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So you hate or never liked Trump...


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
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I have a simple question that seams diffucult to get an answer to. What policy, eo etc. is Trump responsible for that you disagree with? Not his personality or threats but actual policies in place.
A even harder question to get an answer to, did he do anything you agree with?
Bad: Some
Requiring US citizens that sponsor an immigrant, family or otherwise to give up bio-metric data.
Emissions and the EPA may bring the suck, but try living in Shenzen. Coal has no place in electricity generation in the 21st century.
Using a 747 and all that goes along with it to visit his golf course a couple times a week that costs more than(maybe double) the average wage to operate per hour than his constituents make in a year.

Good: Some
Confronting China
SCOTUS appointees seem solid.
Bad: Some
Requiring US citizens that sponsor an immigrant, family or otherwise to give up bio-metric data.
Emissions and the EPA may bring the suck, but try living in Shenzen. Coal has no place in electricity generation in the 21st century.
Using a 747 and all that goes along with it to visit his golf course a couple times a week that costs more than(maybe double) the average wage to operate per hour than his constituents make in a year.

Good: Some
Confronting China
SCOTUS appointees seem solid.

Good response. I looked at the biometric data example and it seams that it was a "threat"? Or is it a policy that was put in place? I couldn't find where it if so.
Bad: Some
Requiring US citizens that sponsor an immigrant, family or otherwise to give up bio-metric data.
Emissions and the EPA may bring the suck, but try living in Shenzen. Coal has no place in electricity generation in the 21st century.
Using a 747 and all that goes along with it to visit his golf course a couple times a week that costs more than(maybe double) the average wage to operate per hour than his constituents make in a year.

Good: Some
Confronting China
SCOTUS appointees seem solid.

How else would someone prove who they are when they came from another country and now are a citizen? E-Verify? Seriously, you'd take the word of a stranger, just cause? Biometrics are a way to measure a person's physical characteristics to verify their identity.

You haven't worked with companies that have had their production limited by the EPA when they do have all of the emissions reduction equipment installed the EPA said they MUST have and still won't let them produce more. I have. The EPA is a job killer. Yes, the EPA is a dirty dog itself.

747, is there another plane that has all the BS on it that they need? You do know the 747 they use is so much more than just a limo? Seem to remember Obama used the 747 to go to Hawaii to golf, Trump used it to go to Florida. I do believe Florida is a hell of a lot closer to DC, correct?

I do think President Trump is horrible with the budget. I give him a BIG F!

I give him a fail for NOT locking up Hillary as he said he would. Lied right there. Semi fail on the Border.
He sure didn't clean out the swamp. The FBI, Justice dept is still rotten as ever. I would have liked to see him get rid of the BLM police force. Bureau of Land Management.
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What difference does it make now?:flipoff2:

Biden seems to be in Blowhard FU mode to his backers, which is funny. You can't teach senile old fucks new tricks, so this should be real interesting.
747, is there another plane that has all the BS on it that they need? You do know the 747 they use is so much more than just a limo? Seem to remember Obama used the 747 to go to Hawaii to golf, Trump used it to go to Florida. I do believe Florida is a hell of a lot closer to DC, correct?


Maybe give up golf for 4 years while in office and focus on doing the job he was elected to do. I DGAF what Obama did, it was wrong too, that's comparing degrees of wrong.

The other stuff mentioned, like signing the stimulus bill that put us even further in debt and bumpstock ban.
If the few things he did in 4 years that you disagree with was so bad....let's see how all that compares in the next 4 years.

Until the political "virus" rolled in, this country was on the road to the best economy (which enriches everyone's life) we'd ever had.

Now....we get what we fucking deserve.
Well he doesnt want to sell us out to china so thats a good thing.

Didnt understand why big business was anti Trump until I learned they want access to China’s billion people consumer market and china calls the shots.

plenty of politicians are fine selling out to China at the expense of Americans.....Trumps not.
Bad: Some
Emissions and the EPA may bring the suck, but try living in Shenzen. Coal has no place in electricity generation in the 21st century.

Good: Some
Confronting China
SCOTUS appointees seem solid.

Our coal plant emisions are nothing comparably. If they applied it there since 90 levels they would be fine

Trump's policy of hating non orange people was the worst though.
Did more to harm 2A issues than Obama
Has no idea when to STFU
National debt

Foreign policy
Trade deals
Improving Veteran care - though it fell way short of where it needs to be.
Did a pretty good job given the obstacles that he encountered.

The national debt is why we got the china virus. Compared to the 18 years preceding it....it fell off a cliff.....need that leverage against us.

I would have just let it come...not spent a nickel ..
Lack of getting the deficit under control. And this is before the China virus hit. This is a big deal for me. You can make the argument that any politician would have made it worse. But for the esteemed business man he makes himself out to be he couldn’t get the deficit under control.
I don’t like liars or hypocrites. This falls under personality but for him to hold up the Bible and say how much he loves it but can’t recite a verse. I am not religious but I don’t pretend to be. He bagged on Obama for golfing then went golfing. Hypocrite.

