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Stupid Law Enforcement stories


May 20, 2020
Member Number
So, to preface this, my old man was a highway patrolman. I try and be respectful and not act like a jackass. However...

I get pulled over last night for 82 in a 70. I know damn well I was only doing 75, but told her I deserve the speeding ticket as I was speeding. Hand her the DL, registration, explain I need a second to pull a current insurance card on my phone as I haven't been pulled over in years (electronic insurance card is completely legal in MT). Granted, that 7 mph takes the ticket from $20 to $40, but it's $20 so fuck it, I'll take the speed I get as I was speeding. There are no court fees, appearance, nothing but pay the fine and you're done so it's a small thing.

I was then met with a barrage of stupidity.

"How long has it been since you've smoked meth!?, How about POT?!"

I had to play 20000 questions, all because she described me as "nervous". Any LE can tell you 99% of the normal people they pull over for speeding will be slightly nervous as they rarely have to interact with LE. If they don't give any other indicators, and there is nothing suspicious, there's no probable cause and nothing worth getting worked up over. I didn't feel nervous, but she was getting me paranoid with her attitude after a few minutes.

I ended up answering questions for 20 minutes on the side of the road. The same 5 questions over and over. Refusing a search (I don't need all my tools and junk strewn in the ditch), and telling her to find her probable cause, write the speeding ticket, and I'll be on my way.

I was threatened with a drug dog search (this county actually has a decent dog) and told her she was more than welcome to run the dog around. The fact that she was acting threatening about walking a dog around the truck amused me and she didn't appreciate my laughing at it. This was met with the response of "it'll be a few hours before it can get here..." We're in a county with 2 highways and maybe 1000 people in the entire county, 10 miles from the county seat and her office. The only reason it takes more than 15 minutes is the dog is on the other side of the county.
There are 6 people in this department, and I already knew 5 of them on a first name basis from the service calls I've done for their building. I have to get a current background check that has to come back squeaky clean to work in their office, so they end up pulling it every few months. She mentioned she'll be looking at my background check about 10 times in 10 minutes, and I kept telling her it was a quick read, with about 10 speeding tickets over 18 years.

She decided after 20 minutes I wasn't worth her time, and let me go with a warning on the speed and a warning that "if I ever pull you over again we're going to be searching everything, I don't care that you haven't ever been arrested for whatever you're doing". Which really made me wonder if she couldn't have made the speed stick and never even had her radar on in the first place.

I drive a beat to death chevy 3500. Just like 90% of the people on the road here that are mainly ranchers. Nothing about my truck screams any profile other than broke white guy. There was an AR in the gun rack, and a pistol I threw up on the dash (pulled mags as I stopped and tossed on the floor). She never mentioned them, or seemed to take notice. Just kept staring at my Milwaukee tool bags like they were her next new truck.

I ended up calling her boss today (sheriff, who's office I wired) and filing a complaint about her complete lack of professionalism and utter ineptitude. In a time when LE is already under scrutiny, the incompetent ones keep upping their stupidity level.
His response was a sigh and a "I'll have another talk with her" which tells me it's been a common thing.

In reality, I just needed to bitch because it's frustrating knowing how many good and professional LE's are out there doing a thankless job, and it just seems the idiots are trying their hardest to bring them all down. Every single other time I've been pulled over it's a simple "need to see the paperwork, ok... sit tight" and then they come back with the ticket and "don't be stupid" and I'm on my way.
I don't have many, most of my dealings with LEOs have been fine, if anything I've gotten off light for shit I should've been arrested for (120 in a 55 was one). The only really bad/annoying contacts I've had were all with the same Pierce County deputy.

First time I met Deputy Dipshit he pulled me over for speeding, which I was, but there was no chance in hell he had any way to prove it. He was crossing through a 4 way intersection from my left to my right, about 1/8th mile ahead of me when I crested a hill that would've blocked his view till then. Super cop pulls me over about a mile down the road and asks if I knew how fast I was going, his claim was about 10mph faster than reality. Then he starts nit-picking my trimmed fenders being too sharp, and my mud flaps that were beyond legal being too small. He "let me off" with a warning because he knew none of it would stand up in court.

