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Vaccine Passports

What happened to New Mexico? I thought they were first like a day ago?

NM governor just did the emergency declaration, so their numbers dont' matter. Now AZ can go ahead and do the same. And then we'll follow the numbers and emergency declarations around the country...
What happened to New Mexico? I thought they were first like a day ago?

The news will report however they like, in what ever way they think is more effective. So long as the fear is motivating the sheep to "baah baah" the direction they want. It's all horseshit at this point. And any half wit can see it.
NM governor just did the emergency declaration, so their numbers dont' matter. Now AZ can go ahead and do the same. And then we'll follow the numbers and emergency declarations around the country...


My entire village up in the hills basically does what the fawk we want. Fawk Gov. Douchey.

My entire village up in the hills basically does what the fawk we want. Fawk Gov. Douchey.

Pretty much here too. Wear a mask or don't. Our mayor has bragged he would confront anybody he sees not wearing a mask, but my nephew went to school with him and he is pretty much a blow hard who never leaves his office during the day. The Queen ain't going to leave her palace, and mix with the Serfs.

They report positive tests as if the person was in the hospital already I found anouther place that said the total number of people actully in the hospital was less than a 1,000:mad3:
Bet $100 youll be able to find a doc wholl stamp your paper for a few bucks without giving you the shot

You will need ID and to report in person. And, everyone will do it. It was impossible two months ago, but it's entirely possible now.
I'm all for less regulation, but why trust the drug companies? "Experts" have been wrong and flip-flopped on so many aspects of this virus, new strains appearing, etc but the vaccine is safe, effective, and worthy of FORCING people to take it? Fuck that.

Because of all the same testing and trials went into this vaccine as any other drug or vaccine coming to market. Not trusting this one is the same as not trusting any of them.
It’s the same risk level as any new drug. Look at Prevacid(cancer causing after mass use) and then look at the hundreds that aren’t Prevacid.
I am pro choice on vacation but the ‘rushed’ is just lack of understanding of what happened.
I have found NOBODY who can definitively say how long the vaccine last (or any anti-bodies for that matter)

Lets get over the civil liberties violations, and just look at the practical matters.

Right, try traveling out of country. Have to get up on your shots depending on where you go!

I've never had any desire to travel, anywhere really. Most of my travel revolves around going somewhere to hunt, and there isnt much I want to hunt that I cant find in my yard.
I've never had any desire to travel, anywhere really. Most of my travel revolves around going somewhere to hunt, and there isnt much I want to hunt that I cant find in my yard.

Same here, but it also fucks those that do want to travel. I'd love to hit up Cabot Trail on the motorcycle. :homer:
Same here, but it also fucks those that do want to travel. I'd love to hit up Cabot Trail on the motorcycle. :homer:

And then there are those among us who are required to travel for work. . .
Bet $100 youll be able to find a doc wholl stamp your paper for a few bucks without giving you the shot

Oh for sure. I should have the rest of the "card" tomorrow. But for now here's a sticker everyone can print out and wear. I might just see if this gets me a no mask pass. :lmao:

Oh for sure. I should have the rest of the "card" tomorrow. But for now here's a sticker everyone can print out and wear. I might just see if this gets me a no mask pass. :lmao:

patiently awaits photoshop versions
I believe that NY state, for one, no longer permits the religious exemption. Can anyone confirm?

Well that's a crock of bullshit.

I am pro vaccines in general, but the government can fuck right off forcing me to take this shit unless I can hold them directly accountable for any issues that arise, up to and including murder charges, if me or my wife has complications that lead to death now or in the future as a result of this "vaccine". Fuck them. They will have to shoot it out of a sniper rifle into my neck in order for me to take this for the next few years.

If it's effective and safe and that is determined a few years down the road, great, but right now fuck off. I'll take my chances with the vid.
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So how many people nationwide have to refuse it to shut the country down? If the .gov can shut the country down indefinitely maybe the citizens should do the same.
We need to get fake papers now before they wise up and get secure about it. Maybe just sign up and slip off to the bathroom before getting poked.
We need to get fake papers now before they wise up and get secure about it. Maybe just sign up and slip off to the bathroom before getting poked.

Well, plenty of stories out there of people signing up for testing appointments, bailing for whatever reason, and still receiving positive test results. Maybe it can work the same way?

This is all the 'paper' is, for now. Simple enough. Enough idiots posting virtue photos holding it on social media to grab some legit product & lot info.

Click image for larger version Name:	VaccineCard.jpg Views:	0 Size:	186.7 KB ID:	273454
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