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What the Epps is going on in Coeur d'Alene

Some gay pride parade in CDA and these white nationalists or something like that wanted to join in. Guess they were all packed A to B in the back of a uhaul.
I never thought north Idaho would have to import Aryans.



Wouldn't the first thing the police do is remove the face masks? Unless its a false flag operation that will never see a courtroom.

Those are fedboys they caught.
All have hats, sunglasses and masks. Makes it real hard to id them, I've had police ask me to take my sunglasses off just for pulling me over for a speeding ticket.
Outfits too well Matching, no meal team six slobs; it’s the feds.

Wasnt there another group of ‘extremists‘ that marched on a court or something of all physically fit guys in perfectly matching khakis and black or navy shirts in the last yr That just magically vanished from media coverage within a matter of hours?

Edit; yup, found it-

the media narrative labeled them as white supremecist/nationalist but never backed that claim up with any evidence/ support for the claim.

its like the false flag machine is out of ideas and so just trying the same thing 6 mos later to see if it gains more traction in the fear porn media machine this time Around??
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Outfits too well Matching, no meal team six slobs; it’s the feds.

Wasnt there another group of ‘extremists‘ that marched on a court or something in perfectly matching khakis and black or navy shirts in the last yr That just magically vanished from media coverage within a matter of hours?

yup, found it:

the media narrative labeled them as white supremecist/nationalist but never backed that claim up with any evidence/ support for the claim.
Evidence.... media?

All have hats, sunglasses and masks. Makes it real hard to id them, I've had police ask me to take my sunglasses off just for pulling me over for a speeding ticket.
I'll bet that guy with the white sleeves has some very distinctive tattoos that would ID him as well.

Why cuff them and not demask? Stinks.

Last time they turned up they had some pro riot shields too. Seems like it would be easy to get the CC info from all the recent purchases to run down who's financing them too... if they actually wanted too.
I'll bet that guy with the white sleeves has some very distinctive tattoos that would ID him as well.

Why cuff them and not demask? Stinks.

Last time they turned up they had some pro riot shields too. Seems like it would be easy to get the CC info from all the recent purchases to run down who's financing them too... if they actually wanted too.
Hard to track who the individual was when the corporate card reads "small town America PD"
Conspiracy to riot? What a joke.
Yup, they’re guilty of ‘Looking like they’re up to no good.’ /thought crimes.

”"It is clear to us based on the gear that the individuals had with them, the stuff they had in their possession, the U-Haul with them along with paperwork that was seized from them, that they came to riot downtown," Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Lee White said during a news conference.

The operation in Coeur d'Alene began when a concerned citizen informed police "approximately 20 people jumped into a U-Haul. They had shields and looked like a little army," White said.

There was no violence or significant disruption before the arrests were made, White said, adding, "Today ended up being relatively uneventful overall."

except they could cite the video from DC as an example that they have a track record of peacefully demonstrating in that gear...
Outfits too well Matching, no meal team six slobs; it’s the feds.

Wasnt there another group of ‘extremists‘ that marched on a court or something in perfectly matching khakis and black or navy shirts in the last yr That just magically vanished from media coverage within a matter of hours?

Edit; yup, found it-

the media narrative labeled them as white supremecist/nationalist but never backed that claim up with any evidence/ support for the claim.

its like the false flag machine is out of ideas and so just trying the same thing 6 mos later to see if it gains more traction in the fear porn media machine this time??
I know the mother of one of the people who was arrested, she will happily tell you that her son is an idiot.
He has had quite a few vacations from Facebook for claiming that Holocaust didn't happen and other such stupidity, so this is not a surprise.

Aaron Z
I know the mother of one of the people who was arrested, she will happily tell you that her son is an idiot.
He has had quite a few vacations from Facebook for claiming that Holocaust didn't happen and other such stupidity, so this is not a surprise.

Aaron Z

Seems like arresting those tools for thought crimes gives them justification in their stupidity, emboldens worse behaviors.

Way to go feds, another tiny handful pushed slightly closer to your grasp.

Hopefully they take their final action shit across to Seattle though
All have hats, sunglasses and masks. Makes it real hard to id them, I've had police ask me to take my sunglasses off just for pulling me over for a speeding ticket.
Same here.

I had to roll all of my windows down (suburban with factory tint), then remove my sunglasses. He still didn't believe that it was me. :homer:
I know the mother of one of the people who was arrested, she will happily tell you that her son is an idiot.
He has had quite a few vacations from Facebook for claiming that Holocaust didn't happen and other such stupidity, so this is not a surprise.

Aaron Z

OK, so the feds have recruited at least one moronto join their covert op??
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