Next time I met him was after a guy at a party I'd just arrived at accidently shot his sister, got a solid screaming at about buying underage kids beer (I didn't) and driving drunk (I wasn't).

Then the guy got a massive hard-on for my roommate, fucker would always drive 10-15 mph past our house just looking for a reason to pull in, especially if the shop door was open because we were clearly up to something. Now, my roommate was a bit of a fuckup but he wasn't exactly a menace to society at that point either.
I was then met with a barrage of stupidity.

........ This was met with the response of "it'll be a few hours before it can get here..." We're in a county with 2 highways and maybe 1000 people in the entire county, 10 miles from the county seat and her office. The only reason it takes more than 15 minutes is the dog is on the other side of the county.
There are 6 people in this department, and I already knew 5 of them on a first name basis from the service calls I've done for their building. I have to get a current background check that has to come back squeaky clean to work in their office, so they end up pulling it every few months. She mentioned she'll be looking at my background check about 10 times in 10 minutes, and I kept telling her it was a quick read, with about 10 speeding tickets over 18 years.

She decided after 20 minutes I wasn't worth her time, and let me go with a warning on the speed and a warning that "if I ever pull you over again we're going to be searching everything, I don't care that you haven't ever been arrested for whatever you're doing". Which really made me wonder if she couldn't have made the speed stick and never even had her radar on in the first place
They can’t make you wait an extended amount of time for the dog. They have 10 minutes

(Well they CAN make you wait, they have a gun, what are you going to do about it, but it’s not legal and should get tossed in court)

Rodriguez v. United States,
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I really don't understand why any LEO who has no respect for our rights is allowed to remain in uniform.

The last time I got pulled over I was 19 years old, leaving Philly on the turnpike. I was doing 95mph in a 65mph zone. The cop got to the window and asked, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I replied, "I was going entirely too fast." Haha! He was dumbfounded. About ten minutes later he comes back and says, "You're lucky I have an accident to go to. I gave you a non-moving violation. Slow down."
I ended up calling her boss today (sheriff, who's office I wired) and filing a complaint about her complete lack of professionalism and utter ineptitude. In a time when LE is already under scrutiny, the incompetent ones keep upping their stupidity level.
His response was a sigh and a "I'll have another talk with her" which tells me it's been a common thing.

ticket from $20 to $40, but it's $20 so fuck it, I'll take the speed I get as I was speeding. There are no court fees, appearance, nothing but pay the fine and you're done so it's a small thing.

What. in the actual fuck.
The last time I got pulled over the cop said my tag lights were out. I got his name and shield number. Went home and saw that both tag lights were working. I called the police station and asked to speak to the shift supervisor. I told him my story and he wanted me to drive to the station for him to look at it.
I said no. I just cracked open my first beer. :lmao:
...His response was a sigh and a "I'll have another talk with her" which tells me it's been a common thing...

Basic work rule #1
If you are really good, you will be assigned all the work.

Sheriff's work code/ethic #1
If you are really good, you will get out of it-
So, to preface this, my old man was a highway patrolman. I try and be respectful and not act like a jackass. However...

I get pulled over last night for 82 in a 70. I know damn well I was only doing 75, but told her I deserve the speeding ticket as I was speeding. Hand her the DL, registration, explain I need a second to pull a current insurance card on my phone as I haven't been pulled over in years (electronic insurance card is completely legal in MT). Granted, that 7 mph takes the ticket from $20 to $40, but it's $20 so fuck it, I'll take the speed I get as I was speeding. There are no court fees, appearance, nothing but pay the fine and you're done so it's a small thing.

I was then met with a barrage of stupidity.

