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So you hate or never liked Trump...

I am one of those people who have to regularly tell myself to look at his policies/actions rather than what he says. He is an asshole, he lies regularly, will say whatever comes to mind regardless if it directly contradicts his actions. But, as a veteran, I appreciate that he hasn't started any new wars and has continued the draw-down of others.

Here are a few reasons I didn't vote for him (I also didn't vote for Biden):
-The deficit has continued to get out of control and as a "renowned businessman" he has not done enough for this problem.
-The stock market IS NOT the economy, large publicly traded companies are doing well and receiving bailouts while many small companies are not getting the same treatment.
-His policy making has favored people close to him
-He only surrounds himself with yes men, anytime someone disagrees he publicly shames them then fires them
-He is abrasive and has been a key part of the growing divide in our country. I think some of that is fine, but after 4 years I am simply exhausted.
-He uses the law as a crutch when it is convenient for him, but then claims it's RIGGED when it doesn't go his way.
-He is not a republican, he does whatever is best for him:

"Trump registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987 and since that time has changed his party affiliation five times. In 1999, Trump changed his party affiliation to the Independence Party of New York. In August 2001, Trump changed his party affiliation to Democratic. In September 2009, Trump changed his party affiliation back to the Republican Party. In December 2011, Trump changed to "no party affiliation" (independent). In April 2012, Trump again returned to the Republican Party.[SUP][4][/SUP]

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans."[SUP][5][/SUP] In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat."

Personally, I have a hard time believing anyone LIKES Trump and they just vote red because their beliefs better align with that political party, I have no issues with that. I also think people are waaaaay over-reacting about Biden turning us into a communist country. Bernie would have caused us to take more steps in that direction but the people with money would never let Bernie win. Folks really need to educate themselves on communism.

These are just my opinions, if you quote me asking for proof I will just give you the finger. I have already spent too much time on this and don't care that your Nazi loving boyfriend refuses to accept Trump lost. :flipoff2:
Dividing the country, being about his personal gain, trying to coup the USA into full-blown fascism.

Personal gain? Like what? Would you donate your salary from a full time plus job like trump has?
I voted for Trump, twice.

If we had somebody better than Trump I would vote for them.

I really hope Trump doesn't run in 2024, i hope the republicant's have somebody who is worth a fuck.

We are stuck with a government nobody wants to run for many reasons, the media tear down, the political tear down..... it's just not fucking worth it that leave us being screwed because anybody with mediocre money can't run. It's a money game
I voted for Trump, twice.

If we had somebody better than Trump I would vote for them.

I really hope Trump doesn't run in 2024, i hope the republicant's have somebody who is worth a fuck.

We are stuck with a government nobody wants to run for many reasons, the media tear down, the political tear down..... it's just not fucking worth it that leave us being screwed because anybody with mediocre money can't run. It's a money game

Sorry but the Republicans aren't worth a shit either. A few of them have a backbone and a few were starting to under Trump but those quickly slinked away under a rock somewhere. If they keep acting like a bunch of pussies f them.
That is an angle I had not considered. Always figured that if we have a dmz type kill zone, it would be on the US side?

You can't have one inside our borders because then they are subject to constitutional protection. They'd have to pass some laws through congress, then get through SC scrutiny to have some DMZ on the US side. Now, maybe the US could give up rights to that land , but that would be a giant fiasco as you'd take land from private owners.

Only way to do it is through treaty on the Mexican side.
You can't have one inside our borders because then they are subject to constitutional protection. They'd have to pass some laws through congress, then get through SC scrutiny to have some DMZ on the US side. Now, maybe the US could give up rights to that land , but that would be a giant fiasco as you'd take land from private owners.

Only way to do it is through treaty on the Mexican side.

You... have thought about this quite a lot more than I have.
You... have thought about this quite a lot more than I have.

dont take this the wrong way, but im betting thats true for many, many subjects. :flipoff2:

if you werent a full blown communist and would trade money for a beer at a capitalist establishment, i might be able to enlighten you as to why seatbelt laws began the downfall of western civilization.
dont take this the wrong way, but im betting thats true for many, many subjects. :flipoff2:

if you werent a full blown communist and would trade money for a beer at a capitalist establishment, i might be able to enlighten you as to why seatbelt laws began the downfall of western civilization.

Ha! Careful, if I'm ever in Texas, I might make you make good on that offer. I'm always up for some enlightenment.
Sorry but the Republicans aren't worth a shit either. A few of them have a backbone and a few were starting to under Trump but those quickly slinked away under a rock somewhere. If they keep acting like a bunch of pussies f them.

They're all politicians, they are all looking out for their legacies and their family money... both sides, and those are two phrases we should never use when talking about political people "legacies and family money".

There are some good ones out there, people who believe in the constitution and this country, problem is once they visit the shit hole it is they want out.

Good guys don't do well in politics, at some point we'll have to fix that.
Bad: He's a politician so I automatically don't like him. He squandered a lot of opportunity to end wars that we have started, additionally there was a lot of opportunity to shrink the .gov that he didn't take advantage of. I think his adminstration fucked up the COVID stimulus, they bailed out corporations but didn't really help out people directly who were getting ass fucked by their state gov's. I was also hoping his buffoonery would lead to a dusting off of the constitution to start limiting presidential power but that didn't happen.

Good: he was pretty entertaining, red pilled a lot of normies on how the establishment works in conjunction with the media propaganda machine. He showed that a 3rd party candidate could get elected. He didn't start any new wars, and I think the federal covid response was good in deferring to the states to handle it (man how facist!!:laughing:​​​​​) . He got impeached and then almost re elected.

He was like The Ramones of presidents, most people think that liking him made you some sort of an edgy revolutionary, when the reality is he wasn't that much different than his predicessors. In reality we needed the Fugazi of presidents in there tearing the system down.
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