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The offishall DJ1 vs marxists-commies thread...


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2020
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Did someone say "chit-chat" ???
Bidet Handshake.png

Place holder / bookmark for some of my other threads as the censorship hammer has come down and I hate to be that "guy" that said I fawkin' told you so, but "I fawkin' told you so."

The thread that kicked it all off...
...which btw has been completely nuked from that other forum sometime within the last 7 fawking days...

Chinese Jeep Wrangler Is Freedom's Nightmare - 4/20/2015
Chinese Jeep page 1.png

Chinese Jeep page 1b.png
Chinese Jeep page 1c.png
Chinese Jeep page 1d.png
Chinese Jeep page 1e.png

....as you follow the archived thread, it's very apparent the normalcy bias being displayed as others go into that "defensive" mode / it will never happen here mentality....

Archived thread found here ---> https://archive.vn/2XvNV#selection-1703.1-1703.45

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Archived thread found here ---> https://archive.vn/2XvNV#selection-1703.1-1703.45

I had already been closely monitoring Chinese activity within our manufacturing industry and within our general economy prior to replying in that thread, but this particular "red flag" was thrown because now it was apparent that marxist/communist propaganda was being rolled out to the offroad community, a community that generally leans right of center...

And so it begins...

Well known blogger in the patriot community gets a little visit by the FBI aka Truth Ministry for a POTENTIAL "wrong-think"...

Not ACTUAL "wrong-think" but fucking POSSIBLE / POTENTIAL "wrong-think"...

Yeah, you know, the FBI. That alphabet agency that required 10+ agents to determine the "noose" hanging in black bubba's nascrap gay-rawje was indeed a pull-rope...

Welcome to the minority report.

Watch the vid at this link:

Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 8.13.24 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-01-18 at 8.08.56 PM.png

BTW, if you haven't been using a VPN and/or a TOR browser, you are waaaaaaaaaaaay behind the curve.

Carry on comrades.

And so it begins...

Well known blogger in the patriot community gets a little visit by the FBI aka Truth Ministry for a POTENTIAL "wrong-think"...

Not ACTUAL "wrong-think" but fucking POSSIBLE / POTENTIAL "wrong-think"...

Yeah, you know, the FBI. That alphabet agency that required 10+ agents to determine the "noose" hanging in black bubba's nascrap gay-rawje was indeed a pull-rope...

Welcome to the minority report.

Watch the vid at this link:

BTW, if you haven't been using a VPN and/or a TOR browser, you are waaaaaaaaaaaay behind the curve.

Carry on comrades.


Jeebus that is not cool. Clear intimidation. Glad he was smart enough to video the interaction.
Further bookmark / place holder post...

Couple of threads from JKO...

1. The 1st Amendment clamp down was already starting to roll into motion in 2018 with the banning of A-Jones and GAB from Big-Tech. The writing on the wall for the fascist/marxist take-down on speech came readily apparent when Big-Tech did everything they could to suppress the New Zealand shooting video worldwide and working hand-in-hand with the New Zealand oligarchy.

The New Zealand overlords made it illegal to watch the video, share the video, and saving the video. Then riding the coat tails of what many have deemed a "false flag" operation, their goobermint applied the nails to the coffin in banning semi-automatic weapons.

What first started out as Big-Tech just disabling comments about the video, they then went full retard with the New Zealand goobermint to shut it all down.

Once again, witness the display of NORMALCY BIAS of several forum members as you read through the linked thread below...

Now realize where the country is at in terms of the 1st Amendment today just 1 year and 10 months later - full 1st Amendment censorship of anything considered "wrong think."

So easy to see coming down the pipeline, that even Ray Charles could see it...


Since Farcebook, Youtube/Google are scrubbing.... 3/17/2019
The 1st Amendment is the 1st Amendment....

Vids / links to Farcebook & Youtube vids being scrubbed in relation to the recent New Zealand shooting, thus the alternative channel...

Original thread ---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/sin...ubbing.382776/

archived thread ---> https://web.archive.org/web/20210110...ubbing.382776/

JKO Farcebook scrub.png - Click image for larger version Name:	JKO Farcebook scrub.png Views:	0 Size:	442.8 KB ID:	277671

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Bookmark / place holder for the "Marxists-Communists UNITE !!" thread still on JKO...

Marxists-Communists UNITE!! - 3/24/2018
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/marxists-communists-unite.374362/

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* Anyone who has studied the color revolutions of the past, can easily see how both children & young adults were especially used to push the totalitarian agenda. Of course, as usual, there are those who just can't deal with / get over their own normalcy bias. Either that -OR- they serve as extreme shills / bots for the totalitarian regime used to discredit posters such as myself and try to regain the narrative...

In the case of this particular JKO thread, the nay-sayer came out in page 2 of the discussion...


Those "armies" of protesters are not going to raise a hand, much less arms to fight if it comes to that. They are mostly children, woman and a few candy-assed men.

However for those with a "working" brain and whom have an ounce of RaeDING ComPREhenShuN, history throughout the world has proved otherwise....

---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/mar...2/post-4388242
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/mar...2/post-4388250
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/mar...2/post-4388258
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/mar...2/post-4388266

History never exactly repeats but it often rhymes...

Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 12.18.47 PM.png - Click image for larger version Name:	Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 12.18.47 PM.png Views:	0 Size:	237.2 KB ID:	277851

Now fast forward just 2 years and 9 months later from the creation of that thread on JKO...

Which now leads us to the present day conclusions surrounding the January 6th "IN-SUH-RECT-SHUNS" as labeled by marxist authoritarians !!!!

Witness in amazement how kids, family members, co-workers, & so called "friends" proudly raise that "FIST" in defiance of all those damn "right wang in-suh-rect-shun-nists" that stormed the Capitol on that mild winter day of January 6th, 2021 !!!

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Do you have children?

Even better. Nuttin' like gettin' a nice stab in the back from that lil' precious whom you allowed to become indoctrinated by the Ministry of Troof...

Who is Helena Duke? 18-year-old names and shames 'brainwashed' mom, uncle and aunt for joining Capitol riots -- 1/8/2021

Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 11.57.11 AM.png - Click image for larger version Name:	Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 11.57.11 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	364.1 KB ID:	277905

You don't think when the time comes they won't rat your azz out when the gun gwab goes full retard ???

As it was foretold, so it shall be...

Matthew 10:21 - "The brother also shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the son: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and shall put them to death."

Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 11.57.11 AM.png - Click image for larger version Name:	Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 11.57.11 AM.png Views:	0 Size:	364.1 KB ID:	277905

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Further bookmark / place holder post...

Couple of threads from JKO...

1. The 1st Amendment clamp down was already starting to roll into motion in 2018 with the banning of A-Jones and GAB from Big-Tech. The writing on the wall for the fascist/marxist take-down on speech came readily apparent when Big-Tech did everything they could to suppress the New Zealand shooting video worldwide and working hand-in-hand with the New Zealand oligarchy. The New Zealand overlords made it illegal to watch the video, share the video, and saving the video. Then riding the coat tails of what many have deemed a "false flag" operation, their goobermint applied the nails to the coffin in banning semi-automatic weapons.

What first started out as Big-Tech just disabling comments about the video, they then went full retard with the New Zealand goobermint to shut it all down.

Once again, witness the display of NORMALCY BIAS of several forum members as you read through the linked thread below...

Now realize where the country is at in terms of the 1st Amendment today just 1 year and 10 months later. So easy to see coming down the pipeline, that even Ray Charles could see it...

Since Farcebook, Youtube/Google are scrubbing.... 3/17/2019

Original thread ---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/sin...ubbing.382776/

archived thread ---> https://web.archive.org/web/20210110...ubbing.382776/


Bookmark / place holder for the "Marxists-Communists UNITE !!" thread still on JKO...

Marxists-Communists UNITE!! - 3/24/2018

* Anyone who has studied the color revolutions of the past, can easily see how both children & young adults were especially used to push the totalitarian agenda. Of course, as usual, there are those who just can't deal with / get over their own normalcy bias. Either that -OR- they serve as extreme shills / bots for the totalitarian regime used to discredit posters such as myself and try to regain the narrative...

In the case of this particular JKO thread, the nay-sayer came out in page 2 of the discussion...


Those "armies" of protesters are not going to raise a hand, much less arms to fight if it comes to that. They are mostly children, woman and a few candy-assed men.

However for those with a "working" brain and whom have an ounce of RaeDING ComPREhenShuN, history throughout the world has proved otherwise....

---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/mar...2/post-4388242
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/marxists-communists-unite.374362/post-4388250
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/marxists-communists-unite.374362/post-4388258
---> https://www.jkowners.com/threads/marxists-communists-unite.374362/post-4388266

History never exactly repeats but it often rhymes...

Which now leads us to the present day conclusions surrounding the January 6th "IN-SUH-RECT-SHUNS" !!!!

Witness in amazement how kids, family members, co-workers, & so called "friends" proudly raise that "fist" in defiance of all those damn "right wang in-suh-rect-shun-nists" !!!



Do you have children?

Even better. Nuttin' like gettin' a nice stab in the back from that lil' precious whom you allowed to become indoctrinated by the Ministry of Troof

Who is Helena Duke? 18-year-old names and shames 'brainwashed' mom, uncle and aunt for joining Capitol riots -- 1/8/2021

You don't think when the time comes they won't rat your azz out when the gun gwab goes full retard ???

Matthew 10:21 - "The brother also shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the son: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and shall put them to death."


Ok..... ok..... cmon Don.....
When do you get to outing the pedos and child sex traffickers?????
Today's mainstream media...

Now, state-run media...

Why it be and how it do...

There is a saying...

“There is no Pravda in Izvestiya and there is no Izvestiya in Pravda”

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I've seen some threads talkin' bout state run media...

Yet, it's odd that I'd say 98% of "Americans" have no fucking clue how it came to be...


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