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So let's say they don't get a conviction on DJT.

So let's say they don't get a conviction on DJT.

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Roc Doc

May 20, 2020
Member Number
Way out West.
I personally don't think they will. Those are some pretty big allegations and considering they only have his ramblings to go on, I say no conviction .

So if I'm right, will DJT try and get back in the big chair?
I think they will convict him. They don’t give a crap about evidence. In fact I would say they convicted him before Biden took office. They were just waiting for anything. And now that they have the House and the Senate it will happen.
I personally don't think they will. Those are some pretty big allegations and considering they only have his ramblings to go on, I say no conviction .

So if I'm right, will DJT try and get back in the big chair?

I think no, he’ll push Don jr.
I think they will convict him. They don’t give a crap about evidence. In fact I would say they convicted him before Biden took office. They were just waiting for anything. And now that they have the House and the Senate it will happen.

Frank, I don't believe they have the 67 votes they need for a conviction. If it was a simple majority I'd say it'd be a done deal.
I personally don't think they will. Those are some pretty big allegations and considering they only have his ramblings to go on, I say no conviction .

So if I'm right, will DJT try and get back in the big chair?

At this point they're simply trying to get him to apologize.

That's the real poll. Will Trump cuck? Make that poll I'd like to see those opinions.

Will Trump back down and say that he was just a rambling old coot, or will he make the civic argument? I can't wait so much I don't even watch the news anymore.
It's political theater. The D's will run clips of this unConstitutionmal bullshit in their reelection campaigns. Hopefully the Rs that go along get thrown out on their keisters.
I forget where I read that if this failed, they were going for another amendment(13??) that had an obscure section for simple majority vote to prevent "insurrectionist" from holding public office. I'll see if I can track it down.

Duck search yielded:
section 3 of 14th amendment: 'states that no public official who has taken an oath to the Constitution may hold public office again after having “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”'
At this point they're simply trying to get him to apologize.

That's the real poll. Will Trump cuck? Make that poll I'd like to see those opinions.

Will Trump back down and say that he was just a rambling old coot, or will he make the civic argument? I can't wait so much I don't even watch the news anymore.

That would be a very lopsided poll. He'll never apologize, never has, never will.
Apologizing would be admission of guilt. He doesn't need to admit guilt since he didn't do what they are saying he did...

Well there's that too. DJT has a long history of trying to spin any outcome in his favor. Even if he loses he claims victory.
I forget where I read that if this failed, they were going for another amendment(13??) that had an obscure section for simple majority vote to prevent "insurrectionist" from holding public office. I'll see if I can track it down.

Duck search yielded:
section 3 of 14th amendment: 'states that no public official who has taken an oath to the Constitution may hold public office again after having “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”'

And now we know why they keep calling it an "insurrection" every fucking chance they get.

The shit that is going on in/with our government right now is soooo far fetched you couldn't even make this story up if you tried. This is the worst reality show i have ever seen.... :shaking:
I think no, he’ll push Don jr.

My money is on Ivanka making the run in 24. Donny Jr. is kind of soft when it boils down to it. Ivanka is a strong presence and personality and she doesn’t take shit from people at all. She is also more tactful and well spoken. Between the two Ivanka would get my vote.
And now we know why they keep calling it an "insurrection" every fucking chance they get.

The shit that is going on in/with our government right now is soooo far fetched you couldn't even make this story up if you tried. This is the worst reality show i have ever seen.... :shaking:

Yep, that is the exact reason they use it rather than "protest turned riot" which is probably the most accurate in terms of the 1% of people that actually broke stuff or entered the Capitol.

Even entered the Capitol or impeded Govt business isnt going to achieve what they want since it is not the first time either has happened.

I remember the day after when they tried out Coup on for size. I remember telling my wife it was the shittest coup ever since there were no guns used on the protesters side and it was clear they did not try to seize the Capitol and hold it for their own. I think insurrection is in the same vein.

They protested. Made their point. Took selfies and left in 90 min or less. Some extremists damaged things. But much less that the Fed building in Portland...

The fact that they are just rolling Jan 6th video as their "evidence " shows they have no case.
I don't want a president I can fap to. :cookie:





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My money is on Ivanka making the run in 24. Donny Jr. is kind of soft when it boils down to it. Ivanka is a strong presence and personality and she doesn’t take shit from people at all. She is also more tactful and well spoken. Between the two Ivanka would get my vote.

Another goal of impeachment 2.0 is maximum damage to the Trump brand. If/when either Trump offspring runs for office, they'll be referred to as son/daughter of the disgraced, twice-impeached President DJT, and countless other slanderous variations.
I forget where I read that if this failed, they were going for another amendment(13??) that had an obscure section for simple majority vote to prevent "insurrectionist" from holding public office. I'll see if I can track it down.

Duck search yielded:
section 3 of 14th amendment: 'states that no public official who has taken an oath to the Constitution may hold public office again after having “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”'

IMO they need a conviction to use that.
My money is on Ivanka making the run in 24. Donny Jr. is kind of soft when it boils down to it. Ivanka is a strong presence and personality and she doesn’t take shit from people at all. She is also more tactful and well spoken. Between the two Ivanka would get my vote.

Fuck that.

we need another political dynasty family like we need another impeachment hearing.
My money is on Ivanka making the run in 24. Donny Jr. is kind of soft when it boils down to it. Ivanka is a strong presence and personality and she doesn’t take shit from people at all. She is also more tactful and well spoken. Between the two Ivanka would get my vote.

Why do people want this country to be an oligarchy? Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s, Trumps....

Doesn’t the Republic deserve better than name recognition?
Why do people want this country to be an oligarchy? Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s, Trumps....

Doesn’t the Republic deserve better than name recognition?

Seriously this, wtf!?!?

do people actually unironically believe that DJT has a chance of winning this?
I think they will convict him. They don’t give a crap about evidence. In fact I would say they convicted him before Biden took office. They were just waiting for anything. And now that they have the House and the Senate it will happen.

This ☝🏻

They have to put on a good show so the sheeple will believe the propaganda they have been spewing for over four years
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