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"Warning! Austin defunded police. Enter at your own risk!"


Ol' School member
May 20, 2020
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The Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA) has put up two billboards along Interstate 35 entering Austin after the city council voted last month to cut the Austin police budget. One of them reads: "Warning! Austin defunded police. Enter at your own risk!"

The second says, "Limited support next 20 miles," according to the association.

TMPA, the largest law enforcement association in Texas, said on Facebook it released the billboards – which include the hashtag #BacktheBlue – "to raise public awareness that Austin is a defunded city."

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick backed the campaign, calling them "great new billboards" in a tweet on Wednesday, while Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted about them with the hashtag #TexasBacksTheBlue.

Abbott has called on every Texan and candidate for public office to sign a pledge against defunding the state's police departments and post it on social media Thursday afternoon to show support for law enforcement.

"Defunding our police departments would invite crime into our communities and put people in danger," reads the pledge. "That is why I pledge to support any measure that discourages or stops efforts to defund police departments in Texas."

"Defunding the police" has been a focal point for protesters who have taken to the streets in recent months following the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis. Some cities across the U.S. have acted on the calls, which come as part of a wider movement against racial injustice and police brutality.

Supporters have said "defunding" isn't about doing away with all funding for police departments. The practice is often a reallocation of some money from law enforcement to other services that could help the community.

In Austin, the city council approved a $150 million cut in funding to the Austin Police Department last month, with the majority of money being redirected to other departments and social services, according to CBS Austin.

Austin Mayor Steve Adler and other council members argue the changes will improve public safety. He took to Twitter last month to explain the changes.

"This budget responds to concerns expressed all over the community and embodies our values as a city. New investment is focused on the underlying causes of crime," he wrote.

The new budget maximizes officer effort and invests in programs and strategies to decrease crime, Adler said.

Adler has pointed to Denver as a city that effectively transformed its police department, CBS Austin reports. Denver is now sending mental health professionals instead of police to respond to non-violent 911 calls. According to Adler, none of the calls in Denver have required police backup. This frees up officers for other police work.

While cities like Denver and Austin call the defunding effort "reimagining public safety," others, including Texas Governor Abbott, see it as a threat to law and order, according to CBS Austin.

However, Adler says Austin continues to be the safest big city in Texas. "I mean you could have a 50% increase in homicides in Austin and you still wouldn't get up to where Fort Worth is, a smaller city than we are," the mayor said.

In a news conference Thursday, Abbott, a Republican, was joined by other officials who signed the pledge against defunding police departments in the state.

Texas Democrats issued their own pledge in response to the "Back the Blue" campaign. The Democrats' "Texas First Pledge" includes protecting public health by following scientists' recommendations in responding to COVID-19, providing coverage for pre-existing conditions, and supporting small businesses and education. The party shared the pledge on Twitter and urged Abbott and Senator John Cornyn, a fellow Republican, to sign it.
So does that mean that with Hunting Season upon us, Rioters, Looters,Thieves, Protesters, etc will be Open Season as well ?
So in theory these people want the police to make less because some are poorly trained? The less they make, the less people will want to sign up to be an officer. Shit hole cities already have a damn near open door for new officers.

Won't this just make for worse officers? Look at Mexico, they make so little, you can bribe them with $20.
Road trip, time to fund that retirement account. Any have a list of the ritzy neighborhoods?
Big city problems.

I remember when the news gleefully annouced that Mountainair had no police. Some old guy called the radio show, and said "Now why did you do that, do you know how hard it is to hide bodies
don't worry they'll just write some more tickets for 5 over and make up the difference in a week
oh look at that you're driving a million dollar car, hm shame if someone were to find some weedneedles in it
So does that mean that with Hunting Season upon us, Rioters, Looters,Thieves, Protesters, etc will be Open Season as well ?

So... If Texas department of fish and game were to issue a out of state visitors hunting license for rioters, looters and thieves, how much we talking? $$$

Just curious :grinpimp:
So... If Texas department of fish and game were to issue a out of state visitors hunting license for rioters, looters and thieves, how much we talking? $$$

Just curious :grinpimp:

Well obviously FREE! They have no Staff to Process Licensing this year.

Out of state Visitors do have certain Rules. They have to have shot more than a Hundred Rounds thru their Weapon of choice.

There is a Minimum Requirement for the Bag Limit. Must pull a Kyle on at least 20 of them with less than a 100 Rounds.

Other than that,All is Fair Game :cool:
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Well obviously FREE! They have no Staff to Process Licensing this year.

Out of state Visitors do have certain Rules. They have to have shot more than a Hundred Rounds thru their Weapon of choice.

There is a Minimum Requirement for the Bag Limit. Must pull a Kyle on at least 20 of them with less than a 100 Rounds.

Other than that, ALL is Fair Game :cool:
Out of state Visitors do have certain Rules

I understand completely... I’ll do my best to stick to the rules

I’m guessing collecting the right thumb and picture ID (if available) for a proper identification of the perpetrator is standard procedure ?
just they might have to make do without some of their fancy toys. I personally feel the tax payers shouldn’t be on the hook for paying for the purchase and maintenance of armored personnel carriers and thermal optics for individual officers and the use of aircraft to enforce fucking speed limits.

My thoughts on the whole thing. They can drive their own damn car to work. APD was one of the highest paid departments in the state.

I just want to know where the $150m is going NOW. Because you know they arent cutting tax rates. Hell, they voted AGAINST an audit not too long ago.
I just don't get this stuff. They are practically begging white moderates to vote Republican. Police were the heros 3 months ago, and now they are cutting their budgets.
I understand completely... I’ll do my best to stick to the rules

I’m guessing collecting the right thumb and picture ID (if available) for a proper identification of the perpetrator is standard procedure ?

