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UFO seen crashing into the ocean near Hawaii

I'm not a denier, I just don't have any first hand experience, so when the pilot told his story with nothing to gain it's another notch in the believable file. Same with Bob Lazar, his life has been ruined a few times no doubt by the spooks, but again no first hand experience, so it's IMO.

The big skepticism factor for me is time. OK, you can say we've got billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in every one of those galaxies, and consequently billions of planets capable of supporting life similar to earth, but time fucks things up. Some intelligent life could have set out for our part of the universe, but because of the distance and the time it takes to get here our star could have gone Red Giant and planet earth would be nothing but a ball of iron by that time.

Yes. This is known by astronomers and enthusiasts.

Think about this.

When you look at the night sky and see a star...

Let's say that star is 20 million light-years away...

The light that is striking your eyeball.... that light, left from that star, 20 million years ago, and you are JUST now seeing it.

IE. You are seeing the Star is it looked 20 MILLION YEARS AGO.

So even if there was intelligent life a million light years away at this very moment, if we looked at their planet with a telescope, it would be how it looked a million years ago (Probably didn't have intelligent life then)
unless their understanding of what we call Quantum Mechanics is enough to have overcome that. but just saying Quantum Mechanics puts me out of my element o there's that.

The understanding of worm holes, skipping across the fabric of space, warp drive, etc., is purely speculative right now. So far about all we know is that nothing with mass can go faster than the speed of light, and that's the huge hurdle. Even if you can overcome those limitations, steering any kind of vessel or even knowing where to steer it is another big issue.
Yes. This is known by astronomers and enthusiasts.

Think about this.

When you look at the night sky and see a star...

Let's say that star is 20 million light-years away...

The light that is striking your eyeball.... that light, left from that star, 20 million years ago, and you are JUST now seeing it.

IE. You are seeing the Star is it looked 20 MILLION YEARS AGO.

So even if there was intelligent life a million light years away at this very moment, if we looked at their planet with a telescope, it would be how it looked a million years ago (Probably didn't have intelligent life then)

Let's just hope if they're looking for intelligent life that they're not looking your way. :flipoff2:
Let's just hope if they're looking for intelligent life that they're not looking your way. :flipoff2:

Well given that I am just over 26 years old... the star system from which they are looking would have to be under 26 light-years away from us to even catch a glimpse of my existence as an individual.

Somewhat limited options compared to the entire universe but I digress.

Maybe its Gliese 623, the double red dwarf system... no known planets at this time so maybe not.

Maybe the Fomalhaut system, which has a known planet and is under 26 light-years away.

Yeah, maybe that one.
The understanding of worm holes, skipping across the fabric of space, warp drive, etc., is purely speculative right now. So far about all we know is that nothing with mass can go faster than the speed of light, and that's the huge hurdle. Even if you can overcome those limitations, steering any kind of vessel or even knowing where to steer it is another big issue.

yea, that stuff is super interesting to me, but it makes my brain go cross eyed when I try to listen to people explain it, even the ones on Rogan's podcast, when I feel like I'm just starting to grasp it, they say something else then I'm back to super lost.
Yes. This is known by astronomers and enthusiasts.

Think about this.

When you look at the night sky and see a star...

Let's say that star is 20 million light-years away...

The light that is striking your eyeball.... that light, left from that star, 20 million years ago, and you are JUST now seeing it.

IE. You are seeing the Star is it looked 20 MILLION YEARS AGO.

So even if there was intelligent life a million light years away at this very moment, if we looked at their planet with a telescope, it would be how it looked a million years ago (Probably didn't have intelligent life then)

So more than likely these aliens are rolling up with :

"What the fawk?!? Where are all the cool ass dinosaurs you said we should see honey? Oh shit! What the hell is that flying thing trying to chase us?!? It has radar?!? I TOLD you we had to leave early to beat the rush!"
Ha! My dad and some of his buddies built a ufo when I was like 10 or 11, early 80s. It was right after ET came out. These guys were all nerds and engineer types so it was pretty legit. It was about 20' across with an aluminum frame covered with a mylar skin (think roswell) with a black helium bag over top and a bunch of 12v blinking lights.

It was supposed to be a joke for one of the guys kids for his birthday party. This was about 7-8 miles outside of town. They launched it at dusk and had it tethered with an winch and 80lb mono several hundred feet up and about a 1/4 mile away from the farm. All of us kids were all excited and freaking out. Well it was little windier than they planned and it broke loose. Then the parents got all excited and freaked out. Fucker flew right over town toward the county airport and caused all kinds of fucking panic in town. Police, FD everybody. It was found crashed a few days later.

Isn't that one of the story lines in the kid's book Mad Scientist Club? :laughing:
yea, that stuff is super interesting to me, but it makes my brain go cross eyed when I try to listen to people explain it, even the ones on Rogan's podcast, when I feel like I'm just starting to grasp it, they say something else then I'm back to super lost.

Yeah, I've got a rudimentary layman's understanding of that stuff at best, and even the stuff I do think I can wrap my head around there's no way I could do the math to prove it to myself, so I just kind of try to follow along with the evolving theories. It's something that I don't really understand, but want to.
So more than likely these aliens are rolling up with :

"What the fawk?!? Where are all the cool ass dinosaurs you said we should see honey? Oh shit! What the hell is that flying thing trying to chase us?!? It has radar?!? I TOLD you we had to leave early to beat the rush!"


