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Vaccine Passports


I probably did it wrong.
May 22, 2020
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Tech coalition working to create digital COVID-19 vaccination passport

A coalition of health and technology organizations are working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport to allow businesses, airlines and countries to check if people have received the vaccine.

The Vaccination Credential Initiative, announced on Thursday, is formulating technology to confirm vaccinations in the likelihood that some governments will mandate people provide proof of their shots in order to enter the nation.

The organization hopes the technology will allow people to "demonstrate their health status to safely return to travel, work, school and life while protecting their data privacy."

The initiative, which includes members like Microsoft, Oracle and U.S. nonprofit Mayo Clinic, is using the work from member Commons Project’s international digital document that verifies a person has tested negative for COVID-19, the Financial Times reported.

The Commons Project’s technology, created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, is being utilized by three major airline alliances.

The coalition is reportedly in discussions with several governments to create a program requiring either negative tests or proof of vaccination to enter, Paul Meyer, the chief executive of The Commons Project, told the Times.

“The goal of the Vaccination Credential Initiative is to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records so they can use tools like CommonPass to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy,” Meyer said in a release.

The people who have vaccinated are currently receiving a piece of paper confirming their vaccination he said, but the coalition could develop a digital certificate using electronic medical records.

The technology will need to allow patients to keep their data secure while being available in a digital wallet or a physical QR code for them to regulate who sees the information.

The Vaccination Credential Initiative expects certain businesses such as event planners and universities will require their consumers, students and workers to provide proof of vaccination, according to the Times.

Mike Sicilia, the executive vice president of Oracle's Global Business Units, said in a statement said the passport "needs to be as easy as online banking."

"We are committed to working collectively with the technology and medical communities, as well as global governments, to ensure people will have secure access to this information where and when they need it," he added.

The project is also developing as new strains of COVID-19 are popping up worldwide, including the spread of the variant believed to be more contagious that was discovered in the United Kingdom.

Fuck that.

How does this jive with HIPAA?

And fuck tech giants if they think they're getting me on board.
Saw some schools in CA are going to be forcing kids to get the vaccines. Some will say it's no different than requiring the MMR, but this vaccine has been rushed to market in a hyper-politicized climate, for a virus we can't be certain is significantly worse than the flu because the death figures are blatantly inflated.
So how do they account for asymptomatic carriers? I though that was the problem all along?

The spins, narratives, and actions post election are disgusting and its sad MSM pushes it and "americans" allow it.
I'm still confused as to what the exact purpose of this vaccine is and if it doesn't do anything but reduce MY symptoms, wtf is the point of passports? Rhetorical question I know, but still..... Time to research religions that are against vaccinations to join before my ultra woke employer starts mandating these....
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If they want to push this, I want every medical condition listed and accessible to anyone. You have dabeetus I want to know. Your bad heart is going to be my business. You have the herp, hemorrhoids, a yeast infection, cancer in any form, the HIV, pussy warts, frequent wet farts, I want to know about it so I can publicly heckle you.
What part of the vaccine was rushed? If you follow the steps, process, and testing numbers. It wasn't. The time line was compressed but normal testing and steps not. We all know how slow the government moves normally. They dictate the speed to the drug companies with slow responses and waiting periods.

They just responded quickly, had all their attention on a few products instead of thousands, so the gov basically let the drug companies work.
And all this for a disease with a >99.9% survivability rate :homer:

I know I'm preaching to the choir but this was never about the virus....
I'm anticipating Uncle Sugar to announce that proof of vaccination is mandatory for accessing his installations.
What part of the vaccine was rushed? If you follow the steps, process, and testing numbers. It wasn't. The time line was compressed but normal testing and steps not. We all know how slow the government moves normally. They dictate the speed to the drug companies with slow responses and waiting periods.

They just responded quickly, had all their attention on a few products instead of thousands, so the gov basically let the drug companies work.

I'm all for less regulation, but why trust the drug companies? "Experts" have been wrong and flip-flopped on so many aspects of this virus, new strains appearing, etc but the vaccine is safe, effective, and worthy of FORCING people to take it? Fuck that.
Probably make it mandatory to receive the stimulus money

Wouldn't surprise me one bit. I'm fine without it, but sure as fuck bullshit that I'm paying into it. :mad3:
Norwegian I watch on youtube warned this was coming a month ago

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I'm still confused as to what the exact purpose of this vaccine is and if it doesn't do anything but reduce MY symptoms, wtf is the point of passports? Rhetorical question I know, but still..... Time to research religions that are against vaccinations to join before my ultra woke employer starts mandating these....

I believe that NY state, for one, no longer permits the religious exemption. Can anyone confirm?
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