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The offishall DJ1 vs marxists-commies thread...

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I play World of Warcraft. Yea, I'm a dork. :flipoff2:

Had the guild leader explain to me the benefits of Communism and how it needs to be implemented for over thirty minutes. He's a disabled Army Vet, diabeetus, had cancer, and legs are no good so he's stuck in a wheelchair. He doesn't work, collects from the gov't, and logs between 90 and 110 hours a week playing video games.
I play World of Warcraft. Yea, I'm a dork. :flipoff2:

Had the guild leader explain to me the benefits of Communism and how it needs to be implemented for over thirty minutes. He's a disabled Army Vet, diabeetus, had cancer, and legs are no good so he's stuck in a wheelchair. He doesn't work, collects from the gov't, and logs between 90 and 110 hours a week playing video games.

It's easy to hate freedom when you can't enjoy it.
It's easy to hate freedom when you can't enjoy it.

Iunno. Sitting back for a hundred hours a week while still collecting a check sounds freedomish. I feel like real world communism, he'd have the same fate as the guy from Schindler's List that had one arm trying to shovel snow.
Iunno. Sitting back for a hundred hours a week while still collecting a check sounds freedomish. I feel like real world communism, he'd have the same fate as the guy from Schindler's List that had one arm trying to shovel snow.

Sitting down and having your cake.... eating it too......
you realize what happens next... right????

Nothing worth having comes easily..... it won’t make you feel good... which is what we need most for mental health!!!!!
Before I dig back into state-run media, here are a few choice words from a USMC veteran...

** BTW, you shouldn't be clicking on links unless you have your TOR/VPN already setup...

Happy Death Of America Day - January 20, 2021 ~ Aesop @TheRaconteurReport
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No, really.

Whatever happens after today won't be American.
Call it whatever you want, but not that.

Outright and obvious electoral fraud has been gaslighted, pro forma appeals to authority for redress of legitimate and documented grievances rejected, and civil disobedience has been criminalized to the point of terrorism, by those would-be overlords who seized power because they could, and got away with it, with the mantra of "By Any Mean Necessary". Liberty, black-letter law, and any pretense of political freedom be damned, and Devil take the hindmost.

Your postulant political pretenders have paid only lip service to legitimacy, pretending that having someone in the score booth dial up the points on the scoreboard is the same thing as having won the game on the field. All the rulebooks, referees, and officials, have been too weak, wobbling, and quisling to step in and do their jobs, to undo such slithering duplicity and obvious theft, of an election, and an entire nation, in plain sight.
They have, rather, joined hands with it, welcomed it, and done everything in their power to usher it in, at every level of the process, and at every turn in the road.

There are and must be irrevocable consequences to those acts and deeds.

There is therefore, and imminently, no more rule of law in this country, and no more social contract between governed and the current sham of a government. It is one thing to ask for, and receive a majority, or even a plurality, of consent of the governed, and proceed to rule.
It is another thing entirely to fill out the ballots of imaginary people, by the million, and manufacture imaginary consent on a nationwide scale, and then act as though that consent was ever given. It has not been any such thing.

You woke up this morning covered by the tattered shreds of liberty once secured by your forefathers.
You will go to sleep under a blanket of unrestrained lies, unreconstructed fraud, and boundless illegitimacy, for every act and deed, public and private, from every corner of every government you know, from sea to shining sea.

The incoming fraudulency is a sham, a scam, a con, and a violent swindle, for every minute of its existence, going forward.
All the acts, orders, and demands it makes are null and void a priori, every sentence that it utters a lie, and all claims of obedience, even feigned, are entirely and necessarily moot.

The only end of that must be chaos, disorder, and eventually, violent revolution to remove the usurpers, punish the guilty, and remove the injustice of rule by illegitimacy, theft, and armed robbery.

