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What Are You Reading?

May 19, 2020
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I thought we had this thread going already?

I just finished "Night Over Water" by Ken Follett. Loved it. I've read quite a few of his novels, and they've all been excellent.

The Horus Heresy of Warhammer 40k.

I read books 1-5 and jumped to 41: The Master of Mankind.

I don't play the games or anything. I just like the sci-fi, the violence, and the gloom.

Got a Kindle to start this series up and mostly read just before bed so it's pretty slow going because I pass out pretty easily. :homer:

I'm a big audiobook guy for the commute. I average 2-3 books a month that way. Lots of sci-fi, dystopian, whatever the Jack Reacher action type genre is, etc. Occasionally I'll throw in a historical book like this one below, but often they tend to get boring and i lose interest

Just got this in mail.
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Love that book. I originally read it in conjunction with Monsters and Magical Sticks by Steven Heller, NLP by Niel Shah and The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz; it is amazing how concepts in Thinking Fast and Slow show up in other books; I constantly go back and re-read parts of it as I'm reading something else. I've also referenced it in several different threads. Definitely worth the time to read.

I typically read about 7 books at a time, and I usually have several different color highlighters and a pen and will highlight parts and/or leave notes in the margin. I used to be a "one book at a time" kind of reader (and would never consider writing in or highlighting parts of a book) until I read Turn the Page by Chris Brady and the points made in that book, lead me to giving reading multiple books a try. It is amazing how something you read about in one book will show up in another book and allow your brain to come up with new conclusions that are in neither book.

This is my current stack. I've read the Bible several times, in different translations, but this is the first time using a Chronological Bible and I'm seeing things I didn't see before. Can't Hurt Me and The Way of the Superior Man are my current "be a better man" books. Oneness is a book I'm using to offset/reground my mind/provide a potential counter-perspective of the last two, which I picked up after being asked what I thought about BDSM relationships as they relate to a Christian lifestyle and I honestly didn't know enough to give the guy an answer, so I decided to find out (and the conclusions I'm coming up with might surprise you, but that's a topic for another thread after I've gone through a few more books on the topic). Finally, I'm re-reading Monsters and Magical Sticks from a how to help someone with an extremely traumatic experience point of view.

Anne Bishop, the black jewels series. Almost done with book 9
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4 of the last 10 or so that I liked the most.


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I finished the whole ‘One Second After’ series about a month ago. Then I re-read 11.22.63. I read it the first time about 10 years ago. I’ve never been a big horror book guy, so always ignored a lot of Stephen King, but loved this novel. After reading it this time I decided to give another one of his books a chance, and chose ‘The Outsider’. I’m just 50-60 pages in so far, so I’ll hold judgement till the end. I normally read a hundred or so pages at a time, the fact I laid it down after half that carries some weight.

I’m a one book at a time guy. I like finishing one, then “hunting” for what to put on my list for later. A lot of times this leads me to new ideas for reading based on what I just read. Like I’m now hunting a copy of ‘Time and Again’ by Jack Finney, based solely on my reading of ‘11.22.63’

Oddly enough I have Ken Follett’s ‘Pillars of the Earth’ on deck as my next read. If I like that I’ll pick up a copy of ‘Eye of the Needle’ for down the road.
Then I re-read 11.22.63. I read it the first time about 10 years ago. I’ve never been a big horror book guy, so always ignored a lot of Stephen King, but loved this novel.
That is one of my all-time favorites. I've read it twice.

I’m a one book at a time guy. I like finishing one, then “hunting” for what to put on my list for later. A lot of times this leads me to new ideas for reading based on what I just read. Like I’m now hunting a copy of ‘Time and Again’ by Jack Finney, based solely on my reading of ‘11.22.63’
I also really enjoyed Time and Again
Unfortunately I have been slacking. The last book I read was, the poppy fields.
Comanche were ISIS of early America. But they made their women do all the chores/work so I can't fully hate them.
I am in the middle of Ken Follett’s ‘Pillars of the Earth. I am loving it so far. Gonna be reading alot more of his stuff.
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Tales of Ordinary Madness by Bukowski, Poisoner in Chief by I can’t remember, about to reread Killing Rommel so I can give it to my nephew.
Just finished Heat 2. It's a sequel to the 90's movie. I would say it was good, but nothing spectacular. If anyone wants it I would ship it out.

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