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Seattle to homless camp in Cal Anderson Park

There is a small homeless camp that I pass on the way to work each morning. Been there about a year now. 8-10 tents, trash and shit everywhere.

I drove by yesterday and there was a crew in there moving shit, rakes, etc. All in full biosuits. Two uniformed officers on overwatch it looked like.

Next day, same tents. 10-15 guys homeless guys out and about smoking by a fire (mind you that this is the middle of the city). Same tents still there but the area was all cleaned up. :homer::homer:
I was soured on them, really pissed when our drill crews couldn't even do a site recon because of the potential for being stabbed, PIT BULLS and the syringes not to mention the raw turds. Bio contaminated site. Fucking insane to allow this. This is not the result of Dr prescribing Oxy coton or whatever the fuck it is.
Question- if you kick the homeless camp out of somewhere, where does it go? It's not like these people suddenly go "well shit, I guess i better go buy a house!".
That place is far more than a tent city. It's a budding slum.
Question- if you kick the homeless camp out of somewhere, where does it go? It's not like these people suddenly go "well shit, I guess i better go buy a house!".

You can hardly take your kids to the park in Seattle or the surrounding areas because of of the massive bum population. I applaud them doing SOMETHING, even if it just moves them to a less public place. Parks are for public enjoyment and recreation, not dopers.
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There is a small homeless camp that I pass on the way to work each morning. Been there about a year now. 8-10 tents, trash and shit everywhere.

I drove by yesterday and there was a crew in there moving shit, rakes, etc. All in full biosuits. Two uniformed officers on overwatch it looked like.

Next day, same tents. 10-15 guys homeless guys out and about smoking by a fire (mind you that this is the middle of the city). Same tents still there but the area was all cleaned up. :homer::homer:

That's about all they do. See it here, couple guys in a truck show up and rake up all the garbage, load up all the shopping carts, they're back by the end of the week. It is amazing the way that a bum can absolutely trash a couple hundred square feet of ground in an hour or less. There are businesses/contractors that specialize in cleaning these sites up around here.
Only 4x4s and dirt bikers get lands closed, havent you been following?

They had a camp on the San Joaquin river close to me and caused it to be gated off... while 4x4s and ohv have been going there for years with minimal issues.

But I know what you mean.
Question- if you kick the homeless camp out of somewhere, where does it go? It's not like these people suddenly go "well shit, I guess i better go buy a house!".

Fuck those zombies. They're a criminal threat to be chased off or locked up. If they choose to behave like civilized humans, they won't be a threat to normal people, and they won't be harassed. Living in a tent and shitting on the sidewalk are not the same thing.

Here's my usual cut/paste for the FB whiners. I need to update it to reflect the two bums fucking on a picnic table beside the busy road 100 feet from my house last summer. "Hey Dad, what are they doing?" "Wrestling, honey."

Meanwhile, as a taxpayer and resident of Midtown/Spenard, I'll continue to be furious with the filth who was waving his dick at my 9yo daughter, who shit on my doorstep at work, who steals anything from my yard that's not locked, who breaks in to my vehicles with a prybar to sleep off a drunk, and who frightens my wife and kid by aggressively stumbling around our fenced yard while naked.
Wonder how much the city (I mean the taxpayers) payed that lady to settle out of court for squatting in the city park?

it's just amazing, isn't it? she'll be able to buy so much meth. my god, she could share the wealth and kill off half that camp with the drugs they could buy in just a few days!
it's just amazing, isn't it? she'll be able to buy so much meth. my god, she could share the wealth and kill off half that camp with the drugs they could buy in just a few days!

No time for talking, I'm packing the RV to head down there now.

No time for talking, I'm packing the RV to head down there now.

No time for talking, I'm packing the RV to head down there now.


I’ll see you guys up there.... what’s the secret Irate handshake again?


Question- if you kick the homeless camp out of somewhere, where does it go? It's not like these people suddenly go "well shit, I guess i better go buy a house!".

It goes back to where it always was. Before you came along, it was there. After you are gone, it will still be there.
That's where it's always been and always will be.

Out of sight, away from children.

In the forest, or by the railroad tracks, or other ditches and places where everyday people don't frequent. The way it's always been.
Fuck those zombies. They're a criminal threat to be chased off or locked up. If they choose to behave like civilized humans, they won't be a threat to normal people, and they won't be harassed. Living in a tent and shitting on the sidewalk are not the same thing.

Here's my usual cut/paste for the FB whiners. I need to update it to reflect the two bums fucking on a picnic table beside the busy road 100 feet from my house last summer. "Hey Dad, what are they doing?" "Wrestling, honey."