There can be no claim, by such an illegitimate government, of any of the customary rights: no self-defense is justified in pursuit of it, nor in enforcement of its edicts and sanctions. Every act of disobedience, of any degree, to such blatant, undisguised, and relentless tyranny cannot be other than sheer unadulterated patriotism. They cast the die, now they must pay the wager.

Words mean things.

You are about to be governed by a tyranny more monstrous than anything conceived of or delivered by any king of England ever was upon this land.
The only answer to such will not be stern letters, sharp protests, snowball fights on sentries, or panty raids on the Halls Of Fraud.
You are about to enter Spicy Time, in full earnest, where nothing less than gunfire, the sword of justice rightfully wielded, and the rope on a gibbet - or any handy tree or post - will avail.

Half-witted, half-hearted, and half-assed attempts will fail, with harsh consequences.
But everyone must decide, now and henceforth, whether to be free, with all the duties, privileges and rights appertaining to that choice; or to knuckle under and be a slave, in the yellowest of banana republics upon which what's left of our former homeland is about to embark.
Will you have liberty? Or mewling, craven, cowardly servitude?

There is the choice the day presents to you, wanted or no, and make it you will.

It's time to take the rifles down from the wall, and put them to the uses Nature, Nature's God, and the Founding Fathers intended should be possible. Wisely, and well, but in any event, without any other recourse, whenever and wherever used. You're not going to talk, vote, march, nor bitch, moan, and whine, your freedom and liberty back into being. It's slipping under the tide, and you've got to grab it with both hands if you ever want it back. Such a fateful moment comes to few in their lifetimes, but it has come down to us, here, now, and those who come after will either bless or curse you for eternity based on how you respond now. You have no more choices in the matter than how you will act.

You're going to have to fight for it, really, truly, and literally, and by killing people - your former fellow countrymen, in fact - if ye would possess it, ever again. But any that fights you to support or defend an illegitimate regime is no longer kin to you.

Or else, you may crawl under the porch, and die. Figuratively, and literally. Because if you won't fight now, after your entire republic, and your birthright of freedom and independence has been stolen from you, where and when would you ever?

The controlled opposition, the RINO quislings, the blathering rice-bowl pundits, cannot do you any good. Their mincing words and tippie-toeing around the elephant in the room has no place in public anymore. This is not their fight, like it never was. This contest will not be taken up by the sick, lame and lazy, the blind, crippled, nor crazy. If you've got arms, legs, and a backbone that allows you to stand erect, it's up to you. Yapping won't get it done. Deeds, not words.

The unrestrained idiocy and unintended irony of people standing in the nation's capitol, and opining, "Violence has no place in the politics of our country", in a capitol named after the nation's first president, first commander-in-chief, and leader of the bloody revolution that successfully killed the British empire right off this chunk of the continent, is breathtaking stupidity on a scale too great to measure with existing instrumentation. That such words were uttered within earshot of Arlington National Cemetery, and countless hundreds of monuments to far better men, who killed and died to hand their descendants the exact liberty so blatantly stolen from us, is brazen idiocy beyond human accounting.

They are not to decide this issue. This is where it's either you, or no one.

Time to choose.

"And I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it." - Huckleberry Finn

Posted by Aesop at 5:08 AM
Labels: liberty

...and if you haven't figured it out yet...

TL/DR = Look forward to the (Spanish Civil War) x (Rwanda) x (October Revolution) x (Who is John Galt)

Iunno. Sitting back for a hundred hours a week while still collecting a check sounds freedomish. I feel like real world communism, he'd have the same fate as the guy from Schindler's List that had one arm trying to shovel snow.

"each give their abilities, each reaps their needs" he doesn't have any abilities, nobody will support his needs.

capitalism keeps him alive
"each give their abilities, each reaps their needs" he doesn't have any abilities, nobody will support his needs.

capitalism keeps him alive

He was droning on and on for a half hour, and it was like 1130 at night. I was drained. During that thirty minutes, I was trying to come up with something witty to say, but I just didn't have it in me. But you are 100% correct.
Many National Guard troops turn backs on Bidet motorcade...


