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land of corruption and control of the people
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Living in hell
listeing to jerry jeff walker double live gonzo.
in memory of his passing.
went opening of north new yuck gun season.
rained too farking hard, no deer moving.
​​​​​decided to come home. will go bow in the morning.

Spent most of the day cleaning stuff up in the shop and putting things back where they're supposed to be.
Just picked up a yard worth of sackcrete. Going to spent the rest of the evening building some forms and a little rebar for some steps coming out of my sliding glass doors along the back of my house. Hoping to get the mixing done in an hour or two before it gets warm out in the morning.
In, spent the day finishing most of the demo at my parents house for the upstairs reno/ADU conversion. Wife and kids were a huge help. Ran short on time to make it to the dump, so got everything but the framing torn out. Just plan on cutting that up to burn this winter anyway.

Came home, started a pot roast and am now just relaxing on the coach with the wife.
In early

I have to be at work at 0300 because of a couple of slackers with limited work ethics 😫

We went to look at travel trailers this morning, I think we’ve trimmed the list down to two. Unfortunately, no one has any inventory to buy right now

I finally got mom to write down her potato salad recipe. I made a batch this afternoon, if it comes out half as good as hers I’ll share the recipe :homer:

Unloaded a big turd of a lathe by hand, alone, this morning. Then picked up 100 1x6x12 from the sawmill and hand-bombed that into the basement of my rental house to dry over the winter (will be used to "barnwood" the basement of my home). Then picked up 52 2x6x10 to redeck my ice shack trailer. Then finished painting and getting the rental house ready for new tenants. Then played with my new lathe with my children, which involved opening the gearbox and seeing how all the shifting works. I was as excited as they were at watching gears work.

Picked up a bottle of clam juice to mix in my Coors light and make it palatable. Brisket for supper. About to play mario with the boy.
Watching B=J auction on TV....That girl at the end of the ramp is just poured into those leather pants.

In, dropped a pump in first thing this morning. Then had to go check out a pump that I have to pull next week. My last service call was a failed tank and pressure switch. I'm going to burn some tri tip and chicken breast for dinner.
In. Killed some time at discount tire only to leave without buying anything. Took the kid to the local pumpkin patch, bought $26 worth of pumpkins, and went out for lunch. Old dude who showed up at the patch was being a Karen about mask (not sure why, he doesn’t work there) even though it’s outdoor, and all groups were over 6’ from each other. Now drinking a beer and online shopping for rims and tires.

Did some chores. Figured I'll get a Ruger 10/22 from local gun shop, had to show dealer D.L. & fill out forms. About 5 minutes later, deal can't go forward cuz I got the "delayed" background check :confused: ... Even the guy next to me got same treatment but was a pistol.... Fuck you Gov. ****o for treating New York's Finest like 2nd class citizens.

Remember the first gunfight rule~
Guns only have 2 enemies: rust & politicians-

Did some chores. Figured I'll get a Ruger 10/22 from local gun shop, had to show dealer D.L. & fill out forms. About 5 minutes later, deal can't go forward cuz I got the "delayed" background check :confused: ... Even the guy next to me got same treatment but was a pistol.... Fuck you Gov. ****o for treating New York's Finest like 2nd class citizens.

Remember the first gunfight rule~
Guns only have 2 enemies: rust & politicians-

Don’t be upset I bought a 22 a month ago and I got delayed also. Seems the .gov is getting overwhelmed with all the gun purchases.

Spent the day re writing my resume and paying bills, check my bank acct. and was very pleasantly surprised.:smokin: Got my OG Coors iced up and thinking about cooking up some pork chops with mac and cheese or maybe rice for dinner. Gonna surf the interwebs till then looking for my next flip, so far not so good as everything's higher than giraffe pussy right now.
In. Got permission to hunt geese in a field close enough to home that if the turdburban breaks down I can light it on fire and walk home. New hunting clothes were delivered tonight, hopefully they keep me warm enough to sleep in a layout blind. Tacos for dinner, garbage on tv.

