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The Democratic Party and the scrubbing of our history


Red Skull Member
May 20, 2020
Member Number
It seems to me it’s the exact same thing socialist parties do. They “say” it’s because of its roots to “racism” and needs to be done for some fucked up sort of feel good action. I really wish these people would just piss the fuck right off

learn from our past not scrub it away trying to change or hide our past. I don’t see any end to this nonsense either. :rolleyes:
Waiting for some radical group to mess with Mt. Rushmore. Because those guys had _______ and they supported ______. Or whatever dumbass SJW excuse is the newest hot button topic.
The "Republican" in chief does the same thing currently. Lies and contractions himself within one fucking tweet. Lying to our faces, or rewriting history, same damn Orvellian bullshit to me.

And before one of you xenophobes tells me to mind my EU business, a: fuck you and b: other countries care about what other countries do, more so if it the "world power".
The "Republican" in chief does the same thing currently. Lies and contractions himself within one fucking tweet. Lying to our faces, or rewriting history, same damn Orvellian bullshit to me.

And before one of you xenophobes tells me to mind my EU business, a: fuck you and b: other countries care about what other countries do, more so if it the "world power".

I don't deny that other nations, especially our closest partners like Europe, have a stake in US politics.

If you don't understand the Art of the Trump Admin by now, you never will. I think you are a High-on that smokes too much weed, because you are clearly intelligent enough to see what he does with his tweets. Instead you probably get high with your San Fran coastal/globalist friends and talk about bullshit like the Petrodollar. A huge sink of intellectual energy, and a total waste of time. No worries, on this side of the spectrum, my guys talk about the Federal Reserve as a proxy for the Elders of Zion. It's an intellectual sink and a total waste of time.

Now I will give you the Big Secret that tanks everything that our culture is talking about right now. Here it is:

European whites suffered more than any other ethnicity including blacks. White factory workers in the US in 1905 had it worse than the worst slave plantation in Louisiana in 1830. 12 Year a Slave is a cakewalk compared to living in an industrial cold-water rowhouse with no sewer plumbing, 5 sick kids with TB and Rickets, and working 16 hours a day, 6-7 days a week, with no vacations ever, until you die.

The Jungle is literally true.

When Blacks in 1920s and 1930s Alabama and Mississippi were recruited to work in the Southern Appalachian coalfields, they left. They left, quit their jobs, the conditions were so fucking harsh. Whites could not quit, because they had no 'underground railroad' or Green Book of refuges to travel back to the South or wherever they'd want to go. Segregation meant that Blacks had that. It's literally an advantage.

Whites were turned out of their Company houses, babe at the teat, in mid-winter, and couldn't even use the Company railroad or Company road to get out of the holler. They had to wander up into the hills to melt into the dispossessed inhabitants up there who had the mineral rights bought out from under them by the Coal companies. Their anti-Government stances predates the formation of the United States of course, they are infused with migrant Pennsylvania moonshiners who were put down in the Whiskey Rebellion by the richest man in America at the time, President George Washington.

German-American was ethnically-cleansed out of the US in WWI, and finalized in WWII, a fact which should be of some note to you. German-American is still the largest ethnicity in the US, and we have virtually no Germanic neighborhoods which pre-date the 1960s. Towns like Leavenworth Washington are called 'Bavarian' to step aside from the fact that violent mobs smashed up German-American neighborhoods, hung other Americans, and even tarred and feathered at least one German man in 1918. That violence was fostered by Woodrow Wilson's Revenue and other Federal Agents which pre-date the FBI, along with actual fucking Pinkertons.

Irish, Czech, German, English, Scottish, French, and other European-Americans, living in abject starving poverty, were Drafted into the Union Army to march south to free black people, which, after the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, constitutes a Crime Against Humanity. Hear me out: The EP means that the War was based on racial lines. Taking one ethnicity, destituting his family by removing him as the sole source of income, and sending him into war to fight for another ethnicity, is quite specifically a Crime Against Humanity. Nazis who used Ukrainian guards at Concentration Camps were prosecuted and even executed for that, at the Nuremberg Trials.

That is American history, and it is totally scrubbed from schools and universities.

Whites literally had it worse than black slaves in this country. The Big Lie is that Blacks were somehow the lowest of society, which has an Everest of factual information refuting it.
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Because no matter what you do to us, we will prevail, we will band together and form an unbreakable union to squash this little rebellion of blm and antifa whites... and imo that's specifically what it is fueling the flames of this quasi rebellion, whites. It's only a matter of time, the pot is near boiling point, and once it starts, it will not be pretty.
The "Republican" in chief does the same thing currently. Lies and contractions himself within one fucking tweet. Lying to our faces, or rewriting history, same damn Orvellian bullshit to me.

