lot will change. The economy will go to shit because companies will return to Messico and China. Look at Biden's plan to tax companies heavily. Then illegals will be getting a free pass. Green climate change because of man shit will be thrust upon us again. Regulations again up the ass, while fags roam freely naked in public schools and If I complain, my job will be threatened and i have to shut up..

Anti-fa will be the heros.

BLM will require Whites to lick their boots.

Reparations for Blacks.

Then we have to have the war that Trump didn't have, anywhere.

Not my presidents, Biden and Harris!

Jeasus Fucking Christ. We will be living a nightmare! :mad3: Fucking Sheepels
I remember reading similar stuff from left wingers about trump. Seriously my taxes got slightly lower for a few years. That’s it.

I hadn’t thought of guns and ammo. Good point.

I know Right? Mine actually went fucking up under Trump!!

No ones day to day life will change, unless you are a lobbiest or part of the military industrial complex/deepstate.

I hope he pardons snowden, but he prolly won't.
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I know Right? Mine actually went fucking up under Trump!!

No ones day to day life will change, unless you are a lobbiest or part of the military industrial complex/deepstate.

I hope he pardons snowden, but he prolly won't.

But it finally got you to move out of that communist state....
I've been trying to get out of there for 20yrs, it was a series of stars aligning that did it not related to the prez lol!

He probably worked that deal one weekend on your behalf. :flipoff2::flipoff2:
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