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Stange metal squares stuck to tree


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2020
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So a couple of days ago I was in the woods on my property getting some parts from an old bus that I store stuff in. As I am driving away, a glint catches my eye. I back up and there are two of them coming off of a very small tree trunk. I get out and walk over to investigate. About 15-20 ft over the fence on neighbors property there are what looks like two small shiny metal squares on a small tree. Look to be about 3/4 inch square, spaced about 8 inches apart vertically. One is oriented with the flats vertical and horizontal but the other has the points of the squares up/down. Roughly 3-4 ft off the ground. Looks like they are glued to the tree with some kind of black adhesive. I wouldnt really care too much about them, but they are "aiming" at my property. Roughly towards the bus and beyond where I keep some parts vehicles. Any ideas what the fook they are?? Cameras? Sensors of some sort?? I went back and got pics today, but I am apparently too dumb to post pics here.
I have heard of and seen all kinds of property markers, at our ranch and other ranches..

and I never heard of something this small and inconceivable being placed on trees..

the most common would be bright purple painted around the top of a pole or something..

If they're tiny and reflective, they sound like trail markers. When you're trying to navigate a path at night, like getting to a hunting spot, they lead the way.

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Some interesting theories (other than my butt bleeding) arborist marking- cant fathom why that tiny tree would warrant being treated. Property markers- already a fence there. Trail markings- this makes the most sense. The guy has a lot of hunting stands on the place, but still, its right along a fence, and not teally far enough into the woods to warrant needing a trail marked just yet, in my opinion. They dont look like the ones in the link, but I suppose they could be another brand. I am tempted to go out and shine a flashlight at them from different angles before it gets ligjt out now.
If they're tiny and reflective, they sound like trail markers. When you're trying to navigate a path at night, like getting to a hunting spot, they lead the way.


This what I was thinking. The orientation sounds like its a direction marker. Ive never seen them with adhesive though. The ones I have are like big thumbtack.
I agree with above, sounds like a trail marker to a blind or stand.
I have heard of and seen all kinds of property markers, at our ranch and other ranches..

and I never heard of something this small and inconceivable being placed on trees..

the most common would be bright purple painted around the top of a pole or something..

purple means no trespassing.
... they are "aiming" at my property. Roughly towards the bus

5G. The squares are oriented to aim and direct the signal and the bus acts as an amplification chamber. The 5G listening devices they control are in your dental fillings.

Get some pliers and pull out any teeth you've ever had a cavity in, it's the only way to be sure.
This what I was thinking. The orientation sounds like its a direction marker. Ive never seen them with adhesive though. The ones I have are like big thumbtack.

Yup thats what I've seen locally, trail markers and they're like big thumbtacks.
Is there a trail though the area?

These are trail markers


Ever see Fire in the Sky ? Those markers were probably left by the aliens to mark which property owners they're going to beam up first.

Thar movie fucked me up. I found it to be pretty scary / creepy.

Side note, Why do aliens need lights?
ask the neighbor :homer:

Ya' know what? - that just might work :laughing:

But seriously, OP - you should . . .

lick the metal tags to detect 5g chemtrail residue,


rub your nutsack on the tags to check for magnetism,


shine green lasers at the tags from a 30 degree angle to detect alien DNA


steal the tags and see which secret agency shows up in black helicopters


post a photo,

ask the fookin' neighbor, already :homer:
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