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CA Ultra4 King of the Hammers Week | Jan 29–Feb 6 | | Johnson Valley, CA

Right, I didn't know that applied to the desert, doesn't it just kinda .... kill everything :laughing:

Life adapts. Despite the stereotypes of deserts being uninhabitable, there is a ton of life in the desert; plants and animals.

(1.8 BILLION trees in the Sahara desert as a cool fact)

Do your best to be mindful of introducing non-native life into the JV area.
From their website:
"Firewood will be available for sale outside of Gate 4. Prices are: $5 for what you can carry in your arms and $200 for what you can put in your truck."

There are also usually a few places in Lander's or Yucca that sell firewood
Life adapts. Despite the stereotypes of deserts being uninhabitable, there is a ton of life in the desert; plants and animals.

(1.8 BILLION trees in the Sahara desert as a cool fact)

Do your best to be mindful of introducing non-native life into the JV area.



good to hear! I was worried that it'd be cancelled or moved. It'll be interesting to see the difference in attendance this year vs. the past few years. The past couple of years there was a stupid amount of people there and hopefully there'll be less this year as it's shit show trying to leave after the race is over

Also for first time folks, if you need to stock up on items, there's a big Wal-Mart off of Hwy395 in Victorville.
Anyone know the details regarding the “premium” live stream?
Buy it where you burn it.

Always advisable to burn firewood from the area to limit the chance of non-native issues getting transferred.

Lake Bed specifically has been no dimensional lumber. Kind of a blanket statement to stop pallets and other screw/nail holding wood getting burned and turning into tire poppers in the sand.

Life adapts. Despite the stereotypes of deserts being uninhabitable, there is a ton of life in the desert; plants and animals.

(1.8 BILLION trees in the Sahara desert as a cool fact)

Do your best to be mindful of introducing non-native life into the JV area.

And we want to keep it that way. :flipoff2::laughing:

This is some stupid shit :shaking:

As long as you aren't burning pallets and shit with nails in it, no one will give you any issues. I understand the whole not burning non-native wood in the forests, but what the fuck do you think you could possibly bring out to Johnson Valley that is going to kill all the Creosote? :laughing: Any wood you buy on the lake bed or from the surrounding communities will be imported as well :homer:
Anyone know the details regarding the “premium” live stream?

If you pay extra, you can toggle between in-car footage from some of the top teams. Everyone else will just get picture-in-picture whenever they decide to show it.
As long as you aren't burning pallets and shit with nails in it, no one will give you any issues.

On the lakebed? No.

At the ag inspection station at the state border crossing, that looks in your bed & trailer because you're coming from 8 states away? They might care a little and leave you with no firewood.
On the lakebed? No.

At the ag inspection station at the state border crossing, that looks in your bed & trailer because you're coming from 8 states away? They might care a little and leave you with no firewood.

Shhh...don’t tell the dummy that if he gets inspected he will lose his wood and possibly get fined.
Ill be out there for the week with a few other guys from Texas. Does anyone have an updated trail map, and what is the best map software to download?
Ill be out there for the week with a few other guys from Texas. Does anyone have an updated trail map, and what is the best map software to download?

My group uses the Avenza Map App, works offline as well.

For maps we use maps off of CartoTracks, here is the most up to date one they have of the area (it does cost some $$ ): https://cartotracks.com/Maps/MapDeta...a-faffd2f93479

Here is a free map that is good as well: https://www.avenzamaps.com/maps/8077...ea-with-trails

IMO the paid one is well worth it, but I do 5 - 6 trips to JV a year. The free one will do just fine for you guys, and the entire group can each have it on their phones.

And just to add more to the thread for those reading, CartoTracks also releases the race course maps for purchase as well (a few days before the KOH week begins). Good to have if you are looking for areas to spectate and have never been out to the Lakebed before. Just click on "King Of The Hammers" at the top https://cartotracks.com/Maps/

They also give out hard copies of the maps with the spectator bundles when you purchase a ticket or check in at the gate.
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that's pretty neat. one fee for the whole week or is it just main race day option?

I think it is good for the entire race season, but I don't remember all the details. Dave Cole talked about it in the KOH "pre-show" they did a few weeks ago.
Ill be out there for the week with a few other guys from Texas. Does anyone have an updated trail map, and what is the best map software to download?

I will be camping in the volenteer camp, come by and say hi...
We'll be in Yukon 208, but sharing pits with 3 other teams and will have our big tent set up along Yukon.

Is the BFG Pit going to be there this year? I am trying to determine how much shit to bring for repairs. I am bringing my compressor, welder and plasma cutter since Ruffstuff wont be there. If BFG pits wont be there and I have enough room for my little 10 ton press I will bring that too.
not sure if BFG will be there, post up on one of the KOH FB links? did not know ruffstuff was a no go. they are so helpful every year..
Fresh swag just arrived and it's perfect for KoH !!!
  • Heavy Duty double sided flags
  • Gator masks! Show the fangers on your face or flip it over to hide them
I'll get these on the swag store this evening!

Keep an eye out for a big 3'x5' version of that flag flying at our camp!
Base of turkey claw area keep you away from the wind when it comes up out of the SW. We usually camp right around there and like it.
Base of turkey claw area keep you away from the wind when it comes up out of the SW. We usually camp right around there and like it.

legit spot. last year there were 3 sandstorms from the west. camping there you are partially shielded.
Post up where you are, and will swing by and see the flags in person..
on a tight budget, but will see if i can find some spare change in the floorboard :)
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