"How long has it been since you've smoked meth!?, How about POT?!"

I had to play 20000 questions, all because she described me as "nervous". Any LE can tell you 99% of the normal people they pull over for speeding will be slightly nervous as they rarely have to interact with LE. If they don't give any other indicators, and there is nothing suspicious, there's no probable cause and nothing worth getting worked up over. I didn't feel nervous, but she was getting me paranoid with her attitude after a few minutes.

I ended up answering questions for 20 minutes on the side of the road. The same 5 questions over and over. Refusing a search (I don't need all my tools and junk strewn in the ditch), and telling her to find her probable cause, write the speeding ticket, and I'll be on my way.

I was threatened with a drug dog search (this county actually has a decent dog) and told her she was more than welcome to run the dog around. The fact that she was acting threatening about walking a dog around the truck amused me and she didn't appreciate my laughing at it. This was met with the response of "it'll be a few hours before it can get here..." We're in a county with 2 highways and maybe 1000 people in the entire county, 10 miles from the county seat and her office. The only reason it takes more than 15 minutes is the dog is on the other side of the county.
There are 6 people in this department, and I already knew 5 of them on a first name basis from the service calls I've done for their building. I have to get a current background check that has to come back squeaky clean to work in their office, so they end up pulling it every few months. She mentioned she'll be looking at my background check about 10 times in 10 minutes, and I kept telling her it was a quick read, with about 10 speeding tickets over 18 years.

She decided after 20 minutes I wasn't worth her time, and let me go with a warning on the speed and a warning that "if I ever pull you over again we're going to be searching everything, I don't care that you haven't ever been arrested for whatever you're doing". Which really made me wonder if she couldn't have made the speed stick and never even had her radar on in the first place.

I drive a beat to death chevy 3500. Just like 90% of the people on the road here that are mainly ranchers. Nothing about my truck screams any profile other than broke white guy. There was an AR in the gun rack, and a pistol I threw up on the dash (pulled mags as I stopped and tossed on the floor). She never mentioned them, or seemed to take notice. Just kept staring at my Milwaukee tool bags like they were her next new truck.

I ended up calling her boss today (sheriff, who's office I wired) and filing a complaint about her complete lack of professionalism and utter ineptitude. In a time when LE is already under scrutiny, the incompetent ones keep upping their stupidity level.
His response was a sigh and a "I'll have another talk with her" which tells me it's been a common thing.

In reality, I just needed to bitch because it's frustrating knowing how many good and professional LE's are out there doing a thankless job, and it just seems the idiots are trying their hardest to bring them all down. Every single other time I've been pulled over it's a simple "need to see the paperwork, ok... sit tight" and then they come back with the ticket and "don't be stupid" and I'm on my way.

I don't have many, most of my dealings with LEOs have been fine, if anything I've gotten off light for shit I should've been arrested for (120 in a 55 was one). The only really bad/annoying contacts I've had were all with the same Pierce County deputy.

First time I met Deputy Dipshit he pulled me over for speeding, which I was, but there was no chance in hell he had any way to prove it. He was crossing through a 4 way intersection from my left to my right, about 1/8th mile ahead of me when I crested a hill that would've blocked his view till then. Super cop pulls me over about a mile down the road and asks if I knew how fast I was going, his claim was about 10mph faster than reality. Then he starts nit-picking my trimmed fenders being too sharp, and my mud flaps that were beyond legal being too small. He "let me off" with a warning because he knew none of it would stand up in court.

Next time I met him was after a guy at a party I'd just arrived at accidently shot his sister, got a solid screaming at about buying underage kids beer (I didn't) and driving drunk (I wasn't).

Then the guy got a massive hard-on for my roommate, fucker would always drive 10-15 mph past our house just looking for a reason to pull in, especially if the shop door was open because we were clearly up to something. Now, my roommate was a bit of a fuckup but he wasn't exactly a menace to society at that point either.