So more than likely these aliens are rolling up with :

"What the fawk?!? Where are all the cool ass dinosaurs you said we should see honey? Oh shit! What the hell is that flying thing trying to chase us?!? It has radar?!? I TOLD you we had to leave early to beat the rush!"

Oh man 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

you win the internet today
Yeah, I've got a rudimentary layman's understanding of that stuff at best, and even the stuff I do think I can wrap my head around there's no way I could do the math to prove it to myself, so I just kind of try to follow along with the evolving theories. It's something that I don't really understand, but want to.

There was a dude that worked for the SkunkWorks that supposedly said: "We can now take ET home". And something along the lines of: "There was a problem in the equations, we figured it out".

Found it:


But there's also this:

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Isn't that one of the story lines in the kid's book Mad Scientist Club? :laughing:

No idea. I saw it happen first hand and my mom still has the paper with the article and a picture of the ufo before they launched it.
No idea. I saw it happen first hand and my mom still has the paper with the article and a picture of the ufo before they launched it.

I had the solar ufo kit from the back of popular mechanics when I was little. It was a long black trash bag type thing. Never did get it to really fly, it kind of would drift around until it blew into something and eventually tore. Cost a few dollars and 6-8weeks for delivery.
I'm not a denier, I just don't have any first hand experience, so when the pilot told his story with nothing to gain it's another notch in the believable file. Same with Bob Lazar, his life has been ruined a few times no doubt by the spooks, but again no first hand experience, so it's IMO.

The big skepticism factor for me is time. OK, you can say we've got billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in every one of those galaxies, and consequently billions of planets capable of supporting life similar to earth, but time fucks things up. Some intelligent life could have set out for our part of the universe, but because of the distance and the time it takes to get here our star could have gone Red Giant and planet earth would be nothing but a ball of iron by that time.

Some of the stuff theoretical physics is coming up with in recent years makes religion seem extremely logical in comparison. There's way more that we don't know than we do. We're probably barely scratching the surface.
The big skepticism factor for me is time. OK, you can say we've got billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in every one of those galaxies, and consequently billions of planets capable of supporting life similar to earth, but time fucks things up. Some intelligent life could have set out for our part of the universe, but because of the distance and the time it takes to get here our star could have gone Red Giant and planet earth would be nothing but a ball of iron by that time.

youre basing this off our technology, what if theres technology that allows you to travel MUCH faster than we think is possible

you think if humans on earth keep thriving and getting better technology that 1 million years from now our technology will be even remotely close to what it is now? we went from riding horses around to landing on the moon in less than 300yrs, imagine what we can do with a million years of tech advance

im of the believer that all alien life out there is not just meat and bones, i believe there are intelligent creatures out there made of other "material"
The Navy and BMD peeps test a lot of junk over Hawaii. I know of a couple of test where they let loose some magic pixies that will light up the sky. They launch aluminum spheres lifted by weather balloons that hang around for days before they drop into the ocean. I don't how many time I have seen pictures of these UFO spheres in a local newspaper. Barking Sands is a favorite hot spot for all kinds of cool experiments. It also has the best fucking beach-side bar with a view! Damm I love that place!
The Navy and BMD peeps test a lot of junk over Hawaii. I know of a couple of test where they let loose some magic pixies that will light up the sky. They launch aluminum spheres lifted by weather balloons that hang around for days before they drop into the ocean. I don't how many time I have seen pictures of these UFO spheres in a local newspaper. Barking Sands is a favorite hot spot for all kinds of cool experiments. It also has the best fucking beach-side bar with a view! Damm I love that place!

My squadron flew out of there sometimes.
youre basing this off our technology, what if theres technology that allows you to travel MUCH faster than we think is possible

you think if humans on earth keep thriving and getting better technology that 1 million years from now our technology will be even remotely close to what it is now? we went from riding horses around to landing on the moon in less than 300yrs, imagine what we can do with a million years of tech advance

im of the believer that all alien life out there is not just meat and bones, i believe there are intelligent creatures out there made of other "material"

It's been 51 years since the moon landing. The moon landing came 66 years after the Wright brothers glided a few hundred yards on the Outer Banks of NC.
So what's the difference between light years and "sight years" are you guys saying that my vision travels at the speed of light? And when I combine my vision with magnification that does not increase the speed of vision? I'm so confused just trying to grasp this.
Magnification just lets you see stuff that's farther away. Tiny points of light you can't see (shit that's far away) now become visible. It's a mind trip to think if you could see far enough away, you would basically be catching up to and watching the big bang creating/expanding the universe.

Edit: According to Google, the furthest out they have currently seen is stuff 13 billion light years away (so that's viewing what was what 13 billion years ago). They say the big bang would have been another billion years before that.
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I'm not a denier, I just don't have any first hand experience, so when the pilot told his story with nothing to gain it's another notch in the believable file. Same with Bob Lazar, his life has been ruined a few times no doubt by the spooks, but again no first hand experience, so it's IMO.

The big skepticism factor for me is time. OK, you can say we've got billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in every one of those galaxies, and consequently billions of planets capable of supporting life similar to earth, but time fucks things up. Some intelligent life could have set out for our part of the universe, but because of the distance and the time it takes to get here our star could have gone Red Giant and planet earth would be nothing but a ball of iron by that time.

They may not be aliens... they might be "us" from millions of years in the future. You're thinking in terms of alien space ships and long distance space travel- maybe its an interdimetional ship. They're evolved humanoid, from the distant future, but the distant future is right next to us. We just can't see it because we can't look/travel into that dimension yet.
I used to party with those dudes. They were from far out.
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