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So who's Trump's successor as Republican leader?

Sure thing "Boss-Boy". :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Reagan had common sense and tact, both of which Trump completely lacks.

You my idiot friend are a pig headed twit.

Thanks for backing my original post where I said "Reagan s delivery":rolleyes:

Their goals were the same. America and Freedom. Not the opposite as you suggested But go ahead and argue with that like a complete moron :homer:
They both loved deficit spending, but at least Ronnie could point to a halfway reasonable excuse for it.

If the corps and the **** actually make it into the Whitehouse do you really believe they are going to be the answer to the national debt and reduce it wildly with great policies???????

If the corps and the **** actually make it into the Whitehouse do you really believe they are going to be the answer to the national debt and reduce it wildly with great policies???????


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that comparing trump and reagan somehow included biden.

But just to humor you while you cry over russians err SOMEBODY stealing the election trump was entitled to win: they probably won't reduce it. We used to be able to count on the GOP to do that but they fucking failed again. I would love to see biden cut the deficit just to do something differently than trump but that's just a pipe dream.
You my idiot friend are a pig headed twit.

Thanks for backing my original post where I said "Reagan s delivery":rolleyes:

Their goals were the same. America and Freedom. Not the opposite as you suggested But go ahead and argue with that like a complete moron :homer:

You really are delusional comparing Reagan and Trump.
They both loved deficit spending, but at least Ronnie could point to a halfway reasonable excuse for it.

Which politicians did not like deficit spending???

Repugs are just as bad, and want big government also...at least for the last 30 yrs

But...when the wall came down in 1989....bush senior was starting to cut military spending...the pentagon was listing bases to start closing...due to Regan putting out the soviets
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize that comparing trump and reagan somehow included biden.

But just to humor you while you cry over russians err SOMEBODY stealing the election trump was entitled to win: they probably won't reduce it. We used to be able to count on the GOP to do that but they fucking failed again. I would love to see biden cut the deficit just to do something differently than trump but that's just a pipe dream.

I'd love to not see you shit up every political thread with your half baked theories and misinformation but that's an even bigger pipe dream.
The deficit issue is over. It is never going to be fixed or changed. Never going to be lowered or paid up. Never. Government just doesn't work that way and the USA has way too many leaches and politicians that cater to them. Its a lost cause.

Biden granting 11 million illegals citizenship is game, set and match. It aint coming back
Trump 2024! He can run again. Nikki as the VP

Necro... Haley is just another swamp creature... with a goohttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/nikki-haley-turns-on-donald-trump-her-main-rival-for-2024-gop-nomination/ar-BB1dDtBy?ocid=EMMX
d marketing machine.
The nuge

Dan is modern day John McCain.

he could have been good, but when it was time to make a choice he went with establishment Republicans.

and he’s the establishments fair haired boy..... and what’s worse is he’ll be there FOREVER. He’s not beatable.
The GOP will put up Ted Cruz is my bet. Not saying I want that, just guessing that's what will happen.

I think they would be afraid of someone smart like him, I want him on the SC where he can lecture constitution for the rest of his life. I'm ok with Desantis, Crenshaw, Owens, Rand. Where I want Trump is in the RNC chair holding the purse strings for all the down ballot candidates. He is he rightful head of the GOP whether they want him or not.
I don’t want another politician. I had zero issues with Trump. He did his job well. I wish he would have been more aggressive though.
It will have to be a woman.
By the next election the old potato will be done & the gop will be going up against a ‘woc’. Unless she bombs in the primaries again-
No to Ted Cruz
Trump would not get the nomination again from the republican party. Non of his kids would make the cut.

We need some new blood.
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