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Social Security... yay, or nay? Also the msm is completely full of shit.

Social Security... yay, or nay? Also the msm is completely full of shit.

  • Social Security is an awesome program~ I love getting taxed that 6.2%! (more if self employed)

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Fawk Social Security~ I can be responsible for my own success or demise with that money!

    Votes: 56 71.8%
  • Bacon~ lovely, crispy, juicy bacon... mmmmmmmmm

    Votes: 17 21.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I got a question. How old are you and what will you do to guarantee you have enough money to live until you die? Honest question. If you’re counting on your 401k good luck. That could go away with one market crash. What about people who work jobs that don’t pay a lot their whole lives. Even if they have a 401 it wouldn’t have enough to live off of. And if you say screw them they should have got an education and made more. That isn’t realistic. Somebody has to work those jobs.
I never gave a shit about SS until turning 62 11 years ago...I have a solid 401K and a penson but the SS money is a nice side income..And I had no choice about contributing....I do know a few people who rely on just SS..I suppose they were slackers for not thinking ahead...Or the shitty jobs they had all their life was all they could manage as mentioned above...
I got a question. How old are you and what will you do to guarantee you have enough money to live until you die? Honest question. If you’re counting on your 401k good luck. That could go away with one market crash. What about people who work jobs that don’t pay a lot their whole lives. Even if they have a 401 it wouldn’t have enough to live off of. And if you say screw them they should have got an education and made more. That isn’t realistic. Somebody has to work those jobs.

reverse mortgage, the ultimate free market response and solution.

otherwise, make generational housing great again. no generations to take you? state sponsored old folks homes.

life sucks, then you die.

not quite the majority, but a very good portion of people will die before they retire regardless. hell that is foundational to the success of Social Security. lots of people who make just enough to scrape by aren't going to "retire" on Social Security. yes, I do know people just above homeless who finally made it to 65 and are living on SS. it isn't great, so it isn't like the system has been some miraculous savior for the people who lived on it, fully aware and then retired on it.

I don't think it should be shut off like a light switch and I agree with state disability payments, but fading SS from a retirement plan for 'everybody' to something much different and much cheaper for everybody would be a big net positive as far as I can see

edit: I am also 100% of the opinion that great society programs, such as Social Security, plus Minimum Wage laws have absolutely destroyed Labor Unions as well as the large employer sponsored pensions, thru the union or otherwise
And if you say screw them they should have got an education and made more. That isn’t realistic. Somebody has to work those jobs.

I hate having to pay taxes to keep useless people alive. Fuck 'em. Clearly their time is up.

If you want to go down the road of some liberal buzzword how the rich white man keeps the poor person down, then clearly you're being unrealistic.

If i could forfeit the past 16 years of paying SS so I never have to pay again, and never recieve SS in my later years, I'd sign the paperwork today.
Provience, I agree with a lot of what your response. You can’t just shut it off. There needs to be something in place to replace it. Reverse mortgage works for those who own a home. But many don’t. Most will not die before ss age. I have a small pension and ss. But pensions have went the way of the do do bird. I don’t have the answers. If they would have kept their grubby hands off the money coming into the system, ss would be solvent.
I’m 53, I doubt I’ll see a penny from it even though I have been forced to pay in since I was 14.
I hate having to pay taxes to keep useless people alive. Fuck 'em. Clearly their time is up.

If you want to go down the road of some liberal buzzword how the rich white man keeps the poor person down, then clearly you're being unrealistic.

If i could forfeit the past 16 years of paying SS so I never have to pay again, and never recieve SS in my later years, I'd sign the paperwork today.
That’s a pretty cavalier attitude.:stirthepot: I said nothing about the rich white man. Nor do I feel that way.:flipoff2:
Anyone remember the Bush opt out program..... I voted for that!!! Ween off the tit you lazy fucks!!!!
6.3% is a lot of Fkn $$$!!!! Imagine that invested in the market!!! Now imagine all the Fkn bacon that would buy!!!!!! MMMMMMMMM!!!!! Been paying since age 13!!!
I'll be long dead before this is ever a concern for me. :laughing:
Some way more primitive inferior third world countries have Gov directed retirement accounts. Haven't looked at it in years but instead of SSI it goes into a semi managed controlled 401K type enterprise. This keeps the government hands out of the spending pie and enhances several market sectors with monetary infusion, investment capital. And the accounts make money for the holder over time instead of just getting absorbed and wasted by the Gov general fund. Compared to the shit sandwich our government has allowed to slide into, it is Utopia for the oldsters.
I jumped on the SS train and started collecting at 62. I did the math about differing to 65. My break even point was age 77, meaning I could have collected more if I live beyond that age.