These posts:

Sheeeit. I was walking down the sidewalk, you know with my pants hanging around me thighs and my Hanes showing for all the world to see. I was throwing gang signs at my homies, and I had my shirt hanging over my shoulder to display my gang tats. In my backpack, NWA's 'Fuck the Police' blared loudly, to indicate my support for my BLM homies. I have 3 teardrops hanging from my eye, indicating the work I put in for my gang.

Then some pig walks up to me and asks me to turn down the music. Sheeeit. I knew it was wrong, blaring hateful music, but that's the way a homie gotta roll. Then the cop said some shit aobut crack and a Nine, fuck that she ain't searchin' my pants.

Pigs man, Golly Gee Willikers I dislike them intensely.

Pull up your fucking pants, straighten your fucking jalopies out, stop looking like a piece of shit methhead, spend less money on tattoos, and don't drive 85 mph, and maybe your trailer trash asses won't get hounded by the cops.

So, to preface this, my old man was a highway patrolman. I try and be respectful and not act like a jackass. However...

I get pulled over last night for 82 in a 70. I know damn well I was only doing 75, but told her I deserve the speeding ticket as I was speeding. Hand her the DL, registration, explain I need a second to pull a current insurance card on my phone as I haven't been pulled over in years (electronic insurance card is completely legal in MT). Granted, that 7 mph takes the tickSNIP CRIMINAL THINKING BULLSHIT
ssional LE's are out there doing a thankless job, and it just seems the idiots are trying their hardest to bring them all down. Every single other time I've been pulled over it's a simple "need to see the paperwork, ok... sit tight" and then they come back with the ticket and "don't be stupid" and I'm on my way.

You are very clearly up to something wrong and it shows in every word. Very rarely do we see such a large mass of pre-emptive criminal denial on [that other letter edit removed] IBB. Most guys around here are past their shenanigans phase, so your post is like a flashing red warning light mounted on top of a wailing siren.

You are completely full of shit somehow, not exactly sure how, but you are a poor bullshit artist.
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Several years ago working out of town in Northern VT driving 3 hours home on Friday afternoon on the interstate.

I approach a construction zone and slow down to the posted 55. This zone has been here all summer, I'm well aware of it. It is still 2 lanes at this point. It eventually goes down to 1 lane. I'm driving in the right lane going the speed limit like a normal human being. A construction truck comes out of the emergency median turn around crosses the two southbound lanes and goes into the breakdown lane to accelerate until it's up to speed to merge into traffic. I work in heavy civil construction, this is proper protocol. I move to the left lane to give the truck space. He pulled out with ample room, not cutting me off or anything. I get about 100 yards from the median turn around in the left lane and a detail county sheriff following the truck just pulls out into the left lane RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and doesn't accelerate to highway speed. He is to follow the truck for his detail. However he stays in the left lane doing about 40. I'm now on his ass, because you know, he pulled right onto the interstate in front of an oncoming vehicle; so I move over to the right lane as to not crowd the sheriff. Problem is, construction truck just moved into the right lane not going the speed limit either. Sheriff pulls up to my door while I'm behind the truck he is supposed to be behind screaming at me to pull over. I comply. I get screamed at for crowding a construction vehicle for a good 3 minutes. I didn't argue, I explained I work in the construction field and just got off work heading home. Dude is RED in the face, screaming, over weight, etc. I just let him finish his rant, until he got back in his car and left. No information exchanged, nothing.

Super cop needed to not cut out in the left lane of the interstate under the speed limit and should have been following the truck he was assigned to detail with into the breakdown lane until they both accelerated to speed.
Typically Sherriff’s deputies are pretty cool guys, it is the Police Department officers that think they’ve got something to prove.

Most of my interactions with them have been driving related, a buddy on mine and I had Ducatis in college and zero respect for speed limits. Double or triple was common. :laughing:

Usually they were pretty cool when we actually stopped for them.

