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UFO seen crashing into the ocean near Hawaii


Refugee from syrup
May 19, 2020
Member Number
East Coast
Since the Covid relief bill says that Gov agencies have to release all data on UFO's in 180 days. This seem to fit right in. Do you think we actually learn anything from the disclosure

When I was a kid, we'd go camping at the beach on the ocean. My uncle would set a kite up with several lights hanging off it. He'd send that thing out for what seemed like miles. People would gather freaking out about these mysterious lights in the distance. :laughing:
All that changed is nothing. the military just admitted they have seen them just like most citizens have. It was a nothing burger. Nobody was surprised, the real story their is the military released info to the citizens
Had an old guy tell me they used to fill ballons with acetylene and some way hang a lit candle under it and let them go at night, they would float up so high then blow up scaring people
My brother sailed all over the place back in early 2000. He met multiple people saying they saw UFOs come OUT of the ocean instead of crashing into it. He never saw it himself, but several of the stories had very common details. :homer:
My brother sailed all over the place back in early 2000. He met multiple people saying they saw UFOs come OUT of the ocean instead of crashing into it. He never saw it himself, but several of the stories had very common details. :homer:

Probably batu.
When I was a kid, we'd go camping at the beach on the ocean. My uncle would set a kite up with several lights hanging off it. He'd send that thing out for what seemed like miles. People would gather freaking out about these mysterious lights in the distance. :laughing:

Ha! My dad and some of his buddies built a ufo when I was like 10 or 11, early 80s. It was right after ET came out. These guys were all nerds and engineer types so it was pretty legit. It was about 20' across with an aluminum frame covered with a mylar skin (think roswell) with a black helium bag over top and a bunch of 12v blinking lights.

It was supposed to be a joke for one of the guys kids for his birthday party. This was about 7-8 miles outside of town. They launched it at dusk and had it tethered with an winch and 80lb mono several hundred feet up and about a 1/4 mile away from the farm. All of us kids were all excited and freaking out. Well it was little windier than they planned and it broke loose. Then the parents got all excited and freaked out. Fucker flew right over town toward the county airport and caused all kinds of fucking panic in town. Police, FD everybody. It was found crashed a few days later.
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Just off my left shoulder.

Bob Lazar.jpg
Anybody else want to punch these people in the head? How hard is it to hold a fucking camera still?

“Oh look! A UFO! Let me shake the shit out of my phone while I film it!”
Since the Covid relief bill says that Gov agencies have to release all data on UFO's in 180 days. This seem to fit right in. Do you think we actually learn anything from the disclosure

Are all Hawaiians super-stoned all the time?
They have a pretty bad meth problem there. It's also really easy to be homeless in Hawaii since the weather is always warm.

Hawaii is the meth capital of the world not to mention damn near everyone smokes pakalolo.
Just off my left shoulder.

That's pretty cool.

I always thought his story was interesting but honestly thought he was full of shit. Then it came out confirmed that he actually did work at Los Alamos and the government tried to bury that and I was like, "Huh... maybe there's something to this guy after all". Then those Nimitz videos came out last year and the first time I saw them my jaw dropped. I was like, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck... that thing moves exactly like that Bob Lazar kook said they did!" After all of that, I as unbelievable as his story is I gotta say if I had to bet money in it I'd bet that it's the truth. Maybe embellished, but more truth than not.
That's pretty cool.

I always thought his story was interesting but honestly thought he was full of shit. Then it came out confirmed that he actually did work at Los Alamos and the government tried to bury that and I was like, "Huh... maybe there's something to this guy after all". Then those Nimitz videos came out last year and the first time I saw them my jaw dropped. I was like, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck... that thing moves exactly like that Bob Lazar kook said they did!" After all of that, I as unbelievable as his story is I gotta say if I had to bet money in it I'd bet that it's the truth. Maybe embellished, but more truth than not.

I'm not a denier, I just don't have any first hand experience, so when the pilot told his story with nothing to gain it's another notch in the believable file. Same with Bob Lazar, his life has been ruined a few times no doubt by the spooks, but again no first hand experience, so it's IMO.

The big skepticism factor for me is time. OK, you can say we've got billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in every one of those galaxies, and consequently billions of planets capable of supporting life similar to earth, but time fucks things up. Some intelligent life could have set out for our part of the universe, but because of the distance and the time it takes to get here our star could have gone Red Giant and planet earth would be nothing but a ball of iron by that time.
That's pretty pimp.

Wife and I were watching the "Bob Lazar & Area 51" documentary and at one point he does a sketch of what he saw their with a sharpie and I said to my wife, "That would be cool to have." She remembered that and got one of 100 and had it framed.
The big skepticism factor for me is time. OK, you can say we've got billions of galaxies, and billions of stars in every one of those galaxies, and consequently billions of planets capable of supporting life similar to earth, but time fucks things up. Some intelligent life could have set out for our part of the universe, but because of the distance and the time it takes to get here our star could have gone Red Giant and planet earth would be nothing but a ball of iron by that time.

unless their understanding of what we call Quantum Mechanics is enough to have overcome that. but just saying Quantum Mechanics puts me out of my element o there's that.
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