Yeah, I could collect more by waiting to 65; but time value of money was worth more to me by collecting earlier. Even I'm not sure of Social Securities future, so another reason to collect early....

I have been blessed by paying off my mortgage, careful planning and 401K investing. Also being able to have a Federally Insured private (PG&E) pension has been my primary source of income in retirement.

Social Security has become mostly our "play" money if we need or want something. If not all spent, it just rolls over in the bank account for next month.
I’m 53, I doubt I’ll see a penny from it even though I have been forced to pay in since I was 14.

Same and paying into SS from the same age. I don't think I'll ever collect and if it's still there I'll collect as soon as I can. I don't have SS planned into my future survival. I just don't get that so many fail to plan and expect SS to be their sole income in retirement. I also don't like having to support people who fail to plan ahead.
That’s a pretty cavalier attitude.:stirthepot: I said nothing about the rich white man. Nor do I feel that way.:flipoff2:

SS is basically saying you're (general, not directed at you) are too fucking stupid to save money and fend for yourself. So the government must collect and redistribute as they see fit. They then take your money for pet projects (thanks clinton) and claim the system is broke and need more. So if anyone is judging others and putting then into classes, and fucking you, it's politicians.
I took the early payout.

What was the payout ?? My account which I contributed to from 1975 until 2018 only had $178,000 if I recall correctly. I was a little take aback by that. 20 years of pay back at $1,900/month = $456,000, ??? I do not see how this can be a solvent enterprise. I do realize my SSI income is taxed but it isn't shit compared to the payout over my remaining lifetime.
Sorry I meant the monthly It's $965 a month. I didn't put any in when I had my own company so there wasn't a lot

Unlike all you super superior educated people on here I didn't save and invest in stocks and bonds, gold, silver antique coins or what ever, I have a small retirement from the Union and that is it
As it was I never believed I would make till I was old enought to collect
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SS is basically saying you're (general, not directed at you) are too fucking stupid to save money and fend for yourself. So the government must collect and redistribute as they see fit. They then take your money for pet projects (thanks clinton) and claim the system is broke and need more. So if anyone is judging others and putting then into classes, and fucking you, it's politicians.

The rape of SS started with Johnson's Great Sociaty he couldn't see why the money should just sit there when he could use it to buy votes foir future Democrat voters
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I’m 53, I doubt I’ll see a penny from it even though I have been forced to pay in since I was 14.

This... I am not far behind you. I wish I could have done what I wanted with that money as opposed to it going into a social engineering program without my say. We are already over burdened with taxes. Add it all up....

We are taxed on our income, property, sales associated items, penalties for withdrawing from ira/ 401/ bonds/ trust, etc... dinged in every other way you can imagine. Taxes on our dam taxes even in way of a fawking Death tax, inheritance tax...

My proposal for rockdog above's question?

Flat 10% across the board. No government programs that can't fit inside that budget. Done.
I don't have a problem with people relying on SS for retirement, they were only forced to pay into it their whole fawking lives. I think I'm below the age where SS is on track to have zero money left, so I'm planning otherwise, cause I'd rather not have to be the old man dropping politicians with no money in my wallet.
SS is basically saying you're (general, not directed at you) are too fucking stupid to save money and fend for yourself. So the government must collect and redistribute as they see fit. They then take your money for pet projects (thanks clinton) and claim the system is broke and need more. So if anyone is judging others and putting then into classes, and fucking you, it's politicians.

I actually agree with a lot of what you’ve said. The assholes in government have been robbing it since Johnson’s administration as stated above. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if the cocksuckers had left all the money in there earning interest.
Same and paying into SS from the same age. I don't think I'll ever collect and if it's still there I'll collect as soon as I can. I don't have SS planned into my future survival. I just don't get that so many fail to plan and expect SS to be their sole income in retirement. I also don't like having to support people who fail to plan ahead.

