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So who's Trump's successor as Republican leader?


Dumber than I look
May 19, 2020
Member Number
The Northern Tundra
Who's going to be the next leader of the Republican Party? I'm thinking if they choose anyone remotely likeable to run against Joe (or Kamala) they have it in the bag next election.

Because choosing the leader of the world's most important superpower is obviously a popularity contest. Ability and achievements apparently don't matter :stirthepot:
One of Trumps kids. :smokin:

I was thinking about this when I saw that the race was close

It made me think, "oh if he loses we need to find a new guy, cuz he'll probly too old in 4 yrs and not want to run"

And it made me realize " oh if he wins.... We still need to find a new guy cuz he can't run again" :laughing:

Trump Jr jumped to mind

Dan Crenshaw
Jocko and Joe Rogan of course :laughing::laughing:​​​​​

How many trump's in a row before it turns into a ruling family??
I was thinking about this when I saw that the race was close

It made me think, "oh if he loses we need to find a new guy, cuz he'll probly too old in 4 yrs and not want to run"

And it made me realize " oh if he wins.... We still need to find a new guy cuz he can't run again" :laughing:

Trump Jr jumped to mind

Dan Crenshaw
Jocko and Joe Rogan of course :laughing::laughing:​​​​​

How many trump's in a row before it turns into a ruling family??

I was actually thinking his daughter would make a great candidate. She is sharp, has a great sense for business like her dad, is a woman (snowflakes would have a huge personal dilemma voting against a woman:laughing:) and is likeable. And as a bonus isn't bad to look at either.

Too many skeletens in the Trump family closet. We all know that a candidate must have a squeaky clean record like Joe, Hilllary.......Errr, shit......never mind
I was actually thinking his daughter would make a great candidate. She is sharp, has a great sense for business like her dad, is a woman (snowflakes would have a huge personal dilemma voting against a woman:laughing:) and is likeable. And as a bonus isn't bad to look at either.


Oh ya I forgot about her

She would actually be a really good pick

And she's :smokin:
They will fuck it up again and pick someone that is completely unlikable and has been in politics for 40 damn years. So, more of the fucking same.

I have been listening to Boyles on KNUS Denver going on about the stupidity of the CO repubs, picking the same kind of candidates over and over and seemingly never understanding why they have lost the state
Reasoning behind that statment?

Because they aren't Washingtonians in good standing, having said that I doubt that any of the kids will run. Will get the same old tired Rinos like McCain or Romeny, isn't there another Bushy or two floating around
Because they aren't Washingtonians in good standing

Exactly why I would vote for one of them. We need to stop voting in the life long politicians and start voting in more Trump type people. Nothing is ever going to change for the better doing the same ol, same ol...
Reasoning behind that statment?

because i support change.

regime change, climate change, whatever it may be.

there is plenty of family lines that run deep in american politics, sure trump is an outsider, his family can go ahead and stay on the outside, make absurd money and maybe send massive funds to 2A Foundation or orgranizing or some other type of activism. supporting people and buying seats in opposision to bloomberg or such and whatnot.
Because they aren't Washingtonians in good standing, having said that I doubt that any of the kids will run. Will get the same old tired Rinos like McCain or Romeny, isn't there another Bushy or two floating around

i'd gladly support an outsider, but that doens't mean i want a return to a Trump.
Exactly why I would vote for one of them. We need to stop voting in the life long politicians and start voting in more Trump type people. Nothing is ever going to change for the better doing the same ol, same ol...

because i support change.

You sure about that? Sounds like your good with the same old shit to me based on your post. :confused:
Rand Paul is a guy I would get excited [no homo] to see get some serious backing. I'm not sure he has the mass appeal for the twitter brained voters, or has gone full sell out for the big Republican machine though.
You sure about that? Sounds like your good with the same old shit to me based on your post. :confused:

because i don't want a trump dynasty in american politics? :rasta:

shake up the bag, race a new horse. paul isn't exactly the same old shit, even though he has been in office a while and run for pres unsuccessfully before
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