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Update on Friday


RIP 7/22/2023
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Bolivar MO
While the wife did not get a chance to get to a vet today we did get a hit on the facespace

We are being careful and left the original post vague on purpose... Mostly because people suck and we wouldn't want to just give her back to some rando that wasn't actually her owner

Anyhow...someone contacted us tonight stating that they had lost her and sent some pictures...She appears to be the same dog, we are told she is indeed chipped.

However. When we offered for the person to come get the pup they declined.

We explained at that point that we would be taking the dog to the vet in the morning and verifying at least names.

This is mostly for CenKaren.

If we lost one of our family members(dogs) we would have driven to the end of the planet to get them day or night.

Anyhow...the wife is sad and I am gonna go look for a chocolate maroon lol.
When we offered for the person to come get the pup they declined.

"We have taken care of your dog, you may come get her"
"Nah, we ain't gonna bother"


People suck.
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Found a dog killing my chickens, wife brought it to the owners and told them next time her husband is going to shoot it. They said "if he does please make sure he kills it as we cant afford any vet bills"

I would've said the same thing.

If my dog killed your chickens, I'll pay you for them. If there's a next time, shoot that fucker and bury it. It sucks, but sometimes you can't stop nature.
I would've said the same thing.

If my dog killed your chickens, I'll pay you for them. If there's a next time, shoot that fucker and bury it. It sucks, but sometimes you can't stop nature.

No they were broke tweakers that only got her to breed with thier pit and sell puppy's. Sucks for the dog but I didn't have any use for it either.
are they coming to pick up tomorrow or something?

wtf do you mean they declined???

if it were my dog i'd be driving there that night/next day/asap

how would i know youre not some weirdo havin my dog lick PB off ya balls
People suck.

Appears that the op needs to see if there's an animal abandonment law in her state. Because it's against the law in one I stand in. And in this one that's seriously a no bueno.
she might also want to consider the fact she's going to have to get proof of ownership of the dog if she wants to keep it. Cuz it's some point the previous owner who's abandon it may decide "I want my dog back". And you're fucked.
had an acquaintance in the next County with a person who abandoned horse and that's the experience they went through.
But I know everything.
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If they're not interested in getting the dog back, why the hell did they reply to the 'found missing dog' ad in the first place? Makes no sense.
She wants the dog she just didn't want to come and get it last night.

If it were my dog I would have been in the car and down the road.
She wants the dog she just didn't want to come and get it last night.

If it were my dog I would have been in the car and down the road.

Seems odd, did she offer any kind of explanation? I can imagine there would be "good" reasons for not coming immediately, but you'd think she would have explained the reason and been incredibly apologetic about it.
As a former Pug owner that is a seriously disturbing statement . . .. :eek:

why? was it a rescue pug that seen some things :laughing:

I have had a rescue pug run away before well she didn't actually run away my mom accidentally let her out and her ex boyfriend watched her run down the road and didn't think to say anything about it :mad3: . Anyways I put out a $200 reward and someone found her a week later the person who found her wouldn't take the reward and tried to buy her from us because she thought we were irresponsible owners. We got her back as soon as she was found and had been out looking for her every night when I got off of work. The pug got a ny strip for dinner that night. What splib is referring to is that pugs are very generous with their licks and kisses.
What splib is referring to is that pugs are very generous with their licks and kisses.

ah okay :laughing: my parents had a pug when i was a kid and all i remember was he snored real bad

and shit, dogs get out, that doesnt make you a bad owner

if it gets out all the god damn time then thats different
Considering everything means nothing. Props to the OP for putting in the effort. There's a lot of people who would not have done that.
ah okay :laughing: my parents had a pug when i was a kid and all i remember was he snored real bad

and shit, dogs get out, that doesnt make you a bad owner

if it gets out all the god damn time then thats different

I'm pretty sure that pug got better treatment than most people's kids.
So more about Friday...

The owners boyfriend finally came and got her yesterday evening.

Apparently he and her live in an apartment in town and the dog has to stay out on a ranch somewhere not far from where I work.

When he took the dog she didn't want to leave had to drag her to the car.and put her in it.

I guess she had been missing for a few weeks and they had figured she had been got by a bear or coyotes and hadn't really been looking for her.

Does it make me a dog stealer if I find her again and don't say anything?

I'm not gonna go find her and take her, but I will be watching for her since the people where she is kept don't seem to concerned.

The wife says Friday didn't even respond to the guy like a dog normally would to some one the knew...I guess 2 weeks is a long time and if they around her all the time then it could be that way...I dunno.

Any ways

Friday is always somewhere.
So more about Friday...

The owners boyfriend finally came and got her yesterday evening.

That sucks.

Does it make me a dog stealer if I find her again and don't say anything?

I'm not gonna go find her and take her, but I will be watching for her since the people where she is kept don't seem to concerned.

I think that does make you a dog stealer and you shouldn't be a dog stealer unless you know for certain that dog needs to be stolen.
Story doesn't add up. If she was missing for weeks why does she looks that well fed and groomed? Also skeptical of her not wanting to go with the bf, especially given her demeanor in those pictures. She doesn't like him specifically from the sound of it.

I'd probably just keep my mouth shut if she turned up again.
Story doesn't add up. If she was missing for weeks why does she looks that well fed and groomed? Also skeptical of her not wanting to go with the bf, especially given her demeanor in those pictures. She doesn't like him specifically from the sound of it.

I'd probably just keep my mouth shut if she turned up again.

yup this^

and i might see how loud i could call out "friday" near that park of the woods, just to test out the old vocal cords
She didn't recognize her given name at all apparently.


We tried over and over

And so did dude
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