Most trade policies appeared to put Americans first.
Ive voted for him 2x now, but still think hes a massive turd that just cant help but run his mouth.
My biggest issue with him is the hypocrisy on nearly every poo flinging contest he gets in.
Case in point, golf. He has golfed more than any other president ever, it cost the taxpayers over $500k in just cart rentals for the secret service. The man should not be allowed to tweet, I honestly think he would have been reelected if an adult took his phone away.
Ive voted for him 2x now, but still think hes a massive turd that just cant help but run his mouth.
My biggest issue with him is the hypocrisy on nearly every poo flinging contest he gets in.
Case in point, golf. He has golfed more than any other president ever, it cost the taxpayers over $500k in just cart rentals for the secret service. The man should not be allowed to tweet, I honestly think he would have been reelected if an adult took his phone away.

This, and the big debacle...................... the wall. Complete and total waste of money. Immigration reform is what will solve the problem and it'd cost a whole lot less than a wall. If you think the construction cost is the total bill you're NOT THINKING. The maintenance costs would far out strip that. The "wall" was a "feel good" subject just like the "gun laws" are. They make the uninformed think you're do something when in effect you're not doing shit.
Ive voted for him 2x now, but still think hes a massive turd that just cant help but run his mouth.
My biggest issue with him is the hypocrisy on nearly every poo flinging contest he gets in.
Case in point, golf. He has golfed more than any other president ever, it cost the taxpayers over $500k in just cart rentals for the secret service. The man should not be allowed to tweet, I honestly think he would have been reelected if an adult took his phone away.

Nobody that voted for Trump gives one shit about a CNN headline about Trump's golfing or his the language of his tweets. Your post in some way is a lie.

This, and the big debacle...................... the wall. Complete and total waste of money. Immigration reform is what will solve the problem and it'd cost a whole lot less than a wall. If you think the construction cost is the total bill you're NOT THINKING. The maintenance costs would far out strip that. The "wall" was a "feel good" subject just like the "gun laws" are. They make the uninformed think you're do something when in effect you're not doing shit.

You are not really a serious political commenter. You believe in fantasies about human nature and you have a very truncated sense of what Civics really are. For you, Authority is just Authority. You're a good military lifer, unquestioning and obedient.
I have a simple question that seams diffucult to get an answer to. What policy, eo etc. is Trump responsible for that you disagree with? Not his personality or threats but actual policies in place.
A even harder question to get an answer to, did he do anything you agree with?

Why are you asking on a conservative, pro-Trump board? To hear the same whiners we've heard for years over this?

Meet someone who has the opposite viewpoint and engage them. It's kind of like that Fight Club assignment when you have to go out and get into a fist-fight with someone. You can try but most people avoid the fuck out of it, unless it is some sort of social thing. That explains all the Social Media drones getting upset over Trump tweets.
This, and the big debacle...................... the wall. Complete and total waste of money. Immigration reform is what will solve the problem and it'd cost a whole lot less than a wall. If you think the construction cost is the total bill you're NOT THINKING. The maintenance costs would far out strip that. The "wall" was a "feel good" subject just like the "gun laws" are. They make the uninformed think you're do something when in effect you're not doing shit.

Ask East Germans if walls work.
Nobody that voted for Trump gives one shit about a CNN headline about Trump's golfing or his the language of his tweets. Your post in some way is a lie.

You are not really a serious political commenter. You believe in fantasies about human nature and you have a very truncated sense of what Civics really are. For you, Authority is just Authority. You're a good military lifer, unquestioning and obedient.

Oh look, more bullshit from everboob. You are so far off I don't know whether I should laugh or cry at you.
I voted for him twice. The first time I was far more enthusiastic than this last one. Not that it matters either way considering where I live.

When he was running the first time I enjoyed how he used Twitter to side step the media narrative but after a while the noise just became too much. Like a small yapping dog. He's thin skinned, backs down when pressed (see China and the ridiculous trade war, spending bills from the democrats, his endless empty threats). He also treated the presidency like his own personal fiefdom rather than respecting the office and being a caretaker for the republic. You can really see it now with his threats against Barr.

I do like his pics for SCOTUS and the federal judiciary but that has as much to do with the Federalist Society choosing good judges and cocaine Mitch for getting them through the Senate.

The GOP has abandoned all sense of fiscal restraint since at least the Bush 43 and arguably the Reagan years. I don't think they have much of a choice considering the electorate wants more "free" things and the politicians are more than willing to give it to them (us).

That having been said, at least it wasn't Hillary. :flipoff2:
Ask East Germans if walls work.

He also thinks the wall is only there to stop illegal immigration...... I guess once they reform the immigration policy, per SDCJ, drug and human trafficking across the border is just going to magically dissappear.

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Our proposed wall doesn't have land mines, and guard towers with machine guns.

If I had my way it would.

Like it or not, it is an International Border. Just because you have been able to jump back and forth across it doesn't mean everyone should. And we aren't trying to stop immigration. We are trying to stop ILLEGAL immigration and criminals from crossing. Most of the people who will be stopped by the wall won't be innocent people just trying to make a better life. Those people can go through immigration just like they always have and become citizens. It's the ones that have no interest in becoming citizens or integrating into our society that need to be stopped. No, the wall won't stop everyone just as the crossings don't stop everyone or all the drugs, but it will have a worthwhile impact. Well, it would if Biden wasn't such a fucking pussy piece of shit that he is willing to sell out the country to keep him and his liberal shitbags in power.
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