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spin off discussion.. who are the best comedians ever?

Abbott&Costello; cuz ‘Who’s on First’. Greatest routine/skit ever.
Lewis Grizzard
Jonathon Winters. True mental case. Spent time in
in psychiatric hospital. Family owned Winters Bank
Williams (Robin)
George Carlin
Richard Pryor
Bill Burr
Bill Hicks
Mitch Hedburg
Norm McDonald
Chris Farley
David Spade

I don't think I've seen Anthony Jeselnick mentioned or Dimitri Martin mentioned but Jeselnick is pretty brutal and I like Dimitri's puns.
I'm old so my comedy stopped years ago.

Most of my faves are listed. My favorite varies with my mood.

...but DANE COOK? Seriously? That guy's about as funny as a kidney stone.

he had his time. and that was about 15-20 years ago. now hes not funny at all.
Surprised to not see Jerry Seinfeld mentioned yet.

The best standup comedians are the best storytellers. Hard to beat Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy and Bill Cosby.
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