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What will Pence do ?????

In case you didn't notice this whole thread is speculation. I specifically asked what will Pence do. Any answer anyone gives is opinion/speculation.

That's what os so freaky you claim to be a facts only person! Did someone spike your Ovaltine this morning? :flipoff2:
In case you didn't notice this whole thread is speculation. I specifically asked what will Pence do. Any answer anyone gives is opinion/speculation.

How can it be opinion when Pence wrote a fucking letter (posted above) to Pelosi where he used her own words to tell her to fuck off?
Wait SDCJ speculating?
Can a MOD do an IP check to make sure this is really SDCJ and not someone who has stolen his log in?
I believe that after the heat of the moment Pence will be the only one who will be judged to have followed the law.
Gee The Turtle turned on Trump immagine that

You guys still can't understand a simple concept. I rag on people for making wild speculations and stating them as a fact about an actual event. That's VERY different than asking what someone thinks will happen in the future or what some person's actions will be in the future.
Every other day
“I’m not going to speculate on the subject because that is something uniformed idiots do. I’ll wait and see what actually happens”

”I’m speculating on this, but it’s different because it’s me speculating. But when you speculate, you’re an idiot, but I’m not an idiot when I speculate. You just don’t get it. You questioning me is pure speculation and the SCOTUS ruled in my favor.”

Got it.
Every other day
“I’m not going to speculate on the subject because that is something uniformed idiots do. I’ll wait and see what actually happens”

”I’m speculating on this, but it’s different because it’s me speculating. But when you speculate, you’re an idiot, but I’m not an idiot when I speculate. You just don’t get it. You questioning me is pure speculation and the SCOTUS ruled in my favor.”

Got it.

Every other day
“I’m not going to speculate on the subject because that is something uniformed idiots do. I’ll wait and see what actually happens”

”I’m speculating on this, but it’s different because it’s me speculating. But when you speculate, you’re an idiot, but I’m not an idiot when I speculate. You just don’t get it. You questioning me is pure speculation and the SCOTUS ruled in my favor.”

Got it.

Outta the park! :lmao:
Every other day
“I’m not going to speculate on the subject because that is something uniformed idiots do. I’ll wait and see what actually happens”

”I’m speculating on this, but it’s different because it’s me speculating. But when you speculate, you’re an idiot, but I’m not an idiot when I speculate. You just don’t get it. You questioning me is pure speculation and the SCOTUS ruled in my favor.”

Got it.

So are we speculating that he's speculating? If speculating makes someone an idiot as he claims then has he become the idiot?

:flipoff2: SDCJ
So are we speculating that he's speculating? If speculating makes someone an idiot as he claims then has he become the idiot?

:flipoff2: SDCJ

Stop speculating. COTUS. SCOTUS eye roll eye roll, head shake head shake....:rolleyes::rolleyes::trooper:
"Last week, I did not yield to pressure to exert power beyond my constitutional authority to determine the outcome of the election," Pence said to the speaker in an evening letter. "And I will not now yield to efforts in the House of Representatives to play political games at a time so serious in the life of our nation."

time is on pences side. congress can't do anything in a week and I doubt pence will cave on this, there is incredibly little downside from telling Pelosi to shove it over the 25th and no way congress will go through with fuckall regarding impeachment
It’s funny you guys talking about Trump “claiming victory.” Rightfully so. Have you not driven through one of the 2,497 counties Trump won? Trump 2024 signs are replacing all the other Trump signs.

So yeah, he’s victorious. Quit acting like it’s unjustified and just his ego.

I've seen more signs since the election in our area. I've also seen the Pence whited out on the bottom of the 2020 signs. Weird

I blame the people around Trump more then anyone else for the position he is in right now. Whoever convinced Trump Pence could constitutionally reject the electorates did us and all of Trumps policies massive harm.
I've seen more signs since the election in our area. I've also seen the Pence whited out on the bottom of the 2020 signs. Weird

I blame the people around Trump more then anyone else for the position he is in right now. Whoever convinced Trump Pence could constitutionally reject the electorates did us and all of Trumps policies massive harm.

wait, what? Constitutionally, senators could object and pence could have sent them back to the states. Obviously, he didn't have the guts to do it
wait, what? Constitutionally, senators could object and pence could have sent them back to the states. Obviously, he didn't have the guts to do it

Theres a precedent for just this...
wait, what? Constitutionally, senators could object and pence could have sent them back to the states. Obviously, he didn't have the guts to do it

I'd like to believe that but everything I've read says that it's up to the states to either certify the votes or reject the votes as fraudulent and Pence is there to just monitor the proceedings. Hopefully you can show me different .
Seems like a rub here...

Several states during the 1876 election sent rival electoral ballots to be considered by Congress, which lacked a procedure to decide among contested slates of electors. The states certified the counts in 2020, possibly fraudulently but accepted non the same.

The only State I see where they had a chance was my state, Pa. who changed the rules dramatically without legislation to back it up. I still can't figure out why no-one would look at that.
Seems like a rub here...

Several states during the 1876 election sent rival electoral ballots to be considered by Congress, which lacked a procedure to decide among contested slates of electors. The states certified the counts in 2020, possibly fraudulently but accepted non the same.

The only State I see where they had a chance was my state, Pa. who changed the rules dramatically without legislation to back it up. I still can't figure out why no-one would look at that.

GA, AZ, NV, PA, and MI, and WI.

Yeah, they all had some serious issues that warranted being investigated.

you know why no one wanted to look into it. they dont want to know the answer
Face it Pence is Damned if does and Damned if he doesn't politcally he is done. I hope he has stolen enough of the peoples money to retire to whatever state he came from. Hopefully behind locked gates with machinegun armed guards because the left will be out for his blood
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