But (according to my wife) he's very popular on Instagram. You know, the place where things matter. :rolleyes:

Look on the bright side of things...

If Meal Team 6XL will be doin' the bidding of Slow Joe and the Hoe, Patriots will easily have the upper hand after taking out the supply lines ...

The Rooskies must be laughing their damn asses off right now.

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Stock & Real Estate Markets the biggest sham since 2007/2008...

All propped up by a going-to-worthless fiat currency...

Banking cabals too-big-to-jail while taking zero risk. Socialized losses for the USSA serfdom citizenry...

If a retail trading platform can close your position at anytime so their hedge fund cronies can capitalize at the individual / retail trader's expense, just wait till they come for your 401k's, IRA's, etc. 100%...

It will be "beautiful" once "they" convert all your 401k's, IRA's, and Pensions to instruments backed by 10 and 30 year USSA Treasury Notes...


A 401k / pension fool and his $$$ will soon be parted...

This Robinhood user just lost out on over ~ $500k due to this trading platform's fuckery...

* Time to place some call options / trade long on AMC. Nothing like a fat FU to wall street from main street. This is what the Occupy Wall Street movement should have been from the beginning. About mother fawking time...

* Perhaps Max Keiser can use his BTC holdings to finally rally all of the millennial traders and put a legit short squeeze on the paper silver markets that he unsuccessfully tried back in the day. Put the squeeze on paper gold as well...

* After 13 fawking years, main street finally has the upper fawking hand to burn this bitch down...

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Stock & Real Estate Markets the biggest sham since 2007/2008...

All propped up by a going-to-worthless fiat currency...

Banking cabals too-big-to-jail while taking zero risk. Socialized losses for the USSA serfdom citizenry...

If a retail trading platform can close your position at anytime so their hedge fund cronies can capitalize at the individual / retail trader's expense, just wait till they come for your 401k's, IRA's, etc. 100%...

It will be "beautiful" once "they" convert all your 401k's, IRA's, and Pensions to instruments backed by 10 and 30 year USSA Treasury Notes...


A 401k / pension fool and his $$$ will soon be parted...

This Robinhood user just lost out on over ~ $500k due to this trading platform's fuckery...

* Time to place some call options / trade long on AMC. Nothing like a fat FU to wall street from main street. This is what the Occupy Wall Street movement should have been from the beginning. About mother fawking time...

* Perhaps Max Keiser can use his BTC holdings to finally rally all of the millennial traders and put a legit short squeeze on the paper silver markets that he unsuccessfully tried back in the day. Put the squeeze on paper gold as well...

* After 13 fawking years, main street finally has the upper fawking hand to burn this bitch down...


are you supporting the communists now?

do you really think that buying AMC now and holding it until the end of time is a good way to put a FU to wall street?

go ahead and check out "wall street bets" reddit board. It has shifted to "OMG i can't wait for all our loss porn coming! Everybody share how far down your account is, but don't sell!"

:laughing: the shift of the sentiment over there is hilarious.
are you supporting the communists now?

do you really think that buying AMC now and holding it until the end of time is a good way to put a FU to wall street?

go ahead and check out "wall street bets" reddit board. It has shifted to "OMG i can't wait for all our loss porn coming! Everybody share how far down your account is, but don't sell!"

:laughing: the shift of the sentiment over there is hilarious.
I don’t know diddley about stocks.... this Reddit thing, is it not like investing in your 94 year old grandpa living another 20 years?????
I don’t know diddley about stocks.... this Reddit thing, is it not like investing in your 94 year old grandpa living another 20 years?????

honestly, it is like saying "hey you are going to buy that car at auction for cheap? I'm going to bid up the price just to fuck with you! no i don't want the car, and no i don't care that i can't afford to pay for it"
honestly, it is like saying "hey you are going to buy that car at auction for cheap? I'm going to bid up the price just to fuck with you! no i don't want the car, and no i don't care that i can't afford to pay for it"