Biggest “dickhead” police encounter I remember was a ticket for not having headlights on. I had just pulled out of a parking lot onto a road that was lit up Light a football stadium. About 200’ down the road I realized my lights weren’t on and flipped the switch. Cop saw me do it and pulled me over. I told him I’d just turned out of that parking lot, which he said he saw, and wrote me the ticket anyway.

Was pulled over another time for “illegal tint” which 95% of vehicles in FL have, I think it was 3% too dark, and told I needed to have a rear bumper on a pre-runner style truck. There are trucks here with a bumper made of wood.

I’ve actually supported them more the last couple of years since they started being randomly targeted and attacked, rather than just thinking they were out to hassle people for minor traffic violations. I have to admit with the crap going on lately though that I’m more likely to argue with them if they try to give me some stupid ass ticket like a tag light out. They need all the good will they can get at this point.
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In HS I was at a buddies house watching movies. I head home and it's past curfew. I forgot to call my mom, so I stopped at a gas station pay phone quick (.5mi from home).

As I hang up a cop pulls up and flips the lights.

My car was a POS (had to buy it myself so whatever) so I get that.

She asks to search my car so I let her (I know better now).

She finds a baseball bat in the trunk (next to a glove and baseballs) and detains me for a weapon and hauls me to the station (1mi away). At least she didn't have my car towed.

After about an hour at the station, handcuffed and sitting on a bench, she calls my mom. 30min later she shows up and I could tell she's pissed.

The cop explained what "the situation", then my mom just UNLOADED on the cop; I actually felt bad for the lady. Lol

We leave, my mom drops me off at my car, and I was never bothered by that particular police department again.

Thanks mom! 🤣
I have 2 'stupid' stories to share.

1) Many years ago... when I was 18 years old or so at the time. My friend and I went for a joyride in and around ChicagoLand. For whatever reason a BMW car stalked wherever I went. Drove fast & made random turns through a neighborhood to lose him & hide behind a 7-11 for a short time. As soon as I drive into 7-11's parking lot up front, absolutely no less than 5 police cruisers appear & blocked me in. 😱 cops seem jumpy, some stayed with their car to direct traffic around, and some other cops with flashlight looking closely at my (blue) BlaZeR-2. A cop which is actually friendly who knew sign language and talked with me (I am deaf and can't read lips or speak to save my own life). The police said there was a report that a blue SUV did a hit & run. I was let go due to zero body damage, whatsoever on my Chevy. Just feel how stupidly excessive on how they respond, like if I was a dangerous fugitive.

2) This is fairly recent, couple of weeks ago. I was driving down the highway & exited. A police cruiser pull up behind me as I was waiting for the green light to to turn left. I made the turn & driving along, nothing to get overworked about. This cop pulled me over and I had no idea what it could've been for. Cop walked up, without mask, asked for DL and registration. I gave them to them, along with proof of insurance. She came back and scrutinized me what I am doing in New York and that my registration is expired (my DL and registration are Wisconsin). She even demanded a New York ID/DL. I was like, ok, here you go (& hand over my old NY DL with "VOID" punched out of it). She seem to get even more upset and act like I was up to something, & asked whether I have drugs or weapons in the car (its an '03 Blazer with rear seats down, fully empty, so you can quickly see I have nothing and nowhere to hide anything lol). She asked why I am here in NY and where I am going. I said, I was here for school for years and recently gained a permanent employment here, and all of damned DMVs closed down due to pandemic, what do you want me to do about it? And I was on my way to pick up a $7 wheel barrow I found on Facebook marketplace. I finally asked her why did she pulled me over. Said because of my expired registration. TOTAL BULLSHIT. I was told to have a nice day as soon as it start raining hard. No warning or ticket or documents whatsoever.
by the way she was decent looking and maybe need some d to chill! 😏
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I have 2 'stupid' stories to share.

