Pissing off the internet
A very small minority of your generation protested and the rest of you ostracized and made fun of them for it while towing the line on getting the US involved in eveything they could overseas for 40 years all because communism that would have and did eventually fail on its own anyway as it does everywhere. Not to mention it ruined the lesson that communism doesn't work for people because now they point at us and say that it would have worked if not for those meddling americans. Something they couldn't do if we had just let it fail. And ohh now it is the elites fault? I have bad news for you your generation is most of the elites genius. Must have been in very tiny print in whatever history you read from.Read a book dude, you think your ideals are unique, you think an entire generation caused this as one. You don't think we had young people in the streets protesting? The only difference is we got water cannoned, you get bailed out.
You say we didn't do anything, we did what we could, just like your doing what you can. And yet you have someone on here actually trying to run for office to make change and you call him out about it.
You say we blame others, show me the post we're I blamed an entire anything, other than the elite's, on my problems.