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Silly season: Never heard of this guy. Vivek Ramaswamy Announces His 2024 Presidential Run


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May 19, 2020
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Mountainair, NM

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After lots of teasing over the last few months, tech entrepreneur and Woke, Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy has thrown his hat into the ring for a 2024 presidential run. Ramaswamy made his announcement on Tuesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Eliminate affirmative action. Dismantle climate religion. 8-year limits for federal bureaucrats. Shut down worthless federal agencies. Declare Total Independence from China. Annihilate the drug cartels. Make political expression a civil right. No CBDCs. Revive merit & excellence. pic.twitter.com/BnYcIBjxYr
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) February 22, 2023

The 2024 Republican presidential field got a little bigger on Tuesday after Vivek Ramaswamy launched his campaign for the White House during a live interview on Fox News.
The 37-year-old Ramaswamy, a frequent guest on Fox News, is a health care and tech sector entrepreneur, and an author known for his criticism of so-called “woke culture” and “woke capitalism.”
Ramaswamy made his long-anticipated announcement on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Tuesday, telling the host that the US is “in the middle of this national identity crisis.”
“We have celebrated our diversity and our differences for so long, that we forgot all of the ways we’re really just the same as Americans, bound by a common set of ideals that set this nation into motion 250 years ago,” Ramaswamy said, before making the big announcement.
“And that’s why I’m proud to say tonight that I am running for United States president, to revive those ideals in this country,” Ramaswamy told Carlson.
“Those basic rules of the road: meritocracy, the idea that you get ahead in this country, not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character. The idea that you are allowed to speak freely, yes to be wrong sometimes, as long as your neighbor gets the same courtesy in return. The idea that the people who we elect to run the government, by the way, are the people who actually run the government, basic rules of the road,” he added.

In a bench so far populated by fossils and Gen Xers, Ramaswamy is the first Millennial to declare his candidacy. So, just by virtue of his youth and his tech connections, he may have the Gen-Z sector on lock. And as an Indian American, he just cut into Ambassador Nikki Haley‘s narrative and demographic focus. Now that she’s been deemed past her prime by Don Lemon, she doesn’t have that much going for her.

But Ramaswamy is not without his detractors, and it didn’t take long for someone to draw first blood. Enter Human Events correspondent Jack Posobiec, accusing Ramaswamy of having ties to the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders.

How strange!
When you look at the WEF Young Global Leaders 2021 page today it appears a name has been scrubbed from the list
Be a shame if someone had receipts of the original list pic.twitter.com/yfxzONnPaa
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 22, 2023

Another commenter on Posobiec’s thread also accused Ramaswamy of being connected to the Paul & Daisy Soros Foundation.

Ramaswamy immediately pushed back, which could be a good sign of future presidential mettle.

Funny you should bring this up. The first chapter of my upcoming book in April has the “receipts” of my exchanges with the World Economic Forum years ago when they repeatedly kept trying to get me to be named. I gave them a polite “hell no.” Reveals the games that WEF plays. https://t.co/v5SVRr1p9z
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) February 22, 2023

Nobody has been working to dismantle the global WEF takeover more than me. You’re right over the target, stay on it. I’ll send you a signed book so you can learn more about it. It’s worse than you ever imagine. https://t.co/Anm9lSpjl6
— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) February 22, 2023

Ooh. #SickBurn.

While I don’t see 2024 being the free-for-all of candidates that we had in 2016, the amped atmosphere at every presidential announcement indicates it still promises to be a full slate of candidates with the highs, lows, and surprises that accompany this. Now that the Republican Party is no longer the endorsed source for vetting candidates, it’s up to the American people to run every one of them through the cycle and see whose colors don’t run.

With this announced candidacy, Vivek Ramaswamy’s time for vetting has come.

We Need to Talk About the Right-Wing Attacks on 2024 Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy​

By Bonchie | 9:00 AM on February 22, 2023

As RedState reported on Tuesday evening, the Republican race for the White House in 2024 has a new entrant. Wealthy entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who has made nationalism his chief argument, announced he’s entering the race, which currently contains Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, though many more are likely to get in soon enough.

Here’s what that looked like before we get to the meat of the attacks now being levied against him.

Immediately, despite Ramaswamy obviously being an ideological ally as a nationalist, some on the right (specifically trying to boost Donald Trump) began to spread insinuations about the businessman. One of those is that he’s part of a globalist conspiracy via the World Economic Forum.

Vivek was WEF classmates with none other than Ibram X Kendi
Simulation confirmed pic.twitter.com/zrsi8X9A48
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 22, 2023

So is Ramaswamy actually a shill for the WEF despite having positioned himself as a nationalist, anti-woke crusader during his career? There’s no actual evidence of that, and citing the fact that he was part of the organization’s Young Global Leaders list shows a profound misunderstanding or purposeful misrepresentation of what that means.