1) Many years ago... when I was 18 years old or so at the time. My friend and I went for a joyride in and around ChicagoLand. For whatever reason a BMW car stalked wherever I went. Drove fast & made random turns through a neighborhood to lose him & hide behind a 7-11 for a short time. As soon as I drive into 7-11's parking lot up front, absolutely no less than 5 police cruisers appear & blocked me in. 😱 cops seem jumpy, some stayed with their car to direct traffic around, and some other cops with flashlight looking closely at my (blue) BlaZeR-2. A cop which is actually friendly who knew sign language and talked with me (I am deaf and can't read lips or speak to save my own life). The police said there was a report that a blue SUV did a hit & run. I was let go due to zero body damage, whatsoever on my Chevy. Just feel how stupidly excessive on how they respond, like if I was a dangerous fugitive.

2) This is fairly recent, couple of weeks ago. I was driving down the highway & exited. A police cruiser pull up behind me as I was waiting for the green light to to turn left. I made the turn & driving along, nothing to get overworked about. This cop pulled me over and I had no idea what it could've been for. Cop walked up, without mask, asked for DL and registration. I gave them to them, along with proof of insurance. She came back and scrutinized me what I am doing in New York and that my registration is expired (my DL and registration are Wisconsin). She even demanded a New York ID/DL. I was like, ok, here you go (& hand over my old NY DL with "VOID" punched out of it). She seem to get even more upset and act like I was up to something, & asked whether I have drugs or weapons in the car (its an '03 Blazer with rear seats down, fully empty, so you can quickly see I have nothing and nowhere to hide anything lol). She asked why I am here in NY and where I am going. I said, I was here for school for years and recently gained a permanent employment here, and all of damned DMVs closed down due to pandemic, what do you want me to do about it? And I was on my way to pick up a $7 wheel barrow I found on Facebook marketplace. I finally asked her why did she pulled me over. Said because of my expired registration. TOTAL BULLSHIT. I was told to have a nice day as soon as it start raining hard. No warning or ticket or documents whatsoever.
by the way she was decent looking and maybe need some d to chill! 😏

How do you communicate with cops? Writing on paper?
Stupidest one ever was getting pulled over for tailgating a marked state trooper in a 25 mph zone no less. Not a slightly marked car, full on Crown Vic, Dare…don’t do drugs marked car. Dumb shit slammed his brakes, stops, pulls to the side, I wait, figuring he has a call and is going to whip a U turn. He waves me by then pulls me over. What commenced was the greatest display of asshole super trooper known to mankind. Being a complete asshole myself, I can respect a fine display of assholeness. He comes to the window just red faced and screaming and calling me every version of dumb fuck imaginable. Once he calmed down a bit, I figured out he was telling me I was following too close. I tried to politely explain that, by definition, if I did not rear end him during his very unsafe driving that I indeed was following at a safe distance. He could not understand the logic, and this put him into a very entertaining fit of rage where he again found new versions of ways to tell me I was stupid, all while growing redder and redder in the face. As much as I enjoy seeing a gown man have a temper tantrum, I was pressed for time at this point. In an effort to speed the process along, and to attempt to calm him down, I explained that I was on my way to engineering classes and he was a trooper so I was not convinced that he was the one of higher intellect. I further explained that if he could just write the ticket and let me be on my way, I would forever be grateful for our fun little chat. I can’t quite recall all the details, but this request was not well received, and I did get a ticket for reckless driving, along with a seatbelt violation and a few other violations that I now forget. The good news is this was small town USA and the local judge is a decent guy. I ended up with something like a $40 fine for some bullshit and it was totally worth it to piss that asshole off.