I get it... it's what socialist programs strive for. Control over the subjects future. A basic starting point really.
I think it sucks. Parents contributed their entire lives and the most my mother ever got was $28.00 a month because her retirement was too high. So if you plan ahead, get lucky, whatever, with a decent retirement you get fucked out of all you contributed. I would rather just keep my money, thank you very much.
I get it... it's what socialist programs strive for. Control over the subjects future. A basic starting point really.

Socialism never starts out as some evil thing, it's actually a moral obligation to some, but it always ends up the same way. Generally shit economy, with shit leaders making all the money, while keeping their citizens as poor as possible so they think they need the social programs. You hit it spot on, it's more about control then about taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves... kind of like how our gov is turning, eh?
Provience, I agree with a lot of what your response. You can’t just shut it off. There needs to be something in place to replace it. Reverse mortgage works for those who own a home. But many don’t. Most will not die before ss age. I have a small pension and ss. But pensions have went the way of the do do bird. I don’t have the answers. If they would have kept their grubby hands off the money coming into the system, ss would be solvent.

well, average life expectancy is now nearly 80 for people in the USA


here is a longer piece put out by the SSA on why 62 is a reasonable age, despite average life expectancy being about 60 when SS was passed.

apparently it is only expected that about 20% of people won't make it to age 60

  • If you work and earn $6,000 throughout the year, you have not hit the $17,640 annual earnings that would trigger withholding of some of your Social Security benefits. You will receive your full $14,000 in benefits.
  • If you work and earn $35,000, you have exceeded the $17,640 limit by $17,360. You lose $1 for each $2 earned in excess of the limit, so you lose $8,680 of your annual benefits. Your annual income from Social Security will be reduced to $5,320 (from the total $14,000) because $8,680 of your benefits will be withheld.
  • If you work and earn $80,000, you have exceeded the $17,640 limit by $62,360. Since benefits are reduced by $1 for each $2 earned over the limit, your benefits would have to be reduced by $31,180. This exceeds total annual benefits, so you won't receive any checks from Social Security


some other quick numbers that highlight that people who have earnings beyond 60 are also likely not to collect SS due to over earning.

https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb...iciaries are also comparatively less educated.

Social Security is often perceived as a universal program for the aged because of its wide reach. As of 2010, 85.6 percent of persons aged 65 or older were receiving income from Social Security, far surpassing the percentage receiving income from any other source.[SUP]1[/SUP] However, some aged individuals never receive Social Security Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) benefits. This article examines the prevalence, demographic characteristics, and economic well-being of these never-beneficiaries.

About 4 percent of the aged population never receives Social Security benefits.

alright, so ~20% of people don't live long enough now (as opposed to when benefits were passed and retirement age 'fixed')
another 4% will never earn/never qualify for SS due to not paying in enough
and that leaves about 10% who simply earn to much to not collect a dime

85.6% of people receive who live past 62 SOME form of SS payment
Recently read this article about how a recent survey says that the majority of Americans want ss, and that it is a VERY popular program.... I call bullshit. Who did they poll? A bunch of geriatric, senior boomers? I have seen the issues revolving around ss for literally decades. What say ya guys, ss yay or nay?

Article linky: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/reti...?ocid=msedgdhp

Your poll options suck ass, so there's nothing valid to vote on. Sort of like the two major choices next month. :flipoff2:
The question is kind of loaded. I hate the SS program. I wish I would have gotten the money I put in all along. But now that I have paid for all those years, I want paid back. When I turn 62, I'll be asking for it. I don't really need the money, but I want whatever I can get before it folds.

The question should read,

Do you prefer to get all your money back (plus interest) and close the system or

Keep it.

One guy mentioned your 401K will be gone at the first market crash. My 401 has withstood two crashes . Even a more serious crash is survivable depending on what it's invested in.
I've long said that SS won't default, people would revolt and stop paying in, also holding politicians accountable to some extent, people would move away from gov and become more self sufficient, not what big gov wants after working so hard to make people soft stupid and dependant.

My long standing position is that they'll pay you the paper dollars that you've been promised, but inflation will be so bad it'll get you a can of cat food and a candle to eat it by.

If you look in that labor shortage job shortage thread, inflation and cost of living are brought up numerous times. If we have significant inflation and wage hikes in the next several years, then cola freezes, blame covid, the checks don't bounce and the bankers and politicians don't get hung from lamp posts. It's looking more and more like this is in play
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