Picked up a bottle of clam juice to mix in my Coors light and make it palatable.

Which are you trying to make palatable with what? May I suggest pouring them both down the drain and drinking Hamms instead?
In. Got permission to hunt geese in a field close enough to home that if the turdburban breaks down I can light it on fire and walk home. New hunting clothes were delivered tonight, hopefully they keep me warm enough to sleep in a layout blind. Tacos for dinner, garbage on tv.

Which are you trying to make palatable with what? May I suggest pouring them both down the drain and drinking Hamms instead?

Oh my that is some nasty swill , I'll go PBR if I'm going to slum it.:beer:
In, didn't amount to much today. Tried to cut some lower control arm mounts for the front axle with my plasma cutter from a template, what a beotch! I am going to make them out or 1/4" steel with a skid on them. My press brake doesn't bend them properly, only one side then when doing the other side the previous side hits the press so it throws everything out of square, not sure if I can work around that or not.
Don’t be upset I bought a 22 a month ago and I got delayed also. Seems the .gov is getting overwhelmed with all the gun purchases.

I have been trying to buy a Mossberg (or Maverick) shotgun ever since this pandemic crap started, I don’t “need” one, I just want one for critters on the property

I think the “peaceful protests” in the (D) run cities has people freaking out causing a run on anything 2A
In. Few friends over. Made tacos and having a few beers.

My one kid less weekend night for the time being.
Unloaded a big turd of a lathe by hand, alone, this morning. Then picked up 100 1x6x12 from the sawmill and hand-bombed that into the basement of my rental house to dry over the winter (will be used to "barnwood" the basement of my home). Then picked up 52 2x6x10 to redeck my ice shack trailer. Then finished painting and getting the rental house ready for new tenants. Then played with my new lathe with my children, which involved opening the gearbox and seeing how all the shifting works. I was as excited as they were at watching gears work.

Picked up a bottle of clam juice to mix in my Coors light and make it palatable. Brisket for supper. About to play mario with the boy.

Chasing a liverwurst sammich with one of these right now.
In, didn't amount to much today. Tried to cut some lower control arm mounts for the front axle with my plasma cutter from a template, what a beotch! I am going to make them out or 1/4" steel with a skid on them. My press brake doesn't bend them properly, only one side then when doing the other side the previous side hits the press so it throws everything out of square, not sure if I can work around that or not.

Put a bend the center enough that when you form both 90° bends it doesn't crash. Then press the center bend back to flat.
In, tinkered with bikes here and there today, figured out why my new-to me Magna has compression issues on the front bank. Somehow all the other valves were way too tight, but this one the screw has fucked right off into the bottom end somehow. Other than that, I've been left unsupervised for the night, so far I've succeded in almost crashing the kid's 50 into the garage jackassing around in the driveway.
Chasing a liverwurst sammich with one of these right now.

The class bully in middle school grabbed my lunch out of my hand and looked inside. He pulled my sammich out of the bag, looked at me, then asked “wtf is this??”

I replied, “liverwurst and onions on dark rye...”. He handed everything back to me and never fucked with me again :laughing:
The class bully in middle school grabbed my lunch out of my hand and looked inside. He pulled my sammich out of the bag, looked at me, then asked “wtf is this??”

I replied, “liverwurst and onions on dark rye...”. He handed everything back to me and never fucked with me again :laughing:

Got a buddy that likes braunschweiger, onions, and pickled jalapenos. Wash that down with some cheap beer, the farts will clear a room.

Turdburban didnt want to start tonight. Got it running on some canned e, rough but cleared up. Moved the other truck while it was running, walking back it died and wont start. Wondering if the coil is crapping out
Got a buddy that likes braunschweiger, onions, and pickled jalapenos. Wash that down with some cheap beer, the farts will clear a room.

Turdburban didnt want to start tonight. Got it running on some canned e, rough but cleared up. Moved the other truck while it was running, walking back it died and wont start. Wondering if the coil is crapping out

What year?
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