Oddest encounter was a few years ago. My wife and I got home the night before from a business/vacation trip to Europe. Still being on Europe time I woke up real early. I figured I would head to the office get caught up on two weeks of emails and be in a good position to start the next week off at work. On my way home from the office I stop and get some shit to cook for breakfast. Leaving the store, you have to merge into a busy road with limited visibility. I get on it pulling out and am going too fast. Local PD stops me. I have a CC permit that shows up when they run the tag. Cop comes to the window and the first question is if I have a weapon on me. I tell him no and we have the typical going a bit fast, what are you up too etc. Real friendly guy. I agree that yup you got me I was going too fast, sorry about that. He doesn’t bother asking for any ID, insurance, registration nothing, he starts asking why I am not armed. I basically tell him that I went to the office in a nice area, live in a nice area and really only carry when I feel the need. This was the wrong answer, he proceeded to give me a 30 minute lecture about why it is important for good folks to be armed at all times, and that having a CC and not using it made no sense, and you never know when you need it, and they can’t be everywhere and that they rely on us to be armed etc. He then takes my stuff and runs it. Comes back to the window and says no ticket but he wants to talk about carrying weapons a bit more. Probably another 15 to 20 minutes about crime stats etc. I finally tell him that next time you see me or pull me over just know that I will be carrying and that seemed to satisfy him. He was correct in what he was saying it just seemed odd how passionate he was that we needed to be armed at all times.
Speaking of Mom's and cops....

Had a city cop pull me over when I was 16 once. When he got to the window, he said "Awe Hell, you're not who I thought I was pulling over." He told me he thought I was an old friend of his and he wanted to pull him over to mess with him and to see what a 70 year old man was doing out and about at 1:00 in the morning. He pulled me over literally 1000' from home and asked where I was going. I told him I was heading home as I was out past curfew. I pointed to my house and he immediately pulled the light out of my eyes and told me I better get home. When I get there, tell my mom he was sorry. I kinda looked at him funny and asked, "Bud, why do I need to apologize to my mom for you?" He told me that earlier in the day, he had to write my mom a ticket for all our old vehicles parked on the property violating city decency/trash laws. He said she cussed him up and down the hill side. He said, "Son, I haven't been talked to like that since my last divorce. So when you get home, you tell her I said I'm sorry."

Got pulled over by the Highway patrol one night coming home from my gf's house, 70 in a 60. I was driving my mom's pickup and when i was looking for the insurance card I mentioned to the officer that this wasn't my truck. He asked who's it was and I told him it was mom's. He asked who my mom was and when I told him her name, he said "you're late for your curfew aren't you?" When I told him I was, he told me to get on out of here then as he was sure that I would be in more trouble with her for being home late than I would for getting a ticket and when I get home I needed to mention to here that officer "Dick Nose" said hello. Of course then I had to ask him about the story that prompted such a name and he told me. Apparently one night my mom was in a bar fight and when the cops where called, he had to literally pack her over his shoulder out of the bar. The whole time she was still cussing and swinging at someone. She then turned her attention to him and she was pissed that he carried her out and didn't let her finish whoopin those bastards asses. "You're just a fucking old dick nose cop! Officer Dick Nose!" she was hollering.

Apparently, mom had an issue or two with local law enforcement back in the day. I've been pulled over several times and just the mention of my mothers name and they all got wide eyed and told me to get home and to take some sort of apology with me.
These posts:

Pull up your fucking pants, straighten your fucking jalopies out, stop looking like a piece of shit methhead, spend less money on tattoos, and don't drive 85 mph, and maybe your trailer trash asses won't get hounded by the cops.


Nice try dickhead. I have zero tattoos, all my teeth, shower daily, and have a nice house.
I drive an old truck because it's cheap and stress free. It's a gmt400 so the paint is falling off, but it's decent.

I haven't been pulled over in 4 years. So they're not generally hounding me, this bitch just had a hard on for thinking my tool bags were full of drugs sitting in the bed.

This is the first bad encounter I've had.
I won the genetic lottery, and most family ailments from both sides, I've got too, including essential tremors. Most folks who don't know me assume I've got Parkinson's or something, nope just benign essential tremor. I'm medicated so the shake is minimized but not completely gone. Give me a shot of adrenaline, like you get when the blue lights come on behind you and getting pulled over, no amount of medication will mitigate the shakes.