Well,usually but this year even the Autopsy and Forensics is on Hold until further notice.

So as long as they can check Dental records,if available at a later date,then it's good to go!

The State is Hoping for as Many Participants as possible this year. Thanks for your inquiry. Hope you Max out your Bag Limit this year.

The State Department appreciates your help at this time.
Well,usually but this year even the Autopsy and Forensics is on Hold until further notice.

So as long as they can check Dental records,if available at a later date,then it's good to go!

The State is Hoping for as Many Participants as possible this year. Thanks for your inquiry. Hope you Max out your Bag Limit this year.

The State Department appreciates your help at this time.

The last thing I want to do is burden your great state’s LEO facilities during these trying times. I will refrain from head shots, and I will make sure to document the grave sites for future collection

Looking forward to a great season! :beer:
What these fucking idiots dont understand is that "defunding" the Austin police dept only made the Sheriff's Dept and Highway patrol step up their game. Every time I roll through Austin I see an increased presence of other depts.
I'll do a count in about an hour and a half when I go through there.
Roughly 30% of the budget was cut. Abbott has some state legislation that will penalize cities for doing this. There is a large political game about to play out here over it.

Really not an issue, at the end of the day... easily solved by policing for profit.
Other than the claim that the budget was cut 30% there is a whole lot of stupid shit and emotional childish comments in this thread :laughing::laughing::laughing:

The example given was Denver where the redirected money went to social services applied to 911 calls. This enabled social people to respond and try to mediate non- life threatening emergencies or calls. It is pretty common knowledge that social calls can be the most dangerous for police. The perps are wound up really tight. Think intoxocated dads with child custody type shit. Ready to die. Temporary insanity is a legit diagnosis. In these cases, a qualified trained social worker MAY be far better and effective some bumbling 2-bit doughnut eater all trigger happy ready to blast, and mag dump through a gypsum wall board into a room where they cant see what or who they are killing. Coming in full SWAT and armored car, AR-15 and door ram. If you dont like that or agree with me on that tough shit. :flipoff2: Part of a redirect COULD be a great thing. Not saying DEFUND the cops. Not saying I agree with or have all the facts. Just pointing out, {gary}-esque, how reactionary and thoughtless some of us respond.
Meh............. All federal, state and local budgets could be trimmed by 30% and we would continue to be fine, actually probably better as a nation.
The last thing I want to do is burden your great state’s LEO facilities during these trying times. I will refrain from head shots, and I will make sure to document the grave sites for future collection

Looking forward to a great season! :beer:

Keep in mind, it is completely legal to use bait when hunting in Texas. Typically we use corn for both deer and hogs. You can also plant food plots to further increasing your chances of a decent bag.

Knowing what you are hunting is going to be key to your success. I would recommend the following attractants and baits.

For non native invasive species
Carton of Kool Menthols
Any type of Kool Ade
Boneless jungle ham, (watermelon)
Fine ass White Wimmenz,

Under no circumstance should you wear work boots, the scent will scare off the game.

For native species
play-station controllers
any type of non natural hair coloring
black facial coverings, and any type of black concealment garments.

Under no circumstances should you wear deodorant, this will scare the native game species off.

To further your chances of bagging either species, I would recommend placing any of the following in the immediate area you are hunting.

American Flags
Blue Lives Matter flags
Any type of Donald Trump re-election signs, MAGA, or KAGA swag
Cheap liquor and cigarettes
loaded EBT/Lonestar cards.

Good luck and happy hunting.
Keep in mind, it is completely legal to use bait when hunting in Texas. Typically we use corn for both deer and hogs. You can also plant food plots to further increasing your chances of a decent bag.

Knowing what you are hunting is going to be key to your success. I would recommend the following attractants and baits.

For non native invasive species
Carton of Kool Menthols
Any type of Kool Ade
Boneless jungle ham, (watermelon)
Fine ass White Wimmenz,

Under no circumstance should you wear work boots, the scent will scare off the game.

For native species
play-station controllers
any type of non natural hair coloring
black facial coverings, and any type of black concealment garments.

Under no circumstances should you wear deodorant, this will scare the native game species off.

To further your chances of bagging either species, I would recommend placing any of the following in the immediate area you are hunting.

American Flags
Blue Lives Matter flags
Any type of Donald Trump re-election signs, MAGA, or KAGA swag
Cheap liquor and cigarettes
loaded EBT/Lonestar cards.

Good luck and happy hunting.

What percentage of their budget was that $150 million? It doesn’t sound to me like they disbanded the police forces in the city, just they might have to make do without some of their fancy toys. I personally feel the tax payers shouldn’t be on the hook for paying for the purchase and maintenance of armored personnel carriers and thermal optics for individual officers and the use of aircraft to enforce fucking speed limits. Should they have a helicopter with night vision shit on it, probably. But that shit should stay on the ground unless it’s being used for a manhunt, missing persons search, or actively supporting the police in stopping some crime that is an actual danger to the tax payers, not flying it every chance you get just to show it off and trying to rape the tax payers for further revenue to pay for the fucking thing

dig into the budgets, Seattle, for example, 90% of their budget is officer compensation packages. "new toys" that the local cops get are often for pennies as hand-me-downs due to 'war on drugs' rules and budgets.

helicopters need to fly, they fall to shit when just left to their own devices. since it needs to fly anyways and they likely don't have enough manhunts to use it regularly for just that purpose, why should it not also do some revenue generating (traffic violations etc.) during those flights? that revenue generation helps offset some of the cost of the required flights and maint. so that when jose Cuervo the coyote decides to take his flock of 15 sheep through the desert, they can be located before they all die of exposure
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