Meanwhile, as a taxpayer and resident of Midtown/Spenard, I'll continue to be furious with the filth who was waving his dick at my 9yo daughter, who shit on my doorstep at work, who steals anything from my yard that's not locked, who breaks in to my vehicles with a prybar to sleep off a drunk, and who frightens my wife and kid by aggressively stumbling around our fenced yard while naked.

You, sir, are a saint. I praise your self restraint and hope I could keep such a cool head in such a situation.
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Fuck those zombies. They're a criminal threat to be chased off or locked up. If they choose to behave like civilized humans, they won't be a threat to normal people, and they won't be harassed. Living in a tent and shitting on the sidewalk are not the same thing.

Here's my usual cut/paste for the FB whiners. I need to update it to reflect the two bums fucking on a picnic table beside the busy road 100 feet from my house last summer. "Hey Dad, what are they doing?" "Wrestling, honey."

I was hoping an Alaskan would chime in. I hated going into Anchorage when I lived there. You know the grove of trees heading towards downtown on Seward Hwy as you cross Northern Lights? I saw a bum bent over taking a shit right next to the road, like actually seeing shit fall from his ass. Bums ruin that place. Everywhere you look, more shit, more piss, more stumbling yelling deranged junkies. I would fall asleep smiling if every single one of those pieces of shit got mowed down with a snowplow
Fuck those zombies. They're a criminal threat to be chased off or locked up. If they choose to behave like civilized humans, they won't be a threat to normal people, and they won't be harassed. Living in a tent and shitting on the sidewalk are not the same thing.

Here's my usual cut/paste for the FB whiners. I need to update it to reflect the two bums fucking on a picnic table beside the busy road 100 feet from my house last summer. "Hey Dad, what are they doing?" "Wrestling, honey."

Theres homeless in Alaska? Seriously?? I would have never guessed.

If thats the case, why not pop the dipshits on your property and haul them out into the woods for the bears?

If I lived in some place rural like that, 100% I would be doing this. #Feedlocalwildlife
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Theres homeless in Alaska? Seriously?? I would have never guessed.

If thats the case, why not pop the dipshits on your property and haul them out into the woods for the bears?

If I lived in some place rural like that, 100% I would be doing this. #Feedlocalwildlife

You realize Anchorage has a population of 300k don't you? Not exactly "rural" . :lmao:
Question- if you kick the homeless camp out of somewhere, where does it go? It's not like these people suddenly go "well shit, I guess i better go buy a house!".

They go where some dumb asses will let them get comfortable. You have to keep them moving and miserable until they either get help or off themselves.

Personally. I like to go to my parks. I like not worrying if my wife or granddaughters are going to be mugged, raped or murdered should they go bike riding without me. I enjoy a commute without seeing piles of trash piling up blowing all over my city. It's nice not seeing people pissing and shitting in the streets whilst shooting the drug of choice. I remember a time like this in my town is little as ten years ago.

Fuck You directly in your ass then straight into your giant cum stained mouth if you think otherwise you liberal retarded piece of shit.
If thats the case, why not pop the dipshits on your property and haul them out into the woods for the bears?

What could go wrong. :laughing: Nah....just keep them moving. The problem starts when your local retard sheds a tear and gives them a fucking meal , clothes and a tarp.

Dip shits around here saw that they were burning down their tents with candles (as if they were just trying to read books or fill out resumes) :rolleyes:.... more like cooking drugs with them but whatever.... so what did they do? ...Yeah gave them flashlights. :mad3: Now they can steal your shit in the night a little easier... Oh fuck ... don't get me started. This shit is just retarded.
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Fuck You directly in your ass then straight into your giant cum stained mouth if you think otherwise you liberal retarded piece of shit.

My question wasn't antagonistic, and it wasn't even arguing that they shouldn't be kicked out of the park. The whooshing noise you heard was my point that just busting up a homeless camp doesn't fix the problem, flying right over your conservative retarded piece of shit's head.

When you kick them out, they just become somebody else's problem. Thinking that keeping them moving until they either get help or off themselves is a viable solution has got to be the most short sighted answer I have heard in a long time. Cities have been trying that solution for decades and guess what? We still have a homeless problem in the US. Shit, in my area, the city of Santa Cruz, the city of Monterey, and the city of Salinas have been shuffling the same homeless people around between them like musical chairs for years. One city rounds them all up and busses them off to the other's city limits where they hang out for a while, then after they become a problem, that city rounds them up and busses them off to another, and around and around it goes.

So every time I see someone celebrating that they "kicked the homeless out", I roll my eyes.. Because if you just kicked them out, they'll be back some day.

Care to try again smarty pants?
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