And before one of you xenophobes tells me to mind my EU business, a: fuck you and b: other countries care about what other countries do, more so if it the "world power".

huh... not only would I like full documentation of said lies... I'd like to know why the fawk it matters to you. Your "other countries care" BS is just that... BS.
I feel like they are destroying places and things that they know they can get away with.
If they come after places and things that are generally known and loved, we will see massive amounts of people "get off the porch".
For example, what would happen if it seriously looked like they were going to try and tear down Mt. Rushmore?
Anyone that thinks the United States is so exceptional that a nazi Germany, stalinist communist type regime, or a maoist "enlightenment" can't be attempted or even succeed in this country is a fucking idiot. They have all the useful idiots lined up to die for them already.
Anyone that thinks the United States is so exceptional that a nazi Germany, stalinist communist type regime, or a maoist "enlightenment" can't be attempted or even succeed in this country is a fucking idiot. They have all the useful idiots lined up to die for them already.

Thank you.

It's fascism. right now, how can people not see it? An alternate reality, were radical socialists and anarchists are "being violent". Now, Trumps fascism is directed at "real Americans", you know, the white ones.
Dems enabled the protests and rioting, but the Trump supported militiamen "just happened" to gun a protestor down? Pulled people into unmarked cars? This is Iran territory aka Silence the Unclean, transgression of faith would be next). First it was immigrants being called "vermins", then refugees "animals", now it's protestors being called "agitators" and "radicals".
It's so crystal clear what is going on...

Remember when Homeland Security was running around catching illegals? Well... now it's white Americans on the "wrong" side of a protest (a stretch of the imagination, but bear with me here)

“First they came for them, and I didn’t speak out…finally they came for me.
Thank you.

It's fascism. right now, how can people not see it? An alternate reality, were radical socialists and anarchists are "being violent". Now, Trumps fascism is directed at "real Americans", you know, the white ones.
Dems enabled the protests and rioting, but the Trump supported militiamen "just happened" to gun a protestor down? Pulled people into unmarked cars? This is Iran territory aka Silence the Unclean, transgression of faith would be next). First it was immigrants being called "vermins", then refugees "animals", now it's protestors being called "agitators" and "radicals".
It's so crystal clear what is going on...

Remember when Homeland Security was running around catching illegals? Well... now it's white Americans on the "wrong" side of a protest (a stretch of the imagination, but bear with me here)

“First they came for them, and I didn’t speak out…finally they came for me.

The fact that you start crying about trump exemplifies what a a shallow thinking lapdog you are.
The fact that you start crying about trump exemplifies what a a shallow thinking lapdog you are.

It's fascism. You obviously can't see it, maybe it doesn't suit your greatness or your sense of smug superiority. Maybe because you have zero experience with the subject at hand? Just like the Germans never spoke out. Just like all my Iranian friends parents are asking me: "Arent you from there? Why are they allowing it to happen? They have tears in their eyes when they ask: do you really want freedom to turn into what is Iran today?"

And they are DEAD SERIOUS.

Speak out. Loudly. Or you can observe violent men brutalizing families of "real" white Americans soon.
But then again, if you are on Trump's side - you'll be just fine. ;)
Just not free.


Musk sees it coming, jumped on the Trump wagon real quick like with his "open up the Tesla plant!!!".
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I do wonder why the Dems as a party haven't used the word "Fascism" yet... But I have an inkling.
I do wonder why the Dems as a party haven't used the word "Fascism" yet...

Two words: plausible deniability.

Broaching that subject would invite more scrutiny of the domestic terrorism (e.g., antifa, BLM) that many Dem leaders are enabling and in some cases outright encouraging. They don't want to draw attention to the connections between their bad actors (i.e., "useful idiots") and themselves.

That's so simple, even you should be able to see it (may have to remove your TDS blinders and "gimme free shit" bias first) :rolleyes:
No, we can see that Germany is fucked now, hun.

You have a VERY skewed view of Germany and Europe (excluding GB).
Life and freedom is pretty awesome here.

Not gonna list all the benefits, as your screwed perception will call it all socialism anyhow, because you can never understand the benefits. ;)
Two words: plausible deniability.

Broaching that subject would invite more scrutiny of the domestic terrorism (e.g., antifa, BLM) that many Dem leaders are enabling and in some cases outright encouraging. They don't want to draw attention to the connections between their bad actors (i.e., "useful idiots") and themselves.

That's so simple, even you should be able to see it (may have to remove your TDS blinders and "gimme free shit" bias first) :rolleyes:

I do see it, what the hell?
You're right.

Is it fighting fire with fire?

You have a VERY skewed view of Germany and Europe (excluding GB).
Life and freedom is pretty awesome here.

Not gonna list all the benefits, as your screwed perception will call it all socialism anyhow, because you can never understand the benefits. ;)

Have no desire to understand your benefits. I escaped Hessen as a kid, so I got that going for me, which is nice.
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