So if these tanking companies have a cash call all these Reddit saviors are fucked and have to pay up???
So if these tanking companies have a cash call all these Reddit saviors are fucked and have to pay up???

these reddit saviors are fuck anyways.

the only way they are not fucked is to sell quickly, but if they sell quickly then their "hold to the moon!" plan goes south.
are you supporting the communists now?

do you really think that buying AMC now and holding it until the end of time is a good way to put a FU to wall street?

go ahead and check out "wall street bets" reddit board. It has shifted to "OMG i can't wait for all our loss porn coming! Everybody share how far down your account is, but don't sell!"

:laughing: the shift of the sentiment over there is hilarious.

I'll flip a commie owned company for a quick $10k. And I'll do it at the expense of a bunch of hedgie fucktards who naked short sell while regulators turn the other cheek as they do so...

Hell, I may even ride free shares for an additional $5k-20k. Is there risk involved? Sure, and I'm well aware of the risks/players on the other side of the trade. Weak guts/hands can stay on the sidelines and watch...

Nothing new under the sun since 07/08 except now there is 6 million + based retail traders with the potential to work as a unit which is faaaaaar from what 99% of so called "patriot" communities can even muster even after a bukkake all over your damn face in front of the whole fucking world marxist-commie-bigtechfascist election stealing.

As much shit-taking that the millennial generation gets, at least the fuckers know how to take action and as a Gen-Xer, I will ride that fucking wave...

I've been in this game way before reddit was even a thang. Don't need reddit. Never have although I hear that there is an entertaining "nurse nudes" on there somewhere...

Rome is burning...

I'll flip a commie owned company for a quick $10k. And I'll do it at the expense of a bunch of hedgie fucktards who naked short sell while regulators turn the other cheek as they do so...

Hell, I may even ride free shares for an additional $5k-20k. Is there risk involved? Sure, and I'm well aware of the risks/players on the other side of the trade. Weak guts/hands can stay on the sidelines and watch...

Nothing new under the sun since 07/08 except now there is 6 million + based retail traders with the potential to work as a unit which is faaaaaar from what 99% of so called "patriot" communities can even muster even after a bukkake all over your damn face in front of the whole fucking world marxist-commie-bigtechfascist election stealing.

As much shit-taking that the millennial generation gets, at least the fuckers know how to take action and as a Gen-Xer, I will ride that fucking wave...

I've been in this game way before reddit was even a thang. Don't need reddit. Never have although I hear that there is an entertaining "nurse nudes" on there somewhere...

Rome is burning...


6M+ based traders?

seriously, reddit is the bukake party :shaking: :laughing:

anyways, i hope you rape those new shit ass "to the moon!" average little people taking mortgages out on their home and skipping student loan payments to cover this stuff :flipoff2:

nobody is fucking naked short sellers any more than normal and all of reddit is wholly manipulated by a few millionaires posing as "average people". it's hilarious as fuck. I hope you make tons of money :)
* Perhaps Max Keiser can use his BTC holdings to finally rally all of the millennial traders and put a legit short squeeze on the paper silver markets that he unsuccessfully tried back in the day. Put the squeeze on paper gold as well...


Gosh damn it's a beautiful thing making $$. I don't worship the shit but damn it's easy gettin' it when I decide I want it...

Meanwhile, weak guts/hands continue yappin' on da sidelinez. LMFAO...

A fool and his/her 401k/pension will soon be parted. LMFAO...

After all these years, Max Keiser will finally be redeemed on his paper silver squeeze. LMFAO...

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...in between counting all the new shekels made just this weekend in silver alone and mapping out the next fibonacci levels after breakout, I come across the new CON-vid testing procedures soon to be rolled out across the USSofA...

Anal smear! New COVID testing method at Chinese airports! - January 31, 2021
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We are truly living in the "end" times...

What a beautiful "time" to be "alive"...

The king of kings can't come soon enough.

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