Team no stickys
The same for both cases but one is much easier to forge: A letter with pronouncements of authenticity, or an actual human being who can and should be arrested for being an illegal.
I propose we station cops at the polling stations to pick up the Illegals. Republicans should be on the offensive on this, but they won't be because they're pussies.
Should be a joint resolution from both Houses of the Republican Party, and it should be pushed year after year. But Repubs are pussies and keep hoping Mexicans will vote for them, which they won't do.
Mostly we're being held hostage by Republicans in SouthWestern States, and well, you know how I feel about them.
yes the illegals are the problem, not them fucking with the numbers that you will never be able to audit:rolleyes:. All you need is 1.2 votes for candidate A and .60 votes for candidate be "accidentally" coded in there and you can almost guarentee a win. Flip flop the names on the screen etc.... We saw a version of this in that iowa primary shit show. Stop getting roped into cable tv talking points (illegals, mail in ballots etc) they distract you from the real corruption. Plus you get two bullshit choices anyway, nothing changes except one takes your rights away slower than the other one, although COVID and the riots have reversed that trend pretty quickly.