I'm a slow poke nowadays, In my youth though, I had a heavy foot, and was a bit of an asshole.

Cop sees me shaking like a leaf on a tree, and of course thinks I'm up to no good.

I've had to wait in the cop's car a couple times, first time I ever got stopped, I spent 15 minutes in the trooper's cruiser, when he finally let me out, he sighed real loud, chuckled, and said, "I just knew you had a couple kilos of dope in your trunk." I've set on the side of the road waiting on K9 to show up, and then waited even longer when the K9 didn't find anything, so they checked again, and again. I've had to explain essential tremors to a county deputy (had a headlight that went out like 3 hours earlier, I see cars driving around with 1 headlight for months, I can't even make it a day without getting stopped) the Mensa member county deputy thought I was making up words, I finally just said, "It's a medical condition." :homer:

It's easier just to not speed, and not risk getting pulled over, so I'm usually in the slow lane, cruise set 3-4 MPH over whatever the limit is, and I come to a complete stop then count to 3 at all stop signs. I'll get there when I get there.
You are very clearly up to something wrong and it shows in every word. Very rarely do we see such a large mass of pre-emptive criminal denial on [that other letter edit removed] IBB. Most guys around here are past their shenanigans phase, so your post is like a flashing red warning light mounted on top of a wailing siren.

You are completely full of shit somehow, not exactly sure how, but you are a poor bullshit artist.

Please clear your schedule today and work on a plan to kill yourself.
I built a pickup bed trailer. during the first test drive a few years ago I got stopped. I had no lights or registration but I had someone following like 5' behind me. I was on the phone with him and I told him to get as close as possible because I saw the officer pass then slam the brakes. I told him don't let the officer in. All 3 of us slowed down to 30 on a 55mph road before the officer squeezed his way in and pulled me over.
turns out it was a new guy being trained and I was his first... They had me on the side for the road for at least 2 hours... They brought a book out and everything to see what to ticket me on.
In Florida to register a homemade trailer you have to bring it to the dump to get weighed then with the weight you get a registration. They won't issue a temp plate without a vin. That's what I told the officer, and I told her I was on my way to get it weighed. She told me since it was once a truck I should have used it's plate..... When I told her that's not right. How am I supposed to get it weighed she said "I know what I'd do but I can't say that"...
I only got a warning but I had to go to court about it. My choice once there was to pay like 300 or fight it. I was going to fight it, but it would have taken like a month missing at least 1 day of work a week then no guarantees I'd win... At this point I was getting really pissed off. And decided just to pay but I wasn't happy about it.
I got a call few hours later from the person I was dealing with saying, she talked to someone and they said I was in the right and they dropped all charges. So never ended up having to pay. But I still had to take a day off work just because they thought I'd be a easy ticket to train the kid
What. in the actual fuck.

Tickets start at $40 for up to 10 over where the limit is 80mph, 70mph and less it's $20 for up to 10 over, doubles every 10mph more. 90 in a 70 is $40 and I think a couple points. Takes 31 points to suspend your license.

​​​​​​Cities have the option to add extra on the fines, still no court costs as it's just a citation with a simple fine.
These posts:

Pull up your fucking pants, straighten your fucking jalopies out, stop looking like a piece of shit methhead, spend less money on tattoos, and don't drive 85 mph, and maybe your trailer trash asses won't get hounded by the cops.


And I hope life meets you like a hammer to the forehead...
I think I speak for everybody here.


If, for some stupid reason somebody is dumb enough to want your opinion, give it then.

Your attempt to ruin every thread is beyond annoying.
no shit. I got popped for 5 over in a local town and thats $275.

While on a business trip to MT i got popped for something like 84 in a 70 and seeing my CA license the cop told me "Its a good thing that we are not trying to balance our state budget with tickets like CA is, that will be 40 dollars" :lmao:
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