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Small cell lung cancer


Well-known member
May 20, 2020
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Wifes sister went in the hospital last saturday with lots of pain and could not breathe. They drained 2 liters of fluid off of her lungs that day and have got clise to 5 liters total and still draining. Finally diagnosed with sclc. Brain scan came back clear today and she will start chemo in a couple of hours. Radiation and surgery are not options. Not sure how wide spread the cancer is yet.
Never had to deal with cancer with my friends or family. Not sure what to expect for her in the future or if there even is one. Last time i can remember her going to the doctor was when she had her son. He is 26 now.
Yes, fuck cancer.

We never had to deal with it either until just recently with my sister-in-law. Again, fuck cancer and good luck!
Fuck Cancer
Breast cancer seems to run in my mom's family, I have a cousin who is going through chemo now
Fuck Cancer.

My dad(73yrs old) was diagnosed with Large B Cell Lymphoma a couple weeks ago. Just got bone marrow biopsy results back and he has cancer there as well. He went through one round of chemo this past week and it kicked his ass. Hoping for a positive outcome for your sister in law. again, fuck cancer.
They had stopped chemo on my SIL a month or so ago. Neither type of chemo had killd the cancer, just kept it at bay. They started keytruda to possibly prolong her life. SHe had to go to doc today to get fluid off of her lung. Found the cancer had spread really bad, the keytruda is not helping at all.
Not sure on details right now, everyone is pretty upset and hard to ask any questions. Im guessing her time has come to weeks.
My wife is falling apart as her sister is her best friend, they do everything together.
Im not sure what to expect in the coming days or maybe weeks.
i know some of you guys have dealt with small cell lung cancer. I know she feels like she is suffocating now. This has got to be horrible for her.
How ugly is this going to be?
Fuck cancer! Stay strong for your wife but cry if you feel like it, don't hold shit in, I feel that is what cancer feeds off of, and FUCK CANCER
Not the update I was hoping for, man.

We lost my Father In Law to lung cancer 5 years ago. My Wife's family is very close, and I am close with them, so I know how difficult it is.

My best advice is to be prepared to be there for your Wife in any means possible. Be prepared to be a punching bag that can't do anything right. Be prepared to be the one that has to comfort her and tell her everything is going to be fine. Whatever you say to comfort her isn't going to be right, because "you don't know what its like". If you have kids, be prepared to pack them up and roll out if she "needs her space". Also be prepared to turn around and come home as fast as possible because she "can't be alone at a time like this".

I could go on and on. It sucks for everyone, and as the Man of the house, you have to be the strong one.

Another thing people don't talk about; if you and your SIL are close, be prepared to not have a chance to mourn. After his diagnosis, my FIL and I basically became best friends. He needed someone to get his bucket list in order, and I was the guy he did it with. I was also the one that took him to a lot of his treatments, so I saw every side of it. I got to know him more in his final years than I did the 15+ years of knowing him. It was awesome.

After we lost him, I spent so much time trying to take care of my Wife and MIL, I didn't have a chance to address my own feelings. About a month in, I basically lost my shit, and it all came out in one ugly, drama/tear filled, diarrhea of the mouth session. I guess what I'm saying is, don't let it get to that point.

Cancer fucking sucks, and it only seems to take the good ones. Keep your head up.
Getting my 13th infusion of Keytruda tomorrow for Lymphoma. It's primarily used for non small cell lung cancer but they are trying it for others. I'm in a trial using it on top of the primary med for CLL. Cant really give you any idea of the road ahead. I feel for you and the family, I have recognized the effects it's put on everyone around me and I'm actually in pretty good shape for the shape I'm in. God bless. Fuck cancer.
Not the update I was hoping for, man.

We lost my Father In Law to lung cancer 5 years ago. My Wife's family is very close, and I am close with them, so I know how difficult it is.

My best advice is to be prepared to be there for your Wife in any means possible. Be prepared to be a punching bag that can't do anything right. Be prepared to be the one that has to comfort her and tell her everything is going to be fine. Whatever you say to comfort her isn't going to be right, because "you don't know what its like". If you have kids, be prepared to pack them up and roll out if she "needs her space". Also be prepared to turn around and come home as fast as possible because she "can't be alone at a time like this".

I could go on and on. It sucks for everyone, and as the Man of the house, you have to be the strong one.

Another thing people don't talk about; if you and your SIL are close, be prepared to not have a chance to mourn. After his diagnosis, my FIL and I basically became best friends. He needed someone to get his bucket list in order, and I was the guy he did it with. I was also the one that took him to a lot of his treatments, so I saw every side of it. I got to know him more in his final years than I did the 15+ years of knowing him. It was awesome.

After we lost him, I spent so much time trying to take care of my Wife and MIL, I didn't have a chance to address my own feelings. About a month in, I basically lost my shit, and it all came out in one ugly, drama/tear filled, diarrhea of the mouth session. I guess what I'm saying is, don't let it get to that point.

Cancer fucking sucks, and it only seems to take the good ones. Keep your head up.

We are not really that close. Butted heads a few times over the years but thats because we are both stubborn sob’s. Her son is 26 and grew up with my 2 boys, pretty much another one of mine cause his dads a pos.
I just keep letting him know he is always welcome here at my house.
Very sorry to hear this. My wife went through it and made it just under a year before she passed. I won't go into any details about how it was for her. Still think about her every day, 7 1/2 years later, it really fucked me up in the head.
Not really sure words can express how i feel for you.
Stay strong, be there for your wife, but you'll need a time to morn to. Even if you weren't bestys, it sounds like you've been a part of each other's lives for a long time. Remember the good times, forget the bad. Good luck
Op ,just deal with it best you can......I have stage 4 esophagus cancer, been dealing with it for 1-1/2 years..It's very lethal and will kill me, maybe two years, maybe 4, no one knows. Nothing you can do but just keep moving...
Fuck cancer. Just be there for your wife.
Tonite my wifes sister and best friend is no longer suffering, there is no more pain.
Fuck cancer!
Wifes sister went in the hospital last saturday with lots of pain and could not breathe. They drained 2 liters of fluid off of her lungs that day and have got clise to 5 liters total and still draining. Finally diagnosed with sclc. Brain scan came back clear today and she will start chemo in a couple of hours. Radiation and surgery are not options. Not sure how wide spread the cancer is yet.
Never had to deal with cancer with my friends or family. Not sure what to expect for her in the future or if there even is one. Last time i can remember her going to the doctor was when she had her son. He is 26 now.

Yes it's on the internet but you wanted to talk about it so let's have the information:


I just checked the one place https://www.verywellhealth.com/small-cell-lung-cancer-survival-rates-2249295

These stats are usually very good from all the top search listings, I have no reason to believe verywellhealth isn't good here.

So it's not in her brain so it seems like it's a Localized or Regionalized. That means she has at least 43% chance of survival on those two. All Stages just means not classified so now it's 49.5%. She also survives under the Distant which it doesn't sound like it's 'metastisized', which is the word we were all trained to use over the last 40 years but now medicine is using 'Distant'.

She also qualifies as Unstaged/Unknown, so she has a >60% survival rate at the very least, notwithstanding the other caveats in the article which would tend to push survival UP, not down. These stats are REDUCTIVE, so it's firmly >60% worst case, judging from this one rough stat, from this one site, based on hundreds of other internet determinations.

So I did that busy work. Other than that fuck cancer, cancer did eat my mother first her body then her mind then her spirit, exactly as everyone says dramatically. I lifted her dead body onto the hospice gurney and she reminded me of a shock of corn from Halloween, weight and feel. So there's my support fuck that cancer.
Cancer brings on the suck, very sorry to hear about your SIL situation.
Be there for the wife as she will need all of the support you cam give her.

My wife recently had a second half of her thyroid gland removed due to cancer cell (she had initial portion removed four years ago or so - before we met). It was not fun watching her having her world shaken up again as she thought things were good, saw a doctor mere three months before they called her back in for additional tests.
Now she is starting second step of process and will be going through a Radioactive Iodine treatment as to kill off remaining cells following the surgery.
So sorry for your loss.
Lost my dad to lymphoma some 30 years ago and lost my mom to a brain tumor on Feb 7th this year :(
Vaya Con Dios
Lost my dad to abdominal cancer, 25 years ago. They found out he had it just long enough for him to get sick, less than 27 days latter he passed away. It was a rough time for us because Grandma passed away 21 days before, from old age.
My sincerest condolences to you and your wife, and your nephew.
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