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Trump's chances of winning? Down to the wire, you're Chic Anderson - make the call.


May 21, 2020
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This is not a pure speculation thread now, we've got a week. The happenings are dropping fast and hard. Joe in the basement with a lid on. Laptops, hard-drives, and cell-phones swirling around the room like Poltergeist. Jews being beaten in the streets. Plagues, Earthquakes, Volcanoes... Dogs and Cats living together...

My call today:

49/51 Trump/Biden
tough to say, but republicans have beaten dems this year in new voter registration and trump's 2016 margins more than cover the comparative biden v clinton polling margins from 2016, both things that point to a trump W

trump loses the popular vote by more than 2M though
Somehow we're supposed to believe a walking corpse with near-zero voter enthusiasm and his running mate who condones violent rioting in our cities will win a fair election without it being rigged.

But it's already rigged anyway by the media and big tech covering for Biden and promoting the scamdemic hoax and the fake race war.
Trump is on TV saying he's ahead almost everywhere by five points. Could be just bragging or he may have access to numbers we don't. I still say Trump by a landslide unless there's widespread cheating. I don't believe widespread cheating is likely in states that matter.

So I make three predictions.

1. Trump wins reelection

2. Trump wins popular vote

3. Trump has largest inauguration crowd size.

America will get sick of winning. Lol.
Trump is on TV saying he's ahead almost everywhere by five points. Could be just bragging or he may have access to numbers we don't. I still say Trump by a landslide unless there's widespread cheating. I don't believe widespread cheating is likely in states that matter.

So I make three predictions.

1. Trump wins reelection

2. Trump wins popular vote

3. Trump has largest inauguration crowd size.

America will get sick of winning. Lol.

I hope you are right.
Based on my own personal political research, ie: driving around looking at yard signs, Im seeing 3x more Trump signs over Biden. Even in our uber liberal college town just North of us here in Indiana.
so, Im saying Trump wins, but no official announcement for at least 5 days.
Who freaking knows. But the absolute corruption in the media and social sites is very disheartening. They are setting the country on a course that will not end well, all for nothing. Trump may win, but the long term outlook doesn't look good.


I think Trump will win in a way that surprises everyone. But what the media has turned into is downright fucking scary.
Based on my own personal political research, ie: driving around looking at yard signs, Im seeing 3x more Trump signs over Biden. Even in our uber liberal college town just North of us here in Indiana.
so, Im saying Trump wins, but no official announcement for at least 5 days.

Ball state, Purdue, or iu? We were in Bloomington a couple weeks back and noticed very few Biden signs. That's not the case for north of Indy tho. Alot of Biden signs in zionsville, Carmel, fishers area.
Maybe 10%. He'll have to pretty much sweep all the battleground states and that's highly unlikely. I just hope the Republicans can hold the Senate. I don't want the Dems (or Pubs for that matter) controlling the White House and both bodies of Congress.
Trump will win in a landslide. Reading the comments on some YT videos and other places, there are TONS of secret Trump supporters who cannot and will not vocalize their support, because it isn't safe to do so.

Also, if ONE thing is missed on the mail-in ballot, your vote won't count. Seeing how Biden supporters are scared, and Trump supporters show up in thousands for rallies, I think I know who's votes WILL count in person. :flipoff2:
Trump in a landslide.

But then they will suddenly "find" more Biden mail-in ballots and declare that idiot won. That will then lead to a huge legal dispute and the media will do whatever it takes to get Biden in office.

ALL the polls are way wrong. Some have it close in Montana. Some say Texas will go blue. Seriously? If Trump does not win in a landslide...something is rigged.
Unfortunately I think he has almost no chance. Too much is stacked against him. Media, fake plague, fake race war, blah blah blah.

Dems have been talking about a response to Trump "stealing the election" for months, even as they've been doing exactly that.
If the rally's are any indication it's Trump by a landslide.....

With that said do i think the Democrats are doing everything possible to steal it..... Yes
I can't even make a prediction. I sure do see a ton of enthusiasm all over for Trump and nothing for Biden. Even in San Francisco and the Bay Area, I've only seen a couple Biden signs, although still no Trump signs there.
Who freaking knows. But the absolute corruption in the media and social sites is very disheartening. They are setting the country on a course that will not end well, all for nothing. Trump may win, but the long term outlook doesn't look good.

This. Forget the pols and lawyers. A good start would be busloads of media at the bottom of a cliff.
My prediction

Trump wins easily on election day and then come "found" votes. PA will be the epicenter of fraud that will make us wish for something as simple as the hanging chads of 2000.

I do also think that Trump will flip at least one non expected (dem safe) state like CO or NM).

If you were to land on earth today not knowing about anything going on, you'd think Trump was already the winner with all the enthusiasm is on Trump's side.

Polls are tightening fast, which means that previous polls were nothing but gas lighting
Has anyone put together how much money Biden is going to spend on bullshit ramblings he's talking about just dealing with COVID? Just sat and watched him talk about Billions here, Billions there....... I mean for fucks sakes he'll break us!

Then at the end of it, and i may be wrong, but he said he would give his "scholars" and people 180 days after he takes office to how we'll do it......... 180 Days and not a single fucking journalist asked him "WTF did you just say"

He's a joke.
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