I broke my collar bone and sprained my ankle, badly. I don't remember how long it took to heal but it took me about a to get in my lifted k10. I didn't take any pain killers, was too scared to.Ribs suck. Nothing you can do but deal with it. This is my 3rd go-round. 1st time with 7 of em though. 1st time with a collarbone, apparently same thing, try not to move or sneeze and deal with it. Ribs have in the past started feeling pretty okish around week 4. We're on week 4 now and i just fucked everything beating the shit outtah that dog.
No checkup until end of Aug.
I sneezed for the first time yesterday. It went better than anticipated.
My dad broke his collar bone and 5 ribs across his back spent the night in the hospital laid low that weekend and was driving the C60 on Monday. The following week he was breaking concrete with a 10 lb sledgehammer with his good arm . He's too proud to take painkillers.
Hopefully recovery speeds up for you.