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The Democratic Party and the scrubbing of our history

Truth be told, my Dad screwed up the dream big time and I've been carrying that shit with me. I don't know, maybe that's were all my hate is from...

I still miss California every single.day. Fuck you haters, this is personal for me. I need to be back were I belong.

Fuck Trump, but go America!


Yea and fuck you. :flipoff2:

(liberal freedom)
That is American history, and it is totally scrubbed from schools and universities.

Whites literally had it worse than black slaves in this country. The Big Lie is that Blacks were somehow the lowest of society, which has an Everest of factual information refuting it.

I was reading this post, and half way through I said to myself myself, this is a cool and informative post, I bet it was by evernoob. Sure enough I scroll up, and it was you indeed. 🍺

I dont really care if you beat your wife. She probably deserved it :flipoff2::flipoff2:
Truth be told, my Dad screwed up the dream big time and I've been carrying that shit with me. I don't know, maybe that's were all my hate is from...

I still miss California every single.day. Fuck you haters, this is personal for me. I need to be back were I belong.

Fuck Trump, but go America!


Yea and fuck you. :flipoff2:

(liberal freedom)

You're where you belong , suck it up buttercup , we don't want you. :flipoff2::lmao:
Truth be told, my Dad screwed up the dream big time and I've been carrying that shit with me. I don't know, maybe that's were all my hate is from...

I still miss California every single.day. Fuck you haters, this is personal for me. I need to be back were I belong.

Fuck Trump, but go America!


Yea and fuck you. :flipoff2:

(liberal freedom)

fuck you, we dont want you herr, you come around and Ill fucking kill ya. fucking fascist.

Some of their conclusions are quite obviously incorrect.

I’m sure several are. But that means that means most of those conclusions are not incorrect. The user I quoted said this:
rockota said:
huh... not only would I like full documentation of said lies... I'd like to know why the fawk it matters to you. Your "other countries care" BS is just that... BS.

If most of those conclusions are accurate, or any of them for that matter, then it means the link I provided showed documentation of the president lying which is why I provided it.
I’m sure several are. But that means that means most of those conclusions are not incorrect. The user I quoted said this:

If most of those conclusions are accurate, or any of them for that matter, then it means the link I provided showed documentation of the president lying which is why I provided it.

Wow, you proved a politician lied! Could you prove water is wet, too?:flipoff2:
What's sad is we're seeing this same shit north of the border. Just the other week, one of these peaceful protests pulled down a statue of Sir John A. MacDonald (first premier of Canada) and took it's head off while they were at it.

It needs to stop. Destroying historic monuments to people who built the countries whose liberties and freedoms we take for granted in modern times is criminal. Without these leaders of days past these fucktard protesters wouldn't even be able to do what they're doing.
What's sad is we're seeing this same shit north of the border. Just the other week, one of these peaceful protests pulled down a statue of Sir John A. MacDonald (first premier of Canada) and took it's head off while they were at it.

It needs to stop. Destroying historic monuments to people who built the countries whose liberties and freedoms we take for granted in modern times is criminal. Without these leaders of days past these fucktard protesters wouldn't even be able to do what they're doing.

So when do people stop this madness.
Time for internet badass talk. At what point do we stop the destruction of history?
I live close to a city of 30,000 and would like to think that this community would not stand for this shit.
I'm about an hour from Detroit and don't think I'd go there to get into the shit.
How big is your nearest city and what's it take to get people to put a stop to this shit?
So when do people stop this madness.
Time for internet badass talk. At what point do we stop the destruction of history?
I live close to a city of 30,000 and would like to think that this community would not stand for this shit.
I'm about an hour from Detroit and don't think I'd go there to get into the shit.
How big is your nearest city and what's it take to get people to put a stop to this shit?

I'm not at the point where I'm going to put my life on the line for a statue to be honest. As it stands, the furthest I'm ready to take it is with my votes and written requests to government officials (e.g. sending an email to my MP or MPP to ask them to support the cessation of these protests).

The general public opinion in various forums (fb, comments, etc.) I'm seeing is easily 10 to 1 against the destruction/vandalism that's going on but closer to 50-50 on the actual causes (e.g. defund the police, etc.).

It would probably take threatening of my personal property, loved ones, or substantially changing my way of life for me to actually get off the couch and physically do something. We're not there yet.
I'm all for it. Starting with the party that went to war to protect slavery, created Jim Crow and the KKK and opposed civil rights legislation for a century. Eliminate the democrat party.
Thank you.

It's fascism. right now, how can people not see it? An alternate reality, were radical socialists and anarchists are "being violent". Now, Trumps fascism is directed at "real Americans", you know, the white ones.
Dems enabled the protests and rioting, but the Trump supported militiamen "just happened" to gun a protestor down? Pulled people into unmarked cars? This is Iran territory aka Silence the Unclean, transgression of faith would be next). First it was immigrants being called "vermins", then refugees "animals", now it's protestors being called "agitators" and "radicals".
It's so crystal clear what is going on...

Remember when Homeland Security was running around catching illegals? Well... now it's white Americans on the "wrong" side of a protest (a stretch of the imagination, but bear with me here)

“First they came for them, and I didn’t speak out…finally they came for me.

I see things differently like I think we should enjoy things we enjoy rather storing them in the garage sure winter/salt will do damage we should deal with damage as it comes.

I do realize to rig it properly for is no easy task but we can do a lot tough things, us human.
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