Shop Safety - Parts Washer - Mineral Spirits - Heat Question


Web wheeler
Jun 6, 2020
Member Number
I am using a parts washer in a tent garage. It's averaging 32C (90F) right now, flash point on the product is 43C (109F)

The inside of the tent gets significantly hotter than outside... I haven't checked but I'd bet it's a good 10C difference. Basically I can't work in there with the door down and I don't want to especially using the parts washer because of the fumes.

Should I be draining the parts washer in these extreme temperatures? The fluid was quite warm today, like coffee that has been sitting for 10 minutes warm. I've pondered about using something a bit more eco-friendly
I used kerosene running through a coffee maker heater, No worries about kabooms.
I used kerosene running through a coffee maker heater, No worries about kabooms.

Just because you're not worried does not mean it isn't an issue. :lmao:

However, as long as OP's parts washer has the lid down on it, it likely will not present any hazard.

I looked into the water based options and there's a lot of them, but it's hard to say what is the best. Apparently Wurth sells something that's pretty good.
I wouldn't worry about it other than putting the lid down when not in use as mentioned above. The Mineral spirits ought to cut crud really well being that warm!
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