Ramaswamy did not sign up to be on that list. As far as I can tell, he never endorsed his joining it either. Rather, anyone can nominate anyone to be chosen, and the list itself is at least ostensibly non-political, being populated by business leaders and those who make a name doing charity work. For example, Tulsi Gabbard has made the list despite spending her time in the public eye fighting foreign interventions and the prospect of global governance.

Then there’s the clear insinuation that Ramaswamy is actually being pushed by George Soros.

Soros Fellowship for New Americans — Vivek Ramaswamy Meet the Fellows | Vivek Ramaswamy
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) February 22, 2023

In the wake of that, the internet lit up with claims Ramaswamy is actually a Soros plant. Is that true? Again, the answer is no. Rather, Ramaswamy was given a scholarship by the Paul and Daisey Soros Foundation back in 2011. Those scholarships are not political and are given to first and second-generation immigrants (Ramaswamy’s parents came from India). Ramaswamy would go on to earn his law degree with that money.

The obvious retort would be that somehow Ramaswamy is beholden to George Soros given he received a scholarship from his brother’s foundation. But that makes little sense given the presidential candidate is now worth $500 million dollars. Somehow, I doubt a scholarship over a decade ago has any influence over him.

Finally, I’d like to point out how hypocritical this is. Donald Trump (and this isn’t a critique but an observation) was deeply embedded in elite circles before he ran for president. He donated to Kamala Harris, went to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding, and had many associations that were no better than those being alleged about Ramaswamy. The right should have consistent standards instead of picking and choosing when to apply these purity tests.

I don’t know much about Ramaswamy except that I think his candidacy is pointless so I didn’t write this to boost him. I simply felt compelled to lay out the facts because some of the attacks being levied from certain parts of the right are dishonest. We should be better than that. If one doesn’t like Ramaswamy, they should point out the policies he promotes that they disagree with. This conspiratorial game of insinuation being played is garbage.
Ruschni zunak or whatever the fuck his name is ...

All hail the new pres. Of course after the first female black pres...
OK. :flipoff2: Heard it. But it was hard, I was spellbound, fixated on her man-throat and the fantasy that she was a snake with an unhinging lower jaw that swallowed endless cawk and semen. Her intro, her own words fit her to a T. Politics is a shitty business, what a cawk swallowing nasty bitch. She sounds worse now, like some voice over in a Disney cartoon with an evil half reptile witch.

Do you watch Mark Simone or was that a Splib education search ? :flipoff2:
I saw the Tucker "announcement". The guy actually had ALOT of good things to say. My thought is he's being used by the Party to bring up a lot of topics and force the other potential candidates to take a side on each subject.
I dont know if it works that way but sure makes sense . . . .
Starting a presidential campaign that you will almost certainly lose is a great way to drum up publicity or money. Worst case you actually win and then you are stuck doing the job and get impeached two or three times:lmao:

That is exactly what happened to Trump in 2016. IMO he got into the race to enhance his status as a celebrity / ego trip, and no one was more surprised than him when he won.
Unless Trump dies he's the Republican candidate. DeSantis is the only one with any real chance and he doesn't want that smoke. I'll honestly be surprised if he even declares. He has a good thing going on Florida and is young enough to wait Trump out. He doesn't have to run in '24. I honestly think he was waiting to see how many of these no chance dipshits would throw their hat in the ring. Trump is gonna get roughly 50% of the primary vote. Their can't be a fractured primary and Trump not be the winner. Yeah, these dipshits have no chance but they'll all grab 2, 3, maybe 5 or 6% each of the vote and those votes won't be coming off of Trump's tally. The only shot DeSantis has is if it's one on one. He can't win a fractured primary and I think he knows that.
Unless Trump dies he's the Republican candidate. DeSantis is the only one with any real chance and he doesn't want that smoke. I'll honestly be surprised if he even declares. He has a good thing going on Florida and is young enough to wait Trump out. He doesn't have to run in '24. I honestly think he was waiting to see how many of these no chance dipshits would throw their hat in the ring. Trump is gonna get roughly 50% of the primary vote. Their can't be a fractured primary and Trump not be the winner. Yeah, these dipshits have no chance but they'll all grab 2, 3, maybe 5 or 6% each of the vote and those votes won't be coming off of Trump's tally. The only shot DeSantis has is if it's one on one. He can't win a fractured primary and I think he knows that.

Kasich all over again.
haven't finished the interview yet... but I don't dislike this guy.

No written speech… no teleprompter…. Everything sounds good to me….
Especially against any candidates I’ve seen since maybe Reagen!!!!!

But won’t make the debates!!!!!
Can’t even stay in front of trumpys on here….. “will trump get arrested” on page one…..(who gives a fuck!!!!) this one